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2012 Spring Game - Sat, April 21, 1:30 ET

MSURacerDT55;2144949; said:
who are the recruits that are here today?

CB Eli Woodard (commit)
CB Cam Burrows (commit)
S Jayme Thompson (commit)
DL Tracy Sprinkle (commit)
OL Evan Lisle (commit)
TE Mike Heuerman
LB Alex Anzalone

DB Jerome Lane
OT Dylan Wiseman
DE/OLB Lewis Neal
LB Courtney Love
LB Tim Kimbrough
DT Maurice Hurst Jr.
WR James Quick

RB Corey Clement
DT Toney Porter
OL Kyle Meadows
DB Reon Dawson
ATH Caleb Day
ATH Ryan Timmons
RB William Houston
QB Mitch Trubisky
DL Joey Bosa
DB/LB Chris Worley
DL Elijah Daniel
RB Derrick Green
WR Corey Smith (JuCo)
Armani Reeves (2012)
Cam Williams (2012)
Noah Spence (2012)
Frank Epitropoulos (2012)
De'Van Bogard (2012)
Adolphus Washington (2012)
Jamal Marcus (2012)
Najee Murray (2012)
Warren Ball (2012)
David Perkins (2012)
Pat Elflein (2012)
Kyle Dodson (2012)
Blake Thomas (2012)
QB Drew Barker (2014)
WR Dominique Booth (2014)
ATH Dareian Watkins (2014)
DB Devon Rogers (2014)
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