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2011 SEC Football Discussion

Bucklion;1978942; said:
Kan-tuck-EE on their way to an impressive 4-8 season...
Joker living up to his name ...

Too bad; seems like a nice guy who can't coach his way out of a paper bag. Ty Willingham, Gerry Faust and Bob Davie can relate. (Geez, they were all at the same school, weren't they?)
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Nutriaitch;1979016; said:
weirdest INT i ever saw

Yeah - it bounced off the ref before the O-lineman tried to grab it - keeping it alive for the defender to grab it.

I would've gone for that 4th and 3 at midfield, down 7-3 with under 9 minutes left.
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Nute 15-20 inches of rain coming your way. I just filled up three 6 gallon gas cans, and I'm buying a small room ac in the morning in case my central AC goes out. I gave my old one away a month ago. Good shot we'll lose power this weekend.
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Gatorubet;1979020; said:
Nute 15-20 inches of rain coming your way. I just filled up three 6 gallon gas cans, and I'm buying a small room ac in the morning in case my central AC goes out. I gave my old one away a month ago. Good shot we'll lose power this weekend.

shitty weather/no power should be here just as all the good games are kicking off on Saturday.
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