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2010 NFL Draft (Mocks, Eval, etc)

3074326;1694696; said:
I don't know, Chris Johnson is one of the most versatile backs in the league. He actually has some power, he can fly, he's great catching out of the backfield.

Ok, I agree. Well, he's just as versatile as Chris. Happy? I'm not your friend after out earlier encounter. Leave me alone for the rest of the day. :biggrin:
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BuckeyeNation27;1694702; said:
Golic was going on and on this morning about how Clausen wasn't going to fall. It was awesome listening to his stupid ass knowing there was a very good possibility he was going to slide all the way to 30.

But he has to know what he's talking about--he co-"wrote" a book.
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FrancisSawyer;1694722; said:
I was going to try and counter this by mentioning that C.J. is much bigger. If the webs are to believed, Johnson is a actually little bigger than C.J. I guess I'll go ahead and agree with you then.

No, they're about same size....but Spiller doesn't have nearly the lateral ability Johnson has. There's a reason Spiller was an average RB in a bad ACC conference. He's a good kick-return man with some RB ability but nothing special. He was a major reach for the Bills...
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