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Game Thread 2010 Rose Bowl: Ohio State 26 Oregon 17 (Final, 1/01/2010)

Abraham Moses;1624252; said:
I don't see how calling a defense overrated is worth a warning. I provided valid statistics that could argue it might be true. Oregonians are supposed to be the sensitive ones, not blue-collar middle America.

What statistics did you provide that said OSU's defense is overrated?

Is it the one where we have held all but 4 teams to under 100 yards rushing?
Or the one where no school has had a RB rush for more than 100 yards against OSU?
Or the one where we held 9 teams to at or around half of their rushing yardage? (If not even more than that)
Or the fact that no other top25 team has shut out more teams than OSU and OSU is the only one to shut out a team with a better than 100th place ranking in total offense? (Let alone 2 top 50 offense teams - In fact you remove the referee TD given to Penn State and that's 3 top 50 teams)
Or the fact that with one game less than the #1 team, OSU is 2nd in interceptions?

Yes rushing is only one part of defense but you can't deny rushing is the mainstay of Oregon's offense and Oregon has been guilty of having turnovers before.

Since you like to hold on to just stats to prove your point, according to the stats, Oregon should only rush for 118 yards against this defense.

What don't stats take in to account? No matter what, you won't tire out our D-line. Yes you guys get to the line fast, but any time out, any slow down, we can switch in players without any letdown in defensive capability. We have the talent to switch the entire line up if needed every other drive to keep their stamina up.

Also I would need confirmation on this, but I can only remember around 4 total plays that went for longer than 25 yards against OSU's defense.
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Abraham Moses;1624289; said:
Oh I do expect it to happen. I honestly don't think there is a defense in the country right now that can hold Oregon under 30 points.
And we honestly don't think there is an offense in the country right now that can score 30 points or more on OSU.

The problem with this statement is that one team has already proven they could hold Oregon to under 30 points. No team has proven they could score more than 30 points on OSU.

I'm willing to take Boise St. as somewhat of an anomaly, but the formula for containing Oregon is there.
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Here's the facts of the matter - Oregon, like most PAC10 teams, put all their athletes on the offensive side of the ball. The PAC10 places a premium on scoring points and doesn't really worry a whole lot about preventing scores. That's not to say that their are no good or great defenders or that they don't have qualified coaches teaching defensive technique and skills. It's just a philosophy about how to win football games...

But, I don't think Oregon fans quite understand how seriously Ohio State takes defense. Ohio State has seen, and stopped, high powered offenses before. Is Oregon a formidable foe? You bet. But, it's not harder to slow them down than it was to stymie Vince Young's 50 point a game 2005 Longhorns, for example, when it was the Buckeyes alone who held UT below 40 (including USC which allowed 41)

The last time Ohio State gave up 50 points: Penn State 63, October 29, 1994 (Edit: the only time it has occurred in at least 50 years)
The last time Oregon gave up 50 points: Stanford 51, November 7, 2009

Ohio State has given up more than 40 points 1 time in Tressel's tenure: 41 to Florida in the 2007 BCS Championship Game (2006 season)
Oregon has given up 40 points twice this season alone (Stanford and Arizona (Albeit in 2 OT)

Ohio State has afforded a team 30 or more points a total of 10 times since the beginning of the 2001 season (Tressel's first year).
Oregon has allowed 30 or more 4 times this year, and 10 times between December 1, 2007 and today.

Is Oregon good enough to score 30? Probably. But, it would be a rare game indeed if they actually do score that many. Are they good enough to score 40? Maybe. But, it's only happened once in Tressel's time as HC.. and 50? Well... it's theoretically possible... you might as well play the lottery though...
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Coqui;1624776; said:
What statistics did you provide that said OSU's defense is overrated?

Is it the one where we have held all but 4 teams to under 100 yards rushing?
Or the one where no school has had a RB rush for more than 100 yards against OSU?
Or the one where we held 9 teams to at or around half of their rushing yardage? (If not even more than that)
Or the fact that no other top25 team has shut out more teams than OSU and OSU is the only one to shut out a team with a better than 100th place ranking in total offense? (Let alone 2 top 50 offense teams - In fact you remove the referee TD given to Penn State and that's 3 top 50 teams)
Or the fact that with one game less than the #1 team, OSU is 2nd in interceptions?

Yes rushing is only one part of defense but you can't deny rushing is the mainstay of Oregon's offense and Oregon has been guilty of having turnovers before.

Since you like to hold on to just stats to prove your point, according to the stats, Oregon should only rush for 118 yards against this defense.

What don't stats take in to account? No matter what, you won't tire out our D-line. Yes you guys get to the line fast, but any time out, any slow down, we can switch in players without any letdown in defensive capability. We have the talent to switch the entire line up if needed every other drive to keep their stamina up.

