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2014 TSUN Football News

To be barbie to herbie's ken.

So, are you claiming that when Desmond isn't at home, Herbie sneaks into his closet and tries on his clothes*?

(*Always the theory around our house about the actual Ken.)

So, are you claiming that when Desmond isn't at home, Herbie sneaks into his closet and sniffs his panties*?

(*Always the theory around our house about the actual Ken.)

Ummmm...Sparcboxbuck, Ken. Ken, Sparcboxbuck. I don't believe you've met.


I'd bet good money that the solitary concern Ken has ever had regarding Barbie's panties was whether or not the lavender ones were available in his size.
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I'm certain that it was Howard's way of putting Ohio State at 6. Couldn't bring himself to insert the logo so he put Michigan's in there instead.

He knows about Michigan. They all do. Creeping into irrelevance.
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I'm certain that it was Howard's way of putting Ohio State at 6. Couldn't bring himself to insert the logo so he put Michigan's in there instead.

He knows about Michigan. They all do. Creeping into irrelevance.

They aren't "creeping" into shit.

This fall they begin the 8th campaign since Appy State. The High schol senior class of 2015 were in the 3rd grade when #2 scUM lost to OSU in 06 marking the last time that program has been anywhere in a four digit grid zone proximity to relevant.

They are a cheap replica of Notre Dame's demise at this point, roughly at the "Bob Davie" stage on the "how a series of bad coaching hires can destroy a program" scale. With the pizza man in charge odds are high that they are headed for the Ty Willingham/Charlie Weis stages next.

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Outside of Harbaugh and Miles, who have both rejected Michigan advances numerous times already (speaking of Ken, didn't he call Miles to UM like a big shot with connections only to fall flat on his face?), is there a single good HC prospect out there with any connections to the school whatsoever?

At this point they'd probably need to go after an OSU guy like Hazell or Fickell or try to lure Tressel out of retirement to recapture any sort of Schembechler Michigan man mojo.

Except for maybe Hazell, who hasn't exactly been lighting the world on fire at Purdue, I don't see that happening either.
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