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2011 Quarterbacks Discussion

It wasn't always pretty, but Ohio State's young QBs at least offer fresh hope for the future: Bill Livingston
Published: Saturday, April 23, 2011
By Bill Livingston, The Plain Dealer

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Experience is supposed to count for much in football, but it really depends on the kind of experience.

In Ohio State's spring game Saturday, it was obvious that freshman quarterback Braxton Miller wouldn't trade the promise of tomorrow in his arm and legs for senior Joe Bauserman's yesterdays as a minor-league baseball player and a mop-up college quarterback.

Nor would redshirt freshman QB Taylor Graham swap an arm that can put the football through the raindrops spitting from Saturday's sullen sky and keep it dry for sophomore Kenny Guiton's time on the field at the end of runaway victories.


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cbrian815;1910224; said:
If we don`t have a qb capable of going out there and winning football games we lose to one of msu or miami. I am of the opinion, right or wrong, we need a guy who has the mindset of TP. I want a guy that can absolutely win the game for us. There is no way we are going to run on teams that will commit 8 or 9 guys to the box. I know our running game has been better the last few years with Boom and a better oline....but we are still no wisky.

I for one hope the staff picks a guy that really has the ability to throw the ball around and strike some fear in our opponents. I dont care who it is but I cant imagine the staff not picking the guy who gives us the best chance to score lots of points. Go Bucks

Will need someone to catch those balls being thrown around. Just a dose of reality. Three yards and a cloud may be the best way to get to Nebraska.
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Reed and Williams looked pretty good out there and we know what Brown is capable of. I'm not to worried, besides, we have three tightends that we know can catch and have a fourth one coming in. The backs can also split out wide if needed.
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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kFdzLw_vQk"]YouTube - Questions linger about Quarterback[/ame]
Ohio State spring football game: QB is still the question (with three videos)
Published: Sunday, April 24, 2011
By John Kampf
[email protected]

COLUMBUS — All eyes were on the quarterbacks Saturday afternoon at Ohio Stadium.

Just who — if anyone — separated themselves in Ohio State's four-man quarterback derby remains to be seen.

All four of the quarterbacks who played in Saturday's spring game at Ohio Stadium threw a touchdown pass. None of them committed the cardinal sin of turning the ball over.

Coach Jim Tressel has said he hoped one or more of his team's four quarterbacks would separate themselves during the 15 spring workouts.

If Saturday's statistics are any indication, Tressel and his staff are going to have a tough time deciding who is going to get the majority of the repetitions when practices resume in early August.

Senior Joe Bauserman, sophomore Kenny Guiton, redshirt freshman Taylor Graham and true freshman Braxton Miller all remain in the hunt to replace incumbent Terrelle Pryor while he serves a five-game suspension to start the season.

"When we figure it out ..." Tressel said, "we're going to play whoever we need to."


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Tony Gerdeman breaks down each QB for each drive of the Spring game.


Breaking Down the Quarterbacks' Possessions

Joe Bauserman

1st drive - Started at own 20-yard line = 3 plays, -10 yards (1st team defense)

2nd drive - Started at own 20-yard line = 4 plays, -2 yards (and that was after picking up 17 yards on first down) (1st team defense)

3rd drive - Started at opposing 25-yard line = 5 plays, 20 yards = 22-yard FG (1st team defense)

4th drive - Started at own 8-yard line = 3 plays, 1 yard (1st team defense)

5th drive - Started at own 8-yard line = 3 plays, 3 yards (1st team defense)

6th drive - Started at opposing 25-yard line = 4 plays, 25 yards = 16-yard TD pass (1st team defense)

Bauserman total = Six drives (all against 1st team defense), 37 yards total, 10 points scored.

Quarterback rating = 98.43 (would not have qualified for top 100 in last year's national passing efficiency rankings)

Taylor Graham

1st drive - Started at own 20-yard line = 6 plays, 10 yards (2nd team defense)

2nd drive - Started on opposing 25-yard line = 3 plays, 7 yards = missed 35-yd FG (2nd team defense)

3rd drive - Started on own 3-yard line = 8 plays, 97 yards = 68-yd TD pass (3rd team defense)

4th drive - Started on opposing 25-yard line = 4 plays, -3 yards (2nd team defense)

Graham total = Four drives (three against 2nd team defense, one against 3rd team), 111 yards total, seven points scored.