Also I would need confirmation on this, but I can only remember around 4 total plays that went for longer than 25 yards against OSU's defense.

I don't feel like going back and re-quoting everything so I will just paraphrase. The offenses that Ohio State has played against have been terrible. I believe the numbers were 4 top 50 offenses, with one of them being number 50.

I'm not saying they are a bad defense, that would be stupid. I am just saying that they haven't been put to the test yet. We will see what happens on the 1st. They may shut Oregon down, who knows, we will have to wait and see.
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Abraham Moses;1624792; said:
I don't feel like going back and re-quoting everything so I will just paraphrase. The offenses that Ohio State has played against have been terrible. I believe the numbers were 4 top 50 offenses, with one of them being number 50.

I'm not saying they are a bad defense, that would be stupid. I am just saying that they haven't been put to the test yet. We will see what happens on the 1st. They may shut Oregon down, who knows, we will have to wait and see.

I will agree that on the field, Oregon will be the best offense we've seen.

However according to NCAA rankings, we've played a better offense than you (again statistics only) in Toledo. But you've never played (statistically) a better defense than us.

Also while we've only played 4 top 50 offenses, you've only played against 5 top 50 defenses.

It's stuff like that, that makes me question why our defense is statistically overrated in your eyes yet your offense is unstoppable as well.

I'm more trying to understand than argue so forgive me if I come off that way.
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Abraham Moses;1624792; said:
I don't feel like going back and re-quoting everything so I will just paraphrase. The offenses that Ohio State has played against have been terrible. I believe the numbers were 4 top 50 offenses, with one of them being number 50.

I'm not saying they are a bad defense, that would be stupid. I am just saying that they haven't been put to the test yet. We will see what happens on the 1st. They may shut Oregon down, who knows, we will have to wait and see.

The same argument can be made against Oregon in reverse: they haven't been tested yet. Their stiffest test, UCLA, appears to have been a game with a substitute quarterback but they didn't score 30 points.

What we have is a game between a team rated in the top 5 on offense and one rated in the top 5 in defense. Is Oregon's defense better than the stats indicate, due to standing against teams with far stronger offenses than Ohio State has faced? Is Ohio State's offense better than the stats indicate due to facing teams with far stronger defenses than Oregon has faced?

My opinion, which I think lots of people share here, is that defense wins such a game. I would not be very surprised if Oregon does not have their lowest scoring game of the year.

On the other hand, as you say, we'll all know on 1 January.
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Oregon loses its fastest receiver for the Rose Bowl.

[FONT=arial black,avant garde]Holland Out of Rose Bowl[/FONT]Wednesday, December 23, 1:30 p.m. PST
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Junior wide receiver Jamere Holland won?t be making the trip to Pasadena with the Ducks for the Rose Bowl Game after being ruled academically ineligible.

Holland, a Southern California native (Pacoima/Taft HS), started the first two games of the season before being relegated to a reserve role for the bulk of the year. All told, he appeared in 10 games and ranked fifth on the squad with 13 catches, including two touchdowns. He totaled 199 yards receiving and 41 yards rushing on three carries.

Not to make light of losing the program?s fastest player, but Holland's role has been dimished as of late. On the other hand, Oregon?s starting wideouts - Jeff Maehl, D.J. Davis and Lavasier Tuinei - have all seen their playing time increase as the year has progressed with both Maehl and Davis taking nearly every receiver snap at their outside positions in the pivotal win at Arizona.

Here?s a breakdown of the number of snaps each guy has played over the past two games:
Maehl ? 92 UA, 73 OSU, 165 total
Davis ? 88 UA, 55 OSU, 143 total
Tuinei ? 55 UA, 58 OSU, 113 total
Holland ? 9 UA, 18 OSU, 27 total

Rory Cavaille and/or Garrett Embry will likely fill Holland?s void on the depth chart. They have just two catches between them in 2009 (both by Embry), but both are experienced. Embry, a true sophomore, has played in all but one game over the past two seasons, and Cavaille, a three-year letterwinner and preseason starter before an injury late in fall camp, is the team?s second-most experienced player with 42 games under his belt.

In the event you've been stuck under a large rock for the past few weeks, No. 7 Oregon takes on No. 8 Ohio State in the 96th version of the "Granddaddy of Them All" on Jan. 1, 2010. Kickoff is scheduled for 2:10 p.m. PT with a live telecast on ABC.[/FONT]
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BuckStruck;1624394; said:
Oregon vs....

Boise State- 8 - 19 L

UCLA- 24 - 10 W

under 30, it is possible :biggrin:

UCLA game was without Masoli though. Can't let him get in a rhythm.

I do love having a guy like Jordan Hall who should give the D a good look at what it'll be like trying to tackle LaMichael James.
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