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2010 NFL Draft (Mocks, Eval, etc)

Someone about to get a steal with Carlos Dunlap

(the idiot did drop because of his boneheaded mistakes and his taking plays off - and rightfully so - but he is a player. I think the coaches and his team mates can light a fire under his big butt and somebody will get a gem of a pick)
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Merih;1694799; said:
For posterity's sake, here were CJ Spiller's stats. I think he brings alot to a team, but not quite enough for a top 10 pick. He did do all this with being pretty much the only highlight of his team offensively.


Unless Spiller is a great return-man, he will be a HUGE disppointment. Anyone who followed his career can tell you that. Not a good player out of the backfield. Mediocre vision and far from a power back. He's fast but lacks the lateral ability of a Chris Johnson, plus Chris Johnson has great vision.
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NFBuck;1694826; said:
Oh, Jimmah. Anybody check the domer boards? Did they lock everything like when Quinn started slipping a few years back?


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Posted: Today 10:30 PM
I feel like I'm suffering through an ND loss... and we have 5 months until we play.

I'd take MN picking JC as a final winning drive... time for another bev.
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buckeyemania11;1694810; said:
id like an explanation from USC hacks on how Taylor Mays could possibly fall out of the first round

I mean he runs a 4.24 40!!!!! at 6'3 230!!!!

Sarcasm, right? I think seeing him getting trucked by Boom (:groove:) and looking pretty unspectacular when not surrounded by elite athletes is taking its toll. As a card carrying USC hater I love it.
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Tebow going before Claussen surprised me, and Denver gave up a lot to get there. It'll be interesting to see how that plays out.

I think Minnesota may grab Claussen tomorrow at #2 in the 2nd round. If they thought Jackson was all that they wouldn't be letting a gray beard Favre make the rules.
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With respect to and not factoring trades (as many mock drafts do not prior to the draft), Todd McShay picked 5-of-32 correct.

Does anyone happen to have the number correct of Mel Kiper or Mike Mayock (just going down 1 to 32)?
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there's a website that tracks several different people's mock drafts and rates them over a 3 year period (or maybe they've only been doing it for 3 years?). either way, I can't find it for you today because I saw it on Scott Wright's awful nfldraftcountdown.com......which crashes every year for the draft among several other problems.
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