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2010 NFL Draft (Mocks, Eval, etc)

Gatorubet;1694782; said:
Great Post. I agree.

Clausen< Tebow :slappy:

I bet he's in his grandpa's bedroom closet right now - breathing hair gel fumes out of a paper bag trying to dull his pain. :lol:

:lol: at least Clausen was smart enough to skip the green room experience

hes falling even more epicly than Quinn
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3074326;1694784; said:
Why a corner? Already have Revis and Cromartie.

Apparently when Rex was with the Ravens he was always begging Ozzie Newsome for more cornerbacks. I think he wants 3 lock down corners so he can send whoever he wants on a blitz (corners included, not sure how the anti-physical Cromartie fits into that) and the D isn't sure where its gonna come from. I also picture them letting Revis/Cromartie roam in a centerfield type role on passing downs.
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3074326;1694724; said:
I didn't remember Spiller being average.. wasn't he on the verge of being a Heisman finalist?

Spiller was very average throughout his career until his junior season when he returned 7 kicks. His game as a RB is completely overrated. He couldn't even beat out James Davis as a #1 back and now he's a top 10 pick?? I think it's a terrible pick...he's a good return man, but he's awful between the tackles and not physical AT ALL.
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Smart trade by Minn. If they're thinking QB (they should be IMO) then moving back to Detroit's spot and getting some other picks is a good thing for them. Indy, NO and STL aren't going to take a QB between now and then.
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billmac91;1694789; said:
Spiller was very average throughout his career until his junior season when he returned 7 kicks. His game as a RB is completely overrated. He couldn't even beat out James Davis as a #1 back and now he's a top 10 pick?? I think it's a terrible pick...he's a good return man, but he's awful between the tackles and not physical AT ALL.

I'm with you here...
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jlb1705;1694792; said:
Smart trade by Minn. If they're thinking QB (they should be IMO) then moving back to Detroit's spot and getting some other picks is a good thing for them. Indy, NO and STL aren't going to take a QB between now and then.

ESPN's Kevin Seifert: Early reports are the Vikings get the No. 34, a fourth-round pick and a seventh.

picking up a 4th and a 7th to move down 4 spots = win
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Colts should jump all over a CB...but notPatrick Robinson. One of the most overrated players in the draft. I'm not joking..Devon Torrence is better than he is right now. Without a doubt. Interceptions is an awful draft indicator. Draft analysts seem to disagree.
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For posterity's sake, here were CJ Spiller's stats. I think he brings alot to a team, but not quite enough for a top 10 pick. He did do all this with being pretty much the only highlight of his team offensively.

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