Thanks Nation. Should have taken the advice and put a few $$ on Germany, stuck to Muller not scoring on the other hand and had a pretty good payday.
To EACH and EVERY one of you who has posted in this thread since the onset of this tournament, I'd like to give you ALL a big'ol

I was on vacation from June 20th thru July 1st, and pretty much spent every day following this tournament. Alot of americans view soccer as "boring" due to the lack of "points" being put on the board. I think about this view, then I think about how many years I've defended baseball on TV which many view as "boring" as well. Hell, I love watching a 1-0 Pitchers duel as much as a 12-10 slugfest. "Futbol" is a different game than our Big 4 here in the USA, but over the course of the past 8-9 months I've really and truly grown to not only appreciate it, but to enjoy it as well. Last summer, I had no idea who Lionel Messi was. Honest to Christ. Now, its midnight on a sunday night and I'm wathcing an MLS game between Seattle and Portland WITH INTEREST because Dempsey and Yedlin are both "out on the pitch" (which not too long ago I would only say when a batter struck out).
Anyway, thanks to all for your wonderful input, and In particular to jlb1705 for keeping the interest alive for a compulsive sportsbook bettor like myself. Dude selflessy had to have put so much of his time into putting these things together.
Peace, to each and every one of you. And as always:
GO BUCKEYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!