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2014 TSUN Football News

Lots of hand wringing going on in this thread...


Apparently, the OL is still an enormous concern as there's still a lot of shuffling going on. Two weeks before kickoff, and a true frosh (Mason Cole) is taking 95% of the reps at LT. Yikes.

Picture of one Joseph Bosa while reading that

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I believe that 2006 was the last time an Ohio State senior started at quarterback against Michigan.
2007 was Todd Boeckman (jr)
2008-2010 was Pryor (fr-jr)
2011-2013 was Miller (fr-jr)
2014 remains to be seen, but it may be 2016 when Jones is a senior that that's the next time a senior starts at quarterback against Michigan, or 2017 when Barrett is a senior.
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