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We are very happy with our first 2 picks because we were able to address our biggest weakness, the offense. Maclin gives us a game changing wide reciever with dynamic speed. We hope Maclin can take some of the pressure off of Devin Hester, and may help open our offense as a whole. We like Phil Loadholt because he can compete for a spot on our aging O-line and at the very least give us some depth at the position.
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With the 50th pick in the NFL Draft, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers select Kraig Urbik, OG, Wisconsin.

The Cowboys are on the clock.
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Round 1
  1. Detroit - Matthew Stafford, QB, Georgia
  2. St. Louis - Eugene Monroe, OT, Virginia
  3. Kansas City - Aaron Curry, LB, Wake Forest
  4. Seattle - Michael Crabtree, WR, Texas Tech
  5. Cleveland - Beanie Wells, RB, The Ohio State University
  6. Cincinnati - Andre Smith, OT, Alabama
  7. Oakland - Jason Smith, OT, Baylor
  8. Jacksonville - Malcom Jenkins, CB, The Ohio State University
  9. Green Bay - B.J. Raji, DT, Boston College
  10. San Francisco - Mark Sanchez, QB, Southern Cal
  11. Buffalo - Brian Orakpo, DE, Texas
  12. Denver - Rey Maualuga, LB, USC
  13. Washington - Michael Oher, OT, Ole Miss
  14. New Orleans - James Laurinaitis, LB, The Ohio State University
  15. Houston - Everette Brown, DE, Florida State
  16. San Diego - Tyson Jackson, DE, LSU
  17. New York Jets - Knowshon Moreno, RB, Georgia
  18. Chicago - Jeremy Maclin, WR, Missouri
  19. Tampa Bay - Peria Jerry, DT, Ole Miss
  20. Carolina (from Detroit from Dallas) - Vontae Davis, CB, Illinois
  21. Philadelphia - Eben Britton, OT, Arizona
  22. Minnesota - Sen'Derrick Marks, DT, Auburn
  23. New England - Percy Harvin, WR, Florida
  24. Atlanta - Brandon Pettigrew, TE, Oklahoma State
  25. Miami - Larry English, DE, Northern Illinois
  26. Baltimore - Darius Heyward-Bey, WR, Maryland
  27. Indianapolis - Fili Moala, DT, Southern Cal
  28. Philadelphia (from Car) - George Robinson, OL, Oklahoma
  29. New York Giants - Clint Sintim, LB, Virginia
  30. Tennessee - Kenny Britt, WR, Rutgers
  31. Arizona - Brian Cushing, LB, Southern Cal
  32. Pittsburgh - Alex Mack, OC, California
Round 2
  1. Detroit - Alphonso Smith, CB, Wake Forest
  2. Arizona (from KC) - LeSean "Shady" McCoy, RB, Pittsburgh
  3. St. Louis - DJ Moore, CB, Vanderbilt
  4. Cleveland - Aaron Maybin, DE/LB, Penn State
  5. Seattle - Patrick Chung, CB, University of Oregon
  6. Cincinnati - Michael Johnson, DE, Georgia Tech
  7. Jacksonville - Herman Johnson, OG, LSU
  8. Oakland - Max Unger, OL, Oregon
  9. Green Bay (6-10) - Victor Harris, CB, Virginia Tech
  10. Arizona (from Buffalo) - Hakeem Nicks, WR, North Carolina
  11. San Francisco - William Beatty, OT, Connecticut
  12. Miami (from Wash) - Louis Delmas, S, Western Michigan
  13. New York Giants (from Saints) - Brian Robiskie, WR, The Ohio State University
  14. Houston - William Moore, S, Missouri
  15. New England (from SD) - Clay Matthews, OLB, USC
  16. Denver - Rashad Johnson, S, Alabama
  17. Chicago - Phil Loadholt, OT, Oklahoma
  18. Tampa Bay - Kraig Urbik, OG, Wisconsin
  19. Dallas - Buckeye513
  20. New York Jets - mross34
  21. Philadelphia - buckeyefool
  22. Minnesota - BB73
  23. Atlanta - The Man
  24. Miami - ahiacitian
  25. Baltimore - gracelhink
  26. New England - sears3820
  27. Detroit (from Carolina) - Merih
  28. New York Giants - harrydangler
  29. Indianapolis - stowfan, alpo
  30. Tennessee - buckeyesforever
  31. Buffalo (from Arizona) - korchiki
  32. Pittsburgh - h0bb3s
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Kraig Urbik brings a toughness and versatility to this offensive line. Kraig will have the chance to compete for the starting Right Guard or Right Tackle position. Since he started at both positions at Wisconsin, the real trick will be deciding which position fits him best and where he is needed most.
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Time for Rex-N-Effex to tell it like it is.

We came into this draft needing a receiver with size:

  • Laveranues Coles - 5' 11"
  • Jerricho Cotchery - 6' 0"
  • Chansi Stuckey - 6' 0"
Ramses Barden (second baddest name in sports after your's truly) is 6'6.5" 230 lbs of hands. He showed us he can hang with elite competition at the Senior Bowl.

Might be a little early to take him, but we knew he wouldn't be around come next round and received little interest in anyone trading up for our pick.
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Shonn Greene out of the University of Iowa, a big, powerful running back, brought home the Doak Walker trophy and really carried that Iowa team on his back.

One knock on Shonn was that he did not show good, natural pass receiving skills. And this day and age, you’ve got to be able to catch the football. But he produced every week, 100 yards in every game. He’s got that low base, powerful base, which I like. He picks up a ton of yards after initial contact…sets up his blockers, shows good footwork, balance. The question is going to be, how fast is he? The thing he also needs to do is work on his hands.

Some people talk about his hard nosed running style and whether that could lead to injuries at the next level. I wouldn’t worry about it, I’ve been doing this since 1978, and I’ve had guys who had injury issues coming into the NFL, and once they were in the NFL never got hurt. And guys who were completely healthy in college get to the NFL and their first training camp, boom, they have a knee injury.
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Ramses Barden is a physical specimen and an intriguing prospect. He put up good numbers, and they did play San Diego State and Wisconsin. Almost beat Wisconsin. He's a big receiver. He may grow into being an H-back. He doesn't separate that well. In the NFL, the worry would be that he might be another Mike Williams. He does have pretty good hands. He is a big physical presence. Coming into the senior bowl, I had him pegged as a fifth round type of guy. He improved his stock that week, but I think this is a bit of a reach. But he might turn out to be another Marques Colston. One of the more intriguing picks to watch moving forward.
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