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2010 NFL Draft (Mocks, Eval, etc)

3074326;1694724; said:
I didn't remember Spiller being average.. wasn't he on the verge of being a Heisman finalist?

Yep, there was nothing average about Spiller last year, nor for much of his football career to date. I love the pick as a Bills homer, because well that's my job, and I'd prefer more of a need pick, but for a franchise this moribund it's an exciting pick at a semi-need position. They probably should have moved Marshawn earlier, since now they've given away all their leverage for a pick-trade, but he's been on the way out for awhile... Still want one of those early-2nd QBs, but those needs at OT and DT are even more pressing now.
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With Dez Bryant gone, the Ratbirds promptly trade the pick to Denver, who are apparently gonna grab Tebow.

King Rhabuf just died a little more inside. Broncos coverage is going to be insufferable with Tebow and Quinn.
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