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2015-2016 B1G Men's Basketball

And dear God Costello was completely over the top annoying too. They acted like they won the damn NCAA title last night.
I was at the game courtesy of some Sparty friends and I said the same thing to them. A little much for a regular season win. Costello should be called for traveling every time he makes a move with the ball. He is a definite feet shuffler. One thing I observed is that MSU has a definite crowd advantage with the way the arena and seating has been done. The students occupy the entire lower bowl and it is deafening.
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Should be some exciting basketball in East Lansing this afternoon.

Think Sparty is a bad matchup for an Indiana team like tends to play fast-and-stupid (turnovers and bad shots). Those things lead to quick points for Izzo's squad on the other end- they do a great job of pushing the ball and punishing bad play.
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Should be some exciting basketball in East Lansing this afternoon.

Think Sparty is a bad matchup for an Indiana team like tends to play fast-and-stupid (turnovers and bad shots). Those things lead to quick points for Izzo's squad on the other end- they do a great job of pushing the ball and punishing bad play.
This is why I am smart and you guys should listen to me about basketball. :bonk:

IU up 9 at MSU
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