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2010 BPCFFB Player Dispersal Draft


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1 Niagara_Tressel (via Kinch) - Andrew Luck, QB, SO, Stanford
2 Bestbuck36 - Alshon Jeffrey, WR, SO, South Carolina
3 Piney - Mohamed Sanu, WR, SO, Rutgers
4 Scooter1369 - Jacory Harris, QB, Jr, DaU
5 Oneshot - DJ Williams, WR, SR, Arkansas
6 Buckeyekickbuttocks - Anthony Allen, RB, Sr, GTech
7 Niagara Tressel - Jonathan Baldwin, WR, Jr, Pitt

8 Bucky Katt
9 BuckeyeNation27
10 DNoles
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FYI - I have been in a meeting all morning and will be in meetings all afternoon. So feel free to badger bucky to make his pick and when he makes a pick to piss in BN's wheaties.
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So I have a true poop and cereal story. It may require a romper room post. It maybe shouldn't be described at all. It involves Cocoa Puffs, poop, brown stained milk, depravity, and a woman scorned.
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1 Niagara_Tressel (via Kinch) - Andrew Luck, QB, SO, Stanford
2 Bestbuck36 - Alshon Jeffrey, WR, SO, South Carolina
3 Piney - Mohamed Sanu, WR, SO, Rutgers
4 Scooter1369 - Jacory Harris, QB, Jr, DaU
5 Oneshot - DJ Williams, WR, SR, Arkansas
6 Buckeyekickbuttocks - Anthony Allen, RB, Sr, GTech
7 Niagara Tressel - Jonathan Baldwin, WR, Jr, Pitt

8 Bucky Katt - Robert Griffin, QB, So, Baylor
9 BuckeyeNation27
10 DNoles

PM sent to BN27
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Oneshot;1728378; said:
No one had Robert Griffin?

Fuck me. Well, QB wasn't top of my priority list. Who's ready for the Landry show?

Yeah, you would figure the guy that dropped Andrew Luck & Jacory Harris wouldn't pick a QB in the 1st round... DICK!
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Piney;1728401; said:
Yeah, you would figure the guy that dropped Andrew Luck & Jacory Harris wouldn't pick a QB in the 1st round... DICK!

Maybe this vicodin is working better than I thought?

I went back through the various threads several times shocked that he was a.) available, and b.) not picked yet

In hindsight, I probably should have held onto Harris/Luck, drop the meh receivers I did keep, and try an trade the QB's for better receivers.
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