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Game Thread 2010 Rose Bowl: Ohio State 26 Oregon 17 (Final, 1/01/2010)

Buckeye89Fan;1624272; said:
Don't look for that to happen much against the Buckeye defense...

Oh I do expect it to happen. I honestly don't think there is a defense in the country right now that can hold Oregon under 30 points. Chip Kelly has an unbelievable ability to come up with new twists every week in order to stay one step ahead of the defense. I wasn't really sold on him to start the year but he has continued to impress me each week. The biggest factor for me is their play in the third quarter of games this year. When Bellotti was coaching they would come out flat to start the second half of every game and it would drive me nuts. Not anymore, Kelly knows what to say and knows what to do.

Every once in a while during the course of the game he will get a little pass happy and that is when they struggle. As long as Oregon doesn't get down big early they can stick to the game plan.
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Abraham Moses;1624242; said:
Thanks. The schedules don't lie. Oregon has played and beaten tougher teams this year.

Please tell me why you think this statement is true.

From my vantage point, OSU has beaten #9 Penn State (10-2 record) and #11 Iowa (10-2 record).

Oregon's best win is either over #24 Utah (9-3 record) or #20 Oregon State (8-4 record).
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buckeyesin07;1624309; said:
Please tell me why you think this statement is true.

From my vantage point, OSU has beaten #9 Penn State (10-2 record) and #11 Iowa (10-2 record).

Oregon's best win is either over #24 Utah (9-3 record) or #20 Oregon State (8-4 record).

What about Oregon's best win on the road, both of those games you point out were at home... so now we get to choose between 6-6 UCLA, 5-7 Washington, or 8-4 Arizona, whom they struggled mightily against in the second to last game of the year (of course, according to Oregon fans, giving up 41 points isn't struggling, it's bend but don't break defense!).

Both of Oregon's losses came on the road this year.

Clearly Oregon isn't as good on the road, and last time I checked the Rose Bowl isn't played in Autzen.
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Buckeye86;1624314; said:
What about Oregon's best win on the road, both of those games you point out were at home... so now we get to choose between 6-6 UCLA, 5-7 Washington, or 8-4 Arizona, whom they struggled mightily against in the second to last game of the year (of course, according to Oregon fans, giving up 41 points isn't struggling, it's bend but don't break defense!).

Both of Oregon's losses came on the road this year.

Clearly Oregon isn't as good on the road, and last time I checked the Rose Bowl isn't played in Autzen.

This is very true. Oregon has looked like a different team on the road than they have at home. We will see what kind of turnout there is for each team at the Rose Bowl.
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Steve19;1624305; said:
So, your points were

  • Oregon can score 30 points on any team in the country.
    • This is clearly an opinion that you cannot support. First, Oregon didn't score 30 on Boise State or UCLA and there is nothing to suggest that they have improved since then. Second, Oregon hasn't played a defense ranked as high as Ohio State.

    • I would argue that the Boise State game was an abbaration. I'm sure you can appreciate that based on the losses Ohio State had this year. When Oregon played UCLA, they did so with their backup QB, so I'm throwing that one out the window as well.

      Ohio State does have a good defense but the argument can definitely be made that they play against some pretty terrible offenses as well.
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jwinslow;1624321; said:
How well do Oregon fans generally travel for bowl games?

Pretty well. I can tell you that the town is going crazy right now. I have never seen so much excitement for a game. I think there will be as many Oregon fans as possible. It really helps that Pasadena is just a 12 hour drive away and people here look for any excuse to get out of the wet, cold and get some sun.
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Hey guys, I am going to be in Austria skiing with the wife and I want to watch and archive of the game over the internet. Can someone help please. I could watch it live but it will be in the middle of the night want to watch it first thing when I wake up.
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Abraham Moses;1624289; said:
Oh I do expect it to happen. I honestly don't think there is a defense in the country right now that can hold Oregon under 30 points. Chip Kelly has an unbelievable ability to come up with new twists every week in order to stay one step ahead of the defense. I wasn't really sold on him to start the year but he has continued to impress me each week. The biggest factor for me is their play in the third quarter of games this year. When Bellotti was coaching they would come out flat to start the second half of every game and it would drive me nuts. Not anymore, Kelly knows what to say and knows what to do.

Every once in a while during the course of the game he will get a little pass happy and that is when they struggle. As long as Oregon doesn't get down big early they can stick to the game plan.

Oregon scored 28% of its points in the third quarter this year versus 27% of its points in the third quarter last year? They scored 1.2 more points per third quarter this year than last year.

Does that really seem like a significant improvement in third quarter play to you in retrospect?
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Abraham Moses;1624318; said:
Oregon's SOS is 11. Ohio State's SOS is 50.

...largely due to Boise State, who, I'll remind you, Oregon lost to.

Still waiting to hear you back up your statement that Oregon has beaten tougher teams that Ohio State has. I must have missed where Oregon beat teams ranked higher than Penn State (#9) and Iowa (#11).

Care to revise your claim?
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