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As I said before, I plan on compiling the draft rosters over the years, to see what kind of roster we have drafted.

Should I compile the user's draft picks, even if he moves between the teams?
Or just compile each team and list their respective owners over the years?
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With the 58th pick in the 2009 NFL Draft, the New England Patriots select...


Mike Mickens, CB, Cincinnati
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Miami continues to fortify its back 7 with this pick. Sean Smith has great size at 6' 3" and has shown a good nose for the ball with 5 picks in his junior year. After going defense heavy for our first three picks, we will be targeting some OL and WR help for the O. What's that Bill? Oh, okay. Parcells wanted to add that we won't be reaching for offensive help and will in fact take the best player available and that I should just shut the hell up and go back to the war room...
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Bucky Katt;1406895; said:
Taken by the Cowboys with the 51st pick.
They said throw out a name...not a name that hasn't already been picked. :smash:

I was actually going to say Smith, before I said Cook, but one site I checked said he was projected as a safety, and one said he was projected as a corner...
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sandgk;1406932; said:
Here is one site's breakdown of needs:


STRONG - TE Upgrade

They filled TE in round 1.

Now how's about looking at those urgent needs?
I'll start the bidding with Ron Brace out of BC at DT.

(Persuade me a better rated SS or WSLB is out there still).

Great nomination. Brace is a perfect fit for the Falcons considering Grady Jackson is 35. Brace is the perfect plug for the ng in the 3-4. He was my third rated dt at the beginning of the draft. And I don't just like him because he's a BC player.
of course, the Falcons don't deserve to get a player of this caliber considering they were not around to make a pick. It's only the second round. You can't lose interest this early. Then again, giving them Boone would have been a cruel trick.
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Mike Mayock;1407046; said:
Great nomination. Brace is a perfect fit for the Falcons considering Grady Jackson is 35. Brace is the perfect plug for the ng in the 3-4. He was my third rated dt at the beginning of the draft. And I don't just like him because he's a BC player.
of course, the Falcons don't deserve to get a player of this caliber considering they were not around to make a pick. It's only the second round. You can't lose interest this early. Then again, giving them Boone would have been a cruel trick.
Well playing the NG in the 3-4 is perfect since Atlanta runs a 4-3...:roll1:. Sorry I missed, some people have to work.
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The Man;1407093; said:
Well playing the NG in the 3-4 is perfect since Atlanta runs a 4-3...:roll1:. Sorry I missed, some people have to work.
Then some people should have submitted their top 5, if they weren't going to be around, like they were asked to do...especially since some people were the 6th pick of the day.
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The Man;1407093; said:
Well playing the NG in the 3-4 is perfect since Atlanta runs a 4-3...:roll1:. Sorry I missed, some people have to work.

Hey now! The point was that he can be a DT or a NG. He's a plug either way and will be better than Jackson.

Yea, none of the rest of us work. :shake: It's called sending in your list to the commish. Try it, alot of others have.

Who would you have picked in that spot ?
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jwinslow;1406907; said:
Don't like the Boone pick at all. He's a 2/3rd rounder before his latest drunken incident, which will only further his slide.

Any other suggestions?

i was being a smart ass when i said boone (shouldve used the sarcasm font obviously) and a couple guys agreed with me....who knew.....my apologies...
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