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2011 SEC Football Discussion

buckeyescott11;1968667; said:
Interesting, I still really enjoy the show even if it's not all truly real.

it's a good show. and well put together.
i like that i can actually recognize some of the places RJ and Jay Paul go.

but if you just followed these guys around on a typical alligator hunt, it wouldn't make for good TV.

so they embellish stuff to make it more entertaining.

alligator hunting can be fun to do, but pretty boring to watch.

question, are the subtitles really necessary for people who don't hear that accent on a daily basis?
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Nutriaitch;1968714; said:
it's a good show. and well put together.
i like that i can actually recognize some of the places RJ and Jay Paul go.

but if you just followed these guys around on a typical alligator hunt, it wouldn't make for good TV.

so they embellish stuff to make it more entertaining.

alligator hunting can be fun to do, but pretty boring to watch.

question, are the subtitles really necessary for people who don't hear that accent on a daily basis?

accent? I thought it was a different language.
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Nutriaitch;1968714; said:
it's a good show. and well put together.
i like that i can actually recognize some of the places RJ and Jay Paul go.

but if you just followed these guys around on a typical alligator hunt, it wouldn't make for good TV.

so they embellish stuff to make it more entertaining.

alligator hunting can be fun to do, but pretty boring to watch.

question, are the subtitles really necessary for people who don't hear that accent on a daily basis?

Can someone translate this post for me please?
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WBRZ.com (A TV station in Red Stick, La)

Update: Jordan Jefferson "implicated" in fight at bar

BATON ROUGE - Police investigating a fight outside a Baton Rouge bar last night said LSU quarterback Jordan Jefferson and other LSU football players are believed to have been involved in the disturbance.

EMS responded to a call at the location on East Boyd Ave. around 2 a.m., but didn't transport anyone to the hospital.

Sgt. Don Stone with Baton Rouge Police said Jefferson was implicated in the altercation, and witness statements implicated other football players as well. Jefferson was not arrested, and Stone said they are still investigating.

Officials at LSU said they had no comment about the situation, because they had no

information about the incident occurring.

Cont'd ...
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BB73;1972117; said:
WBRZ.com (A TV station in Red Stick, La)

Update: Jordan Jefferson "implicated" in fight at bar

BATON ROUGE - Police investigating a fight outside a Baton Rouge bar last night said LSU quarterback Jordan Jefferson and other LSU football players are believed to have been involved in the disturbance.

EMS responded to a call at the location on East Boyd Ave. around 2 a.m., but didn't transport anyone to the hospital.

Sgt. Don Stone with Baton Rouge Police said Jefferson was implicated in the altercation, and witness statements implicated other football players as well. Jefferson was not arrested, and Stone said they are still investigating.

Officials at LSU said they had no comment about the situation, because they had no

information about the incident occurring.

Cont'd ...

Now how did Tressel and Pryor get down there to start this fight? I thought they were still in Miami with Da U and hookers on a boat.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7yfISlGLNU"]I'm On A Boat (ft. T-Pain) - Album Version - YouTube[/ame]
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If FX hired EDSBS as their teleprompter writers for a college gameday of their own, I would never miss a show.
HEY THIS ISN'T GOOD. Janzen Jackson is off the team at Tennessee, taking one more Lane Kiffin recruit off the boards and reducing Tennessee's defense to a festive display of spirited crepe paper dolls. (RIP Herman Lathers' knees.) This is shitty, horrible news in a shitty, horrible week of news for Tennessee so bad that Lane Kiffin getting two major violations reduced to minors qualifies as a victory for both Kiffin and the Vol football program. We sincerely hope that Jackson ends up somewhere else playing football because all reports are that his life outside of the game is extremely complex and troubled.
(Terry Bowden is ready when you are, Janzen, but you already knew that because he is already at your front door smiling and holding a UNA shirt. No, that's not an obese munchkin--okay, it is, but it is also Terry Bowden.)
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There's a morning radio show called Lex and Terry on here in Springfield. During their sports section they talked about sec football. One was pretty pro-sec, saying that the conference is great for college and they have the best fans, coaches, etc. The other was very anti-sec, basically saying all the fans are retarded who don't have lives and are very corrupt, etc. They also threw in some Miami jokes about how shitty their fanbase is. :biggrin: good stuff
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Ok, ok, ok. Let's get this thread back to what is really important. Swamp People!!! I love that show. I am a big Troy Landry fan, and most of the time I don't need the subtitles, but occasionally (even with the subtitles), I find myself asking, "What the hell did he just say?"

Sometimes when one of them is talking all I can think about is Boomhauer on King of the Hill.

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