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2011 Quarterbacks Discussion

Nation's top quarterback battles

6. Ohio State

Contenders: Joe Bauserman, Sr. vs. Taylor Graham, R-Fr. vs. Kenny Guiton, Soph. vs. Braxton Miller, Fr.

Tale of the tape:
OK, so this is a temp job until Terrelle Pryor serves his five-game suspension, but it’s no less important to the Buckeyes’ 2011 fortunes. Someone will need to keep the scarlet-and-gray ship afloat during the early stages of the season. Bauserman is the sensible choice because he’s a senior and was the backup a year ago. Although he’s not going to necessarily carry a team for you, he’s safe and Jim Tressel has shown a tendency to be loyal to his upperclassmen. Miller is the wild card and the heavy favorite to be the starter in 2012. A mega-recruit who highlighted Tressel’s latest haul of high-school talent, he operates as if he’s channeling former Ohio State dual-treat Troy Smith. And he’s already enrolled at Ohio State, which will help flatten the maturation process. Graham and Guiton, last year’s third-stringer, are the long shots.
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sphincter;1880703; said:
I really think Guiton, or as I like to think of him, KennyG, is going to surprise some people.

Ummmm.....no. This is what people think of when you say "KennyG":


Guiton should not be thought of in that way.
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k2onprimetime;1880780; said:
Both Kenny and Taylor will be right in the QB race. I cant wait to see grahams arm in the spring game.:)

I think it will come down to who makes the least mistakes and who makes the passing game click. (hope they're one and the same)
Honestly, if Joe B. or Guiton haven't improved, Graham and Miller are wild cards in this deal. I wouldn't be shocked if Graham shines.
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Miller is the wild card and the heavy favorite to be the starter in 2012. A mega-recruit who highlighted Tressel’s latest haul of high-school talent, he operates as if he’s channeling former Ohio State dual-treat Troy Smith. And he’s already enrolled at Ohio State, which will help flatten the maturation process. Graham and Guiton, last year’s third-stringer, are the long shots.

I don't get why early enrollment is going to benefit Miller so much, but a year or so in the actual program through an actual Big-10 football season will not help G & G's chances. Sense, this quote makes little to me.
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k2onprimetime;1880780; said:
Both Kenny and Taylor will be right in the QB race. I cant wait to see grahams arm in the spring game.:)

I agree, I don't know who I want to see start more. I'm glad I was wrong about Taylor, kid is showing that he's a baller and deserves to be mentioned as a starter. But I love Kenny's athleticism, reminds me of Henton, or almost a poor man's Pryor or T SMith(I don't mean that negatively in any way). Practice will be interesting, and so should the first 5 games.
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Gatorubet;1880861; said:
I don't get why early enrollment is going to benefit Miller so much, but a year or so in the actual program through an actual Big-10 football season will not help G & G's chances. Sense, this quote makes little to me.

I think it has to do with where Miller starts off as a college QB prospect compared to where Guiton/Graham did: they may be solid players, but he's a 5-star recruit, top dual-threat QB coming out of HS, and generally assumed to be the next big thing at OSU.
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BayBuck;1880927; said:
I think it has to do with where Miller starts off as a college QB prospect compared to where Guiton/Graham did: they may be solid players, but he's a 5-star recruit, top dual-threat QB coming out of HS, and generally assumed to be the next big thing at OSU.

Miller is just....."special". He can take over a game by hisself. None of the other guys have shown that.
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Buckeneye;1882976; said:
Miller has only shown that at the high school level. He has still yet to play a single down in D-1 ball.

I say Kenny G myself.

True, but when he has his shot, he wont disappoint. He took a decent at best wayne team on his back, all the way to the state championship game. And they almost won that game...
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k2onprimetime;1883193; said:
True, but when he has his shot, he wont disappoint. He took a decent at best wayne team on his back, all the way to the state championship game. And they almost won that game...

Yet again, you're talking about him playing with and against HS BOYS, he's in college now. Not saying that he won't be good, but he hasn't proven anything on the college level yet. He hasn't seen reads and blitzes that Kenny has. I'd prefer Guiton just because he's been in the system longer, but I'd give Miller a good number of reps too so that we can see if he can pick up the college game a little faster.
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