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With the 54th pick in the 2009 NFL Draft, the Minnesota Vikings select...


Jamon Meredith, OT, S. Carolina

Atlanta is on the clock...
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Rex Ryan;1406692; said:
Time for Rex-N-Effex to tell it like it is.

We came into this draft needing a receiver with size:

  • Laveranues Coles - 5' 11"
  • Jerricho Cotchery - 6' 0"
  • Chansi Stuckey - 6' 0"
Ramses Barden (second baddest name in sports after your's truly) is 6'6.5" 230 lbs of hands. He showed us he can hang with elite competition at the Senior Bowl.

Might be a little early to take him, but we knew he wouldn't be around come next round and received little interest in anyone trading up for our pick.

A little early? Try alot early. Is Turd Mcshay your war-room leader ? At best, the guy is worth a late round flier. His only positive attribute is his height. He's a bad route runner, has stone hands at times, has minimal speed and is not in freat shape. One thing I noticed on film is that he often has problems with separation. Let me tell you, if you're having that problem at Cal Poly, then you might not want to purchase a home in New York, you better just rent.

I won't sugarcoat it like Kipper and Turd. This guy makes Mike Williams look good. Now get back to the war-room, kick McShay out and find a gem in round 3 to make up for this big swing-and-a-miss.
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Mike Mayock;1406761; said:
A little early? Try alot early. Is Turd Mcshay your war-room leader ? At best, the guy is worth a late round flier. His only positive attribute is his height. He's a bad route runner, has stone hands at times, has minimal speed and is not in freat shape. One thing I noticed on film is that he often has problems with separation. Let me tell you, if you're having that problem at Cal Poly, then you might not want to purchase a home in New York, you better just rent.

I won't sugarcoat it like Kipper and Turd. This guy makes Mike Williams look good. Now get back to the war-room, kick McShay out and find a gem in round 3 to make up for this big swing-and-a-miss.

Reports out of Senior Game practices had him with good routes and good hands. Said he used his height well.
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