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SNIPER26;907557; said:
See comments in the quotes.

Eh I just want to win a game vs. you guys. It's getting a tad bit ridiculous :wink:

Heh, now you know how we felt during the Cooper era, get so close, choke at the end, it actually got to the point where "The Game" wasn't allowed on at my moms house because we could predict the outcome. Now the shoe is on the other foot, sucks to be you :biggrin:

As for "The Game" last year, it was a great game, tOSU played an awesome first half and came out slow in the second half. Change things around a bit and take away a penalty and i still don't think TTUN wins that game, whether anyone in that state wants to admit it, Troy Smith had the Wolverines number. In three years he pretty much did the Wolverines in every way possible, coming from behind, taking control of the game and winning when it was close. The whole pressure behind "The Game" didn't effect him at all.

The Sweatervest will come to play this year, it's not like he's afraid of the big house, and he won't let the team fall to that pressure. Unless VLoyd changes his game plan he's going to walk into a trap. scUM hasn't really changed thier game, it was the same mistake as cooper, we tried the same routine every year and every year we saw the same result. He's going to have to adjust, he's going to need more than a speech, he's going to need to do what Urban Meyer did, he's going to need to come out with a game plan that the Tressel couldn't have thought of or prepared for, plays he hasn't seen in video.
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SNIPER26;906025; said:
I get the first thing, obviously you guys aren't the biggest Michigan fans. But if Chris Wells was 0-3 (obviously is/won't be, work with me here) and saying how badly he wanted to beat Michigan and how much it bothered him, would you be saying the same thing? It's a testament to Ohio State and to the Michigan-Ohio State rivalry how badly Mike wants to win. Not that big of a deal. If the hypothetical Wells situation happened, I'd take that as a compliment because my team would obviously be doing something right.
actually, i wanted to kick Terry Glenn's ass when he ran his yap about The Game, and i wanted kick David Boston's ass when he ran his yap about The Game.

talk is cheap. win on the field, and you don't have to say Jack to nobody. the scoreboard says it for you.
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SNIPER26;907557; said:
See comments in the quotes.

Eh I just want to win a game vs. you guys. It's getting a tad bit ridiculous :wink:

Again, good points Sniper. I'll give you that "paled in comparison" to USC is a bit of an overstatement, but I'll stand by my statement that The Game wasn't as close as the 3 point score. Either way, it was an all-time great game.

The great part about this entire thing is the pendulum has now swung the opposite way. I grew up during Bruce's era, which was an even battle (I think Bruce was 5-4 against Michigan). Then, a couple of years before I went to college, Cooper came in and our misery began. 2-10-1!!! Two god damn wins? That's all we got was 2 god damn wins??? You can't say god damn on the radio... Doesn't matter, no one is listening...

Sorry, got distracted. Anyways, now we're sitting on a 5-1 streak, and Buckeye fans everywhere are pumped up to put you guys through the same pain that we felt for so long. So, in my time as a die-hard Buckeye fan, the record sits at 12-15-1 against Michigan. It's getting respectable again, but if you ask me, you guys need to go through another six years of this before you truly understand and appreciate our disgust with Cooper. So, HERE'S TO SIX MORE YEARS OF LLOYD!!! ALL HAIL QUEEN LLOYD!!!! Every year, I root for Michigan to have a good enough year to justify keeping that emotional train wreck around a little while longer.
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OCBucksFan;907560; said:
scUM hasn't really changed thier game, it was the same mistake as cooper, we tried the same routine every year and every year we saw the same result.
Hey now... they have finally figured out the shotgun for Henne's 4th year. :p
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jwinslow;908206; said:
Hey now... they have finally figured out the shotgun for Henne's 4th year. :p


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Hmmmm, red x in a white square? I don't get the joke.

He is trying to use a flat area of color within a carefully delineated form as part of the formal investigation of color and design for their own sakes. The x is a basic element representing the fundamental aesthetic value of art without regard to issues of content. Really quite droll.

Either that, or it is some goofy looking hillbilly with a shotgun.
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gregorylee;909142; said:
Here you little whiney red x visually impaired bitches

OUCH! I wasn't whining. I just didn't get the joke. But, now that the white box and red x show up in a separate window, it's all sooooo clear! Henne is obviously a douche bag in the shot gun...
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fwiw, I just saw a poll on espn.com asking what NCAA stadium has the best atmosphere. The choices were, for the most part, a joke.

They included:

Notre Dame (had to put the two funniest first)

..and somehow Michigan had the most votes. I don't even know how they are on that list, it's pretty pathetic there.

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