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2009 TSUN arguments, shenanigans (not football)

buckeyemania11;1600428; said:

he has not grown much since this day
I think he's gotten a little taller
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Tate hit the freshman wall this year, but he is a gutsy player. The early hyperbole may have been overboard, but he was their savior of sorts, he was the reason they avoided going 3-9 two straight years (ND & IND comebacks).

His website is easy to mock, but they'd be a lot better team if more guys played like he did... particularly on defense.
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NFBuck;1600402; said:
New page added to "forceitin.com". :groove:

Tate Forcier Hall Of Shame

Look at the first article. I'm taking it they're not too fond of the premature Gardner love...and oddly enough, in tater's photo section, there is a noticeable lack of pics post-Indiana.

Hope Tate gets a game ball for today's performance in the QBFORCE hall of shame.
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jwinslow;1602056; said:
Tate hit the freshman wall this year, but he is a gutsy player. The early hyperbole may have been overboard, but he was their savior of sorts, he was the reason they avoided going 3-9 two straight years (ND & IND comebacks).

His website is easy to mock, but they'd be a lot better team if more guys played like he did... particularly on defense.
I agree JWins, the kid may be easy to make fun of, but he plays a lot bigger than his paltry size, the kid makes tons of mistakes, but he surely has moxey. Of course so did Bike Hart, hopefully, if Tater stays, he'll have just as good of a record vs tOSU as Bike.
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jwinslow;1602056; said:
Tate hit the freshman wall this year, but he is a gutsy player. The early hyperbole may have been overboard, but he was their savior of sorts, he was the reason they avoided going 3-9 two straight years (ND & IND comebacks).

He certainly makes some nice plays running and throwing the ball on broken plays, but the scrappiness (one of the spellcheck's suggestions for this is scrawniness :slappy:) that helps him make those plays also has him make a ton of bad decisions. The Torrence interception was just an atrocious decision.
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jwinslow;1602056; said:
Tate hit the freshman wall this year, but he is a gutsy player. The early hyperbole may have been overboard, but he was their savior of sorts, he was the reason they avoided going 3-9 two straight years (ND & IND comebacks).

His website is easy to mock, but they'd be a lot better team if more guys played like he did... particularly on defense.

I don't think he hit the freshman wall...I think he just hit the wall, period. I don't see where he can get much better, he doesn't have that high of a ceiling in this offense. And he certainly is not going to get the type of quality coaching that he needs with that staff in place.

Moxie is his greatest asset, and it gave us 4 picks today. You train him to not make those sorts of plays then along with that goes half of SCUM's offense. He is a good player, and is ahead of the curve for a freshman. But his potential with this team, IMO, is maxed out.
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Tate hit the freshman wall this year, but he is a gutsy player. The early hyperbole may have been overboard, but he was their savior of sorts, he was the reason they avoided going 3-9 two straight years (ND & IND comebacks).

His website is easy to mock, but they'd be a lot better team if more guys played like he did... particularly on defense.
how do you throw an interception on defense?
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Merih;1602088; said:
I don't think he hit the freshman wall...I think he just hit the wall, period. I don't see where he can get much better, he doesn't have that high of a ceiling in this offense. And he certainly is not going to get the type of quality coaching that he needs with that staff in place.

Moxie is his greatest asset, and it gave us 4 picks today. You train him to not make those sorts of plays then along with that goes half of SCUM's offense. He is a good player, and is ahead of the curve for a freshman. But his potential with this team, IMO, is maxed out.
Ain't it great to be a Buckeye fan! (I hate that they put ain't in the dictionary, but it seems appropriate with an rr theme, Harvard of the West and all)
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Ohiensis;1602113; said:
I guess it was not just my scarlet-colored glasses that made tsun stadium look so bipartisan. tsun fans are turning on each other over it, and I am happy.

I still can't get over how much red was in that stadium from the blimp shot.

I personally have never seen it that bad, I doubt anyone who wasn't around in the 60's ever has.
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