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2007 Army All-American Bowl

Scout $


I looked thru the thread and didnt see this posted. It is one on ones with the East WR's and DB's. Wright and Clifford looked real good in coverage, espeically for being safties.

Edit: It was posted yesterday, but still something worth watching.
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crazybuckfan40;703887; said:
Scout $


I looked thru the thread and didnt see this posted. It is one on ones with the East WR's and DB's. Wright and Clifford looked real good in coverage, espeically for being safties.

Edit: It was posted yesterday, but still something worth watching.

Nice clip. The 4 guys that stood out to me were Major Wright, Deonte Thompson, Eric Berry, and Arrelious Benn.
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Reading through Bucknuts, I felt like I was in a psyche ward.

Here's what I get about Tressel's recruiting. He's not flashy and he's not cool. He's the "uptight white guy" that Martez Wilson was referring to. And what's wrong with that? Think about the kind of players that want to play for a straight forward, down to business, "you'll succeed at this university" kind of coach. Those are players with forethought, discipline and determination to make to the next level. They don't need a buddy as their coach. They want a teacher. And those are the kind of players that fulfill their potential and beyond. Those are the kind of players that make it Glendale to play for the national title in January, and that don team caps in April.
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StadiumDorm;704078; said:
Reading through Bucknuts, I felt like I was in a psyche ward.

Here's what I get about Tressel's recruiting. He's not flashy and he's not cool. He's the "uptight white guy" that Martez Wilson was referring to. And what's wrong with that? Think about the kind of players that want to play for a straight forward, down to business, "you'll succeed at this university" kind of coach. Those are players with forethought, discipline and determination to make to the next level. They don't need a buddy as their coach. They want a teacher. And those are the kind of players that fulfill their potential and beyond. Those are the kind of players that make it Glendale to play for the national title in January, and that don team caps in April.

Can we get a GPA...
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Rivals $


More East scrimmage notes...Thompson lead all receivers in yardage. Tez was the highlight of the defense (4 blocked PATs).

Yet another update which mentions Davis' getting routinely beaten by the quicker East DEs like Wilson and Martin.
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wadc45;704108; said:
Rivals $


More East scrimmage notes...Thompson lead all receivers in yardage. Tez was the highlight of the defense (4 blocked PATs).

Yet another update which mentions Davis' getting routinely beaten by the quicker East DEs like Wilson and Martin.

Didn't Connor Smith also struggle against quicker DE's in last year's game? It seems like it just takes time.
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OregonBuckeye;704112; said:
Didn't Connor Smith also struggle against quicker DE's in last year's game? It seems like it just takes time.

You should not compare the two...Connor is and always has been projected to end up at one of the guard spots and was labeled a road grader. Davis is being projected by most OSU people to be a future RT and is being projected as a franchise LT by the Rutgers people. To me that is a cause for concern. I still think Davis is best suited to be a DT.
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wadc45;704116; said:
You should not compare the two...Connor is and always has been projected to end up at one of the guard spots and was labeled a road grader. Davis is being projected by most OSU people to be a future RT and is being projected as a franchise LT by the Rutgers people. To me that is a cause for concern. I still think Davis is best suited to be a DT.

Oh, I thought Connor played Tackle in the AA game. I guess I was just suggesting that it takes time for most o-linemen, even the highly touted ones, to learn to use their feet.
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