So here I am sitting in class the other day minding my own business. Before class started a guy who sat around me turns and says "Ohio State huh, you don't see much of those people around here!". I was like oh, ok. He just had to drop in the line of how he was a Michigan fan and how they are going to suck next year as well(not new news to me). I was trying to be sympathetic when I said well you all still have a slim chance in hell in getting TP. Then he just starts blabbering on about how the reason UM was so bad this year was because their starting QB and RB was hurt.
Don't forget that they were healthy when the bucks whooped them for the fourth time in as many years, wish I would have told him that. My only response was yep, ok or yeah, didn't really care to listen to the douche after he said "mich". I think from this day on out I might have to wear some type of TOSU apparel just for him.