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2011 SEC Football Discussion

This might be jumping the gun but it's a list of the top 10 things SEC fans should know about Texas A&M: (It came from a Texas Tech Fan)

10) After the first home game that Aggies visit your stadium , you will know why we teach our beginner drivers to stay the hell away from maroon cars in Texas.

9) You should probably hire Mike Leach as a consultant just for the ATM game. He is the equivalent of Bruce Lee ripping out their heart and then showing it to them.

8) Document your post game on field celebrations, they will take license with what happens there

7) That's really their cheerleaders....the creepy dudes in the white overalls that are way to comfortable spooning with each other. They think its a cool tradition not to have hot southern girls in tight uni's.

6) Get use to this....Next year is our championship year. They corner the market on delusion.

5) Did you ever have a stalker girlfriend in college? Have you ever met a university that puts their 'rival' in their fight song? This is the intellect you are dealing with now...have fun.

4) They really do a tremendous job of networking with each other. But then again so does Al Qaeda and Amway.

3) Don't try to keep up with their odd traditions, think of them as the Moonies. If that damn mascot dog farts, its 20 push ups for anyone in the vicinity. I took license, but you will see how odd the traditions are.

2) Do you enjoy a good laugh? Listen to their home radio broadcast sometime when they are playing your team. Dave South makes Baghdad Bob seem objective.

1) If you don't tell them any different, they are likely to gameplan the whole year against Tennessee. They will see the orange and hear you refer to them as UT....and well, that will send them over the edge.
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TexasBuck;1977716; said:
5) Did you ever have a stalker girlfriend in college? Have you ever met a university that puts their 'rival' in their fight song? This is the intellect you are dealing with now...have fun.

Funny that this is probably coming from Longhorn fans given the lyrics of THEIR fight song.
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TexasBuck;1977716; said:
6) Get use to this....Next year is our championship year. They corner the market on delusion.

5) Did you ever have a stalker girlfriend in college? Have you ever met a university that puts their 'rival' in their fight song? This is the intellect you are dealing with now...have fun.


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BigWoof31;1978286; said:

Amazing piece by Stephen Fry who attended the AU/UA game two years ago. So ready for SEC footbal I'm about to burst!

I just hope your team can get it done against Boise St. I don't think I'll be able to handle another season of ESPN whining about every 5 minutes about how the little guy can't get a shot.
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