Quarterback rating = 166.04
(would be good for 6th in the nation last year, though without the 68-yard touchdown pass to Williams, his rating drops to 54.8)

Kenny Guiton

1st drive - Started on own 20-yard line = 5 plays, 11 yards (1st team defense)

2nd drive - Started on opposing 25-yard line = 2 plays, 25 yards = 17-yard TD pass (2nd team defense)

3rd drive - Started own 3-yard line = 6 plays, 26 yards (1st team defense)

4th drive - Started at opposing 25-yard line = 3 plays, 5 yards (1st team defense)

Guiton total = Four drives (three against 1st team defense, one against 2nd team), 67 yards yards total, seven points scored.

Quarterback rating = 108.29 (would have been good for 99th in the nation last year)

Braxton Miller

1st drive - Started at own 20-yard line = 5 plays, 15 yards (2nd team defense)

2nd drive - Started at opposing 25-yard line = 5 plays, 9 yards = 27-yard FG Basil (1st team defense)

3rd drive - Started at own 8-yard line = 14 plays, 92 yards = 4-yard TD run (2nd team defense)

4th drive - Started at opposing 25-yard line = 4 plays, 25 yards = 15-yard TD pass (1st team defense)

Miller total = Four drives (two against the 1st team defense, 2 against the 2nd team), 141 yards total, 17 points scored.

Quarterback rating = 136.93 (would have been good for 42nd in the nation; also had 19 yards rushing on four carries)

Cont'd ...
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You're Coach Fickell

Honest question to BP posters: As a first year interim-head coach at a major university, would you hitch your wagon to a 25 yr old pocket passer (with limited mobility and questions along the OL) or go with an uber-talented true freshman who could make plays and also some bad decisions.

Yes KG or TG could step up but both seem to incorporate the same traits to a lesser degree. So do you play it safe or throw your guy out there and say that's my team.

I know the QB decision doesn't necessarily determine how every game is going to turn out. But it does have a huge impact. I know who Coach Tressel would play. But if you had nothing to lose, you'd you say BM this is your team and let's go?
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What little we've seen of JB does not show me a solid QB. He looked like a wreck dealing with the pressure from the D during real games, and I doubt that changed a whole lot over the offseason. I really don't know what to say in terms of KG vs. BM. I remember that Braxton really looked electric during the spring game, while KG was more reserved. KG also (again, with very limited time last year) seemed more comfortable than JB when we saw him in the real game(s). Really couldn't say right now between the two.
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I think we all know it's going to be Braxton. I can't see it going any other way and there is no reason to. We are going to be starting all new young receivers for the first 5 games, so we mines well get the offense of the future 3 years going right at the beginning.
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It wouldnt surprise me if Taylor Graham or Braxton started or rotated. I think Joe is safe but I just dont see enough talent or wins with Joe that say you couldnt play Graham, Miller or even Kenny to have multiple years of future growth. I dont see a win or loss difference between the young guns and Joe. I honestly think we see some of both Braxton and Taylor. I really like Taylors arm and the way he seems to read defenses. Miller is oozing with talent and a really serious dual threat. If the oline performs poorly we see lots of Miller. My big question with Kenny is arm strength....but he has a great touch. Go Bucks
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I would feel more comfortable with either Guiton or Miller starting. Bauserman, while a great story, just hasn't been very productive in the playing time he has had. I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure he has thrown a INT or two in his playing time as well. I like Taylor Grahams arm, but boy put pressure on him and he just wasn't able to get around it what so ever.

Guiton is nice, but i thought his accuracy was always hit or miss. Braxton althought just a freshman really seemed to be a spark when he was in. Problem with Braxton is he hasn't been the most durable guy.

Personally I feel that all the QB's have little to no experience so why sacrafice the present for the future. Start Braxton. Braxton can side step pressure and make things happen with his feet, and he's only bound to get better throwing as the year goes. I would be really worried about the first few games (yeah I know the first couple suck) if Bauserman or Graham start.
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You want to know what Bauserman would look like pop in the Illinois game from last year when Pryor went out and the game was close. Yikes it looked like Rex Grossman and just chucked it up. IMHO new coach, start Braxton at QB and live and die by him. Just make sure the run game is working and hit the TE's Although I'm not Luke Fickle and he is on a trial run however you want to spin it.


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duh;1961199; said:
You want to know what Bauserman would look like pop in the Illinois game from last year when Pryor went out and the game was close. Yikes it looked like Rex Grossman and just chucked it up. IMHO new coach, start Braxton at QB and live and die by him. Just make sure the run game is working and hit the TE's Although I'm not Luke Fickle and he is on a trial run however you want to spin it.



Call me crazy, but I think this post might actually be an attempt at communication.

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