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Game Thread 2010 Rose Bowl: Ohio State 26 Oregon 17 (Final, 1/01/2010)

To take a little break from the back and forth shots between Ducks and Bucks... I'd like to say that Ohio State (except for Ray Small) has the most well-spoken and respectful players I've seen in awhile. Before every Ducks game I Google search interviews and quotes from opposing teams, both players and coaches, and I've really been impressed with the level of respect and insightful comments OSU players give... usually it's the same old "we gotta play tough" stuff every week, but I get the feeling that Ohio State players really have an understanding of what they need to do to be successful. I read this article today and was impressed.


Maybe I'm not a fan of Tressel's style on the field, but off the field... if I had a son, i'd probably want him to play for Tressel.
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Thanks 77. The press conferences can be a little dry (reserved), but along with that comes the focus, respect and sportsmanship from most of his players.

Ray's comments weren't the brightest ones to make, and gives a glimpse into why he never stayed out of Tressel's doghouse for long.
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oreducks77;1624588; said:
Maybe I'm not a fan of Tressel's style on the field, but off the field... if I had a son, i'd probably want him to play for Tressel.

Coach Tressel is widely regarded as a principled man with class. I suppose that if the Buckeyes were not consistent winners, then having a coach who was simply a good person might not be sufficient in Columbus. However, I presume I can speak for most posters on BP when I say that we are exceedingly thrilled that tOSU has a leader who is both an outstanding man and an excellent coach.

Like jwins noted previously, your (oreducks77) respect for Coach Tressel is appreciated.
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Abraham Moses;1624529; said:
The only easy games Oregon had were to Washington State, Arizona State isn't great but they do have a pretty good defense and then Purdue and we know what Purdue did to Ohio State.

We committed 5 turnovers in a road game. That's a recipe for defeat against a lot of opponents, not just Purdue. Conversely, Oregon won the turnover battle with Purdue while playing at home, and still gave up 451 yards and 36 points to the Boilers.

If you want to hang your hat on that comparison, be my guest.
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I would caution my fellow Buckeyes from thinking that the BYU beatdown of Oregon State as being representative of anything with regard to the Rose Bowl.

Couple reasons:

1) The letdown from the losing the Civil War is huge.
2) Las Vegas is BYU's post-season home away from home.

This entire scenario has NOTHING to do with Oregon or the rest of the Pac-10.
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muffler dragon;1624729; said:
I would caution my fellow Buckeyes from thinking that the BYU beatdown of Oregon State as being representative of anything with regard to the Rose Bowl.

Couple reasons:

1) The letdown from the losing the Civil War is huge.
2) Las Vegas is BYU's post-season home away from home.

This entire scenario has NOTHING to do with Oregon or the rest of the Pac-10.

I agree with you on your first point. The possibility of a significant letdown is certainly plausible. For example, Alabama allegedly experienced a letdown last season after losing to UF in the SEC title game and then lost to Utah.

However, I suppose every game has some meaning. If so, there is no way to spin the Beaver's beatdown tonight as totally irrelevant. If OreSt had manhandled the Broncos, would we be more impressed with the Pac10 and, thus, the Oregon Ducks?
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CalvinistBuck;1624739; said:
However, I suppose every game has some meaning. If so, there is no way to spin the Beaver's beatdown tonight as totally irrelevant. If OreSt had manhandled the Broncos, would we be more impressed with the Pac10 and, thus, the Oregon Ducks?

If you're asking me personally; then I can answer, "No". However, I also live in Salem, OR and have a rather sound understanding of the Pac-10. Just like the times that people have railed on the Big Ten for sucking in the Bowl games. I never agree. Bowl games are irrelevant to me when it comes to evaluating a conference's strength. I realize I'm in the minority, but the reason I wrote my post above is because (IMO) it's part and parcel to the transitive property bull[censored] that flies every other day in this thread.
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EidoloN;1624701; said:
Man, if the Pac-10's second best team is taking a pounding from a Moutain West team, I like our chances in the Grandaddy!!

Seriously though, BYU is stomping OSU.

Oregon State was manhandled tonight. I didn't expect that. I still thought BYU was going to win the game but not by that much. The 3 teams at the top of the Mountain West (BYU, Utah, TCU) are very good teams and I fully expect all of them to win their bowl games. It's just unfortunate that the PAC-10 is going to be on the losing end of a few of those games haha.
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CalvinistBuck;1624739; said:
I agree with you on your first point. The possibility of a significant letdown is certainly plausible. For example, Alabama allegedly experienced a letdown last season after losing to UF in the SEC title game and then lost to Utah.

However, I suppose every game has some meaning. If so, there is no way to spin the Beaver's beatdown tonight as totally irrelevant. If OreSt had manhandled the Broncos, would we be more impressed with the Pac10 and, thus, the Oregon Ducks?

I think you mean the Cougars. And to answer your question, if Oregon State had manhandled BYU I would say it does speak highly of Oregon State, just as BYU manhandling Oregon State speaks highly of BYU.
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Jake;1624727; said:
We committed 5 turnovers in a road game. That's a recipe for defeat against a lot of opponents, not just Purdue. Conversely, Oregon won the turnover battle with Purdue while playing at home, and still gave up 451 yards and 36 points to the Boilers.

If you want to hang your hat on that comparison, be my guest.

I'm not saying it was pretty but Oregon won the game. Winning ugly is still winning. The more I think about the Rose Bowl the more I think about the Stanford game. Oregon was just flat out physically beaten in that game and I have started to worry that the Ohio State defensive and offensive lines might be too much for the Ducks.
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I don't think that one can take a lot of additional confidence away from the Oregon State - BYU game. Rodgers was very ineffective against the BYU defense; but he got only one more yard on the ground against Oregon.

Greenfield has a nice page summarizing about 100 statistics from the present year (link), including points per play, that allow some comparisons. I quickly calculated the points per play from the bowl box score last night.

  • With BYU and Oregon performed almost exactly the same against Oregon State, holding them to
    • 100 yards less than their average game,
    • .27 points per play,
    • and splitting time of possession almost equally (30 mins each team).
  • Yet, the Oregon State score line is very different.
    • BYU held Oregon State to 11 points below their average this year
    • Oregon allowed Oregon State to score two more points than their average.
A noticeable difference that might explain the different outcomes of the two games? Turnovers.

  • Oregon had two turnovers in both games.
  • Oregon State had three turnovers against BYU but none against Oregon.
Here are a couple of links that you may find interesting: turnover margin (link), takeaways per game (link), and interceptions per game (link).
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