B-town Buckeye;1221441; said:
Will be unfortunate to see guys like Fields, Whiting and Klein drop like a rock when the ESPN rankings come out, though. I'm very interested to see how they treat not just the Ohio State kids...but just Ohio kids in general, especially in comparison to how rivals and scout have them ranked.
FWIW if Rivals dropped every recruit committed to the Buckeyes completely off their list, it would look like this :
Dorian Bell (-13)
Johnny Simon (-27)
Melvin Fellows (-37)
Jamie Wood (-36)
C.J. Barnett (-37)
Chris Fields (-38)
Corey Brown (-44)
Jordan Whiting (-48)
Justin Green (-62)
Storm Klein (-36)
Corey Linsley (-39)
Carlos Hyde (-2)
Jack Mewhort (-23)
James Jackson (-37)
Duron Carter (0)
Dominic Clark (0)
(using Rivals as an example as they have been pretty "Buckeye friendly" in the rankings so far)
Even if ESPN does not rank a single Buckeye recruit the collective fall would be less than the above example. So no matter what ESPN does the Buckeyes will still have 4-6 kids in the Top 100 & 14 or so in the Top 250.
That was a primary motivator for me to come up with the composite list to help minimize the effects of any single rankings list. If you'll go back over the history of the updates I've posted you'll see as more sources are added the positions start to stabilize with less upward/downward movement caused by the addition of each new list.
I'm not really worried about ESPN.
I'm actually more interested to see how the Rivals moves the committed Buckeyes in their next update. I'm betting we'll see a lot of downward movement just because of the nature of the business. Camps are over and the season hasn't started so the moves are going to be based on things other than empirical evidence and that always seems to favor the non-commited kids IMO.
(BTW the above example is one of the fun things about the list, it lets you play with 'what if' scenarios.

---To be honest though, is anyone really worried if Storm is ranked 200th instead of 150th? Placing too much stock in the exact positioning is just silly.
Chris Fields currently is 117th while Jordan Whiting is 119th. Is Chris a better player than Jordan? There's no real way to determine that to such a degree of accuracy...and that's not even counting trying to rate kids from different positions against one another. Trying to break down rankings to that level of granularity is an exercise in futility (it's still fun! lol Just don't take it too seriously).
That why IMO the general idea behind the star rankings is actually a bit more effective.
There's usually 5-20 kids at the top of the list who really stand out as being head and shoulders above the rest. Then the next group of 75-100 or so who are extremely high talents just not quite the next Vince Young or Orlando Pace. After that are a couple of hundred kids who are highly likely to be stars at the collegiate level. Then the big mob of 500 - 1,000 who are great HS players but may be a step too slow or better athletes than football players etc etc. Kids who still have plenty of potential...and so on and so on...
Focusing on those types of groupings gives a better idea than arguing over whether one kid is better than another because he slipped into the Top 100 at #99 while the other one is a scrub because he's #104.