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2010 BPCFFB Player Dispersal Draft

Bucky Katt;1728405; said:
In hindsight, I probably should have held onto Harris/Luck, drop the meh receivers I did keep, and try an trade the QB's for better receivers.

I actually really thought there was a chance he would make it back to me since everyone else is set at QB. (Now I can wait since the next 10-20 QBs are all the same... they suck) That and the fact I had ZERO WRs coming back and figured alot of WRs would go early was the reason why I picked the best WR out there.

What the hell is taking BN so long???
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BuckeyeNation27;1728419; said:
maybe he planned on taking Robert Griffin and knew the guy who took all fucking day would fuck it up.

Then he should have had a backup plan if he knew that the guy who took all fucking day would fuck it up :biggrin:
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1 Niagara_Tressel (via Kinch) - Andrew Luck, QB, SO, Stanford
2 Bestbuck36 - Alshon Jeffrey, WR, SO, South Carolina
3 Piney - Mohamed Sanu, WR, SO, Rutgers
4 Scooter1369 - Jacory Harris, QB, Jr, DaU
5 Oneshot - DJ Williams, WR, SR, Arkansas
6 Buckeyekickbuttocks - Anthony Allen, RB, Sr, GTech
7 Niagara Tressel - Jonathan Baldwin, WR, Jr, Pitt

8 Bucky Katt - Robert Griffin, QB, So, Baylor
9 BuckeyeNation27 - Armon Binns, WR, Sr, Cincinnati
10 DNoles
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1 Niagara_Tressel (via Kinch) - Andrew Luck, QB, SO, Stanford
2 Bestbuck36 - Alshon Jeffrey, WR, SO, South Carolina
3 Piney - Mohamed Sanu, WR, SO, Rutgers
4 Scooter1369 - Jacory Harris, QB, Jr, DaU
5 Oneshot - DJ Williams, WR, SR, Arkansas
6 Buckeyekickbuttocks - Anthony Allen, RB, Sr, GTech
7 Niagara Tressel - Jonathan Baldwin, WR, Jr, Pitt

8 Bucky Katt - Robert Griffin, QB, So, Baylor
9 BuckeyeNation27 - Armon Binns, WR, Sr, Cincinnati
10 DNoles - Keith Smith, WR, Sr, Purdue

11 DNoles - Chris Owusu, WR, Jr, Stanford
12 BuckeyeNation27
13 Bucky Katt
14 kinch (via Niagara Tressel)
15 Buckeyekickbuttocks
16 Oneshot
17 Scooter1369
18 Piney
19 Bestbuck36
20 Kinch
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Piney;1728413; said:
I actually really thought there was a chance he would make it back to me since everyone else is set at QB. (Now I can wait since the next 10-20 QBs are all the same... they suck) That and the fact I had ZERO WRs coming back and figured alot of WRs would go early was the reason why I picked the best WR out there.

What the hell is taking BN so long???
I was going to take him on the way back around. I thought very hard about taking him with my 1st round pick, but like you, though "everyone's got QBs and I need a quality RB more than a QB"
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[censored] you derrick, another [censored] you to bk just because, and [censored] you to you assholes who thought you were getting robert griffin on the way back.

you guys are [censored]heads.

11 DNoles - Chris Owusu, WR, Jr, Stanford
12 BuckeyeNation27 - Washaun Ealy, RB, So, Georgia

13 Bucky Katt
14 kinch (via Niagara Tressel)
15 Buckeyekickbuttocks
16 Oneshot
17 Scooter1369
18 Piney
19 Bestbuck36
20 Kinch
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11 DNoles - Chris Owusu, WR, Jr, Stanford
12 BuckeyeNation27 - Washaun Ealy, RB, So, Georgia

13 Bucky Katt - Jerrell Jackson, WR, JR, Missouri
14 kinch (via Niagara Tressel)
15 Buckeyekickbuttocks
16 Oneshot
17 Scooter1369
18 Piney
19 Bestbuck36
20 Kinch
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11 DNoles - Chris Owusu, WR, Jr, Stanford
12 BuckeyeNation27 - Washaun Ealy, RB, So, Georgia

13 Bucky Katt - Jerrell Jackson, WR, JR, Missouri
14 kinch (via Niagara Tressel) - Brandon Weeden, QB, JR, Ok St.
15 Buckeyekickbuttocks
16 Oneshot
17 Scooter1369
18 Piney
19 Bestbuck36
20 Kinch

(Edit: sorry for the latish pick-- I was trying to watch it but finally had to go at just the wrong time. I PMd BKB, and I should be around this weekend all weekend to speed through my multi picks these two rounds.)
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11 DNoles - Chris Owusu, WR, Jr, Stanford
12 BuckeyeNation27 - Washaun Ealy, RB, So, Georgia

13 Bucky Katt - Jerrell Jackson, WR, JR, Missouri
14 kinch (via Niagara Tressel) - Brandon Weeden, QB, JR, Ok St.
15 Buckeyekickbuttocks - Dayne Crist, QB, So, ND
16 Oneshot
17 Scooter1369
18 Piney
19 Bestbuck36
20 Kinch

Fuckin Kinch took the QB I wanted and now I had to draft a fuckin domer. You ruined my whole day, Kinch. I hate you and I hope you choke on a lego.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1729938; said:
11 DNoles - Chris Owusu, WR, Jr, Stanford
12 BuckeyeNation27 - Washaun Ealy, RB, So, Georgia

13 Bucky Katt - Jerrell Jackson, WR, JR, Missouri
14 kinch (via Niagara Tressel) - Brandon Weeden, QB, JR, Ok St.
15 Buckeyekickbuttocks - Dayne Crist, QB, So, ND
16 Oneshot
17 Scooter1369
18 Piney
19 Bestbuck36
20 Kinch

Fuckin Kinch took the QB I wanted and now I had to draft a fuckin domer. You ruined my whole day, Kinch. I hate you and I hope you choke on a lego.

I thought about Crist too. . . younger and with Kelly it could be a lot of passing yards for Crist in his system. But he has a higher bust potential and is also a Domer. . .
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