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2007 Army All-American Bowl

OregonBuckeye;704126; said:
Oh, I thought Connor played Tackle in the AA game. I guess I was just suggesting that it takes time for most o-linemen, even the highly touted ones, to learn to use their feet.
Also consider that Connor played for a HS team that relied heavily on the run, so he did not have much experience/training in pass pro.
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Free Scout: USAAB Day 2 Gallery

I like this one :) Gene and Major.

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wolves2002;704523; said:
A question. On the Scout site that is covering the game, there is a short list of planned announcements during the game. One that is listed as considering Ohio State is Chris Little, an OT from Georgia. This is not a name I have heard at all. Is this an error by Scout or just someone we have not been talking about?


It's an error...Chris is likely down to Florida and ND, with Clemson, FSU, Georgia and LSU on the outside looking in.
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