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2012 Spring Game - Sat, April 21, 1:30 ET

HorseshoeFetish;2145027; said:
Have I mentioned how awesome this is...I'm even getting out of all my chores today...of course my girl keeps saying things like "How do I turn this on?" e.g. the riding mower, weed eater, roto tiller!
" Don't talk to me when the Buckeyes are playing, Woman", now go get me a beer and be quick about it.
This usually works for me.
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1st Half Impressions

Both QB's have looked good
Hyde is going to be a monster
Very impressed with Dunn
Thomas will be the "go to guy" in the passing game
Really like how the Scarlet OL looks
Passing game will be light years ahead of last year

Love, love, love spending the day watching my BUCKS!!!

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scarletngray;2145038; said:
1st Half Impressions

Both QB's have looked good
Hyde is going to be a monster
Very impressed with Dunn
Thomas will be the "go to guy" in the passing game
Really like how the Scarlet OL looks
Passing game will be light years ahead of last year

Love, love, love spending the day watching my BUCKS!!!


If I might add to this..Our first team O and D should be pretty darn good. Hyde and Dunn will punish defenses.
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scarletngray;2145038; said:
1st Half Impressions

Both QB's have looked good
Hyde is going to be a monster
Very impressed with Dunn
Thomas will be the "go to guy" in the passing game
Really like how the Scarlet OL looks
Passing game will be light years ahead of last year

Love, love, love spending the day watching my BUCKS!!!


Braxton looking much more comfortable throwing the short ball. Going to see a ton of growth from him as the season rolls along. Guiton looks good as well but isn't getting much protection so he's been forced to really let it go in a hurry. The one time he had time to throw, he hit Smith for the TD. I agree with both Hyde and Dunn looking good...not many attempts but those guys both looking strong and hungry. Vannett made a few catches at TE...more proof that Stoney is going to have some fun this season.

Go Bucks!
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