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2011 SEC Football Discussion

NFBuck;1968354; said:
Arky's Nile Davis out for the year with an ankle injury.


That sucks. Good back.

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SmoovP;1968471; said:
A distinction without difference.
No. It is a HUGE difference. Music, culture, religion, cuisine, outlook on life, etc.

A day spent in Shreveport or Monroe will be the longest year of your life.

It's a Hell of a lot more fun to live South of I-10.*

( * I know, Ville Platte and Mamou are North of the Interstate - as are my coon-ass ex-relatives in Arnaudville and Bunkie. But it is a good dividing line from the Dry County Baptists up North and the Cajun Catholics passing a good time down South)
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So, SEC folks. How do you think Kragthorpe's departure impacts LSU this season? I've seen that they are a bit of a media darling/sleeper NC pick. I just don't see it...before they lost Krag...I mean, Jordan Jefferson? Isn't he pretty terrible? He was when I saw them the past couple of seasons, anyway...
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NFBuck;1968573; said:
So, SEC folks. How do you think Kragthorpe's departure impacts LSU this season? I've seen that they are a bit of a media darling/sleeper NC pick. I just don't see it...before they lost Krag...I mean, Jordan Jefferson? Isn't he pretty terrible? He was when I saw them the past couple of seasons, anyway...

I don't think it's really a 'departure'. He stepped down from the OC spot but he's still the QB coach, from what I saw a few days ago.
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NFBuck;1968573; said:
So, SEC folks. How do you think Kragthorpe's departure impacts LSU this season? I've seen that they are a bit of a media darling/sleeper NC pick. I just don't see it...before they lost Krag...I mean, Jordan Jefferson? Isn't he pretty terrible? He was when I saw them the past couple of seasons, anyway...

It's hard to say.

It was his first year in the first place, he was kind of damaged goods from his disaster in Louisville in the second place, and having never coached in the SEC in the third place, it's impossible to know what his possible impact would have been had he stayed on as OC.

But if he can turn Jordan Jefferson into a QB who simply throws more TDs than INTs, it'll be a step in the right direction.
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Bill Lucas;1968611; said:
Oh brother.

It's a valid point in that he has no recruiting history to the region, no relationships with anyone in the region and hasn't been that successful on the lower levels he's coached at.

And you'd say the same thing if he showed up as OC at OSU.
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SmoovP;1968616; said:
It's a valid point in that he has no recruiting history to the region, no relationships with anyone in the region and hasn't been that successful on the lower levels he's coached at.

And you'd say the same thing if he showed up as OC at OSU.

Neither did Saban, Meyer or Miles and it seems that they've done all right.
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buckeyescott11;1968557; said:
Oh, how so?

couple of ways.

1st off, gators rarely fight like that. they usually can be pulled up slowly, then shot without much of a tussle.

2nd, Troy is rich. Has been since before this show was ever even thought of. Dude is one of the biggest Crawfish exporters in the state.

3rd, them guys with the long white beards, don't live out in the swamp and live off the land. they actually live not very far from Baton Rouge, and a bayou passes through their community. They have regular jobs too. One of them even runs a concrete or construction company.

4th, half of them gators is not nearly as big as they say they are. plus a lot of times, you'll see them fighting a gator with a small head, and after it's dead, they pull up some massive beast.

RJ and Jay Paul are from only about 10-15 north of me. I don't know either of them personally, but had heard of them before hand. Let's just say they ain't all "indian pride" and "spiritual" as they make themselves out to be.

Willie supposedly never even drove the boat until last season (in his mid to late 20's)?!!? I got no proof, but I'm calling bullshit on it.
Him suddenly running his own boat and crew this year confirms those suspicions.

Joe and Tommy always bickering?
They chum it up pretty good together on their celebrity tour down here.

NFBuck;1968573; said:
So, SEC folks. How do you think Kragthorpe's departure impacts LSU this season? I've seen that they are a bit of a media darling/sleeper NC pick. I just don't see it...before they lost Krag...I mean, Jordan Jefferson? Isn't he pretty terrible? He was when I saw them the past couple of seasons, anyway...

Shouldn't be a huge change.
Studrawa is going to take over as OC. He was the O-Line coach before.
O-Line and OC work more closely together than any other 2 positions on offense, so it should be a smooth transition.
Plus, both will be in the booth together, so it won't be a huge change for them.

I'm more interested in seeing if he can turn JJ from the worst QB in the SEC (bottom handful in country) into merely a mediocre QB. Anything above that will be gravy.
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Nutriaitch;1968662; said:
couple of ways.

1st off, gators rarely fight like that. they usually can be pulled up slowly, then shot without much of a tussle.

2nd, Troy is rich. Has been since before this show was ever even thought of. Dude is one of the biggest Crawfish exporters in the state.

3rd, them guys with the long white beards, don't live out in the swamp and live off the land. they actually live not very far from Baton Rouge, and a bayou passes through their community. They have regular jobs too. One of them even runs a concrete or construction company.

4th, half of them gators is not nearly as big as they say they are. plus a lot of times, you'll see them fighting a gator with a small head, and after it's dead, they pull up some massive beast.

RJ and Jay Paul are from only about 10-15 north of me. I don't know either of them personally, but had heard of them before hand. Let's just say they ain't all "indian pride" and "spiritual" as they make themselves out to be.

Willie supposedly never even drove the boat until last season (in his mid to late 20's)?!!? I got no proof, but I'm calling bull[Mark May] on it.
Him suddenly running his own boat and crew this year confirms those suspicions.

Joe and Tommy always bickering?
They chum it up pretty good together on their celebrity tour down here.

Interesting, I still really enjoy the show even if it's not all truly real.
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