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2006 Preseason Polls (official thread)

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That conference is very, very overrated.

I don't think you can say that when everybody else does too. The Pac-10 definitely isn't up there with the SEC and Big-10 but it's making progress. UCLA, Arizona(they finished really strong last year and are starting to bring in some talent), and Oregon are on the rise. USC's already a contender though I think they'll have a big down year this year. Cal is solid. Arizona St. is the Pac-10's Michigan St., always talented but has midseason breakdowns. I think the Pac-10 is the 3rd best conference just because the ACC always underachieves and the Big-12 flat-out stinks as does the Big East.
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I don't think you can say that when everybody else does too. The Pac-10 definitely isn't up there with the SEC and Big-10 but it's making progress. UCLA, Arizona(they finished really strong last year and are starting to bring in some talent), and Oregon are on the rise. USC's already a contender though I think they'll have a big down year this year. Cal is solid. Arizona St. is the Pac-10's Michigan St., always talented but has midseason breakdowns. I think the Pac-10 is the 3rd best conference just because the ACC always underachieves and the Big-12 flat-out stinks as does the Big East.

I guess I see what you're saying. However, I think that the competition in the conference is very soft, and there's no D whatsoever, in the Pac-10, either. A lot of their out of conference games aren't tough, either (with the exception of USC-ND).
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I guess I see what you're saying. However, I think that the competition in the conference is very soft, and there's no D whatsoever, in the Pac-10, either. A lot of their out of conference games aren't tough, either (with the exception of USC-ND).

Actually, it's a thousand times better than the SEC. There will be games against Tennessee, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Notre Dame(obviously), and many more I'm forgetting. I agree with the defense assesment though. Oregon's D was the best in the Pac-10 last year and I don't think it was even top 20 nationally. It's hard to tell if it's due to great offenses, bad defenses, or a combination of both.
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It always bothered me comparing the strength of SEC and the Big10.

Really Big
Penn State
Ohio State

Fairly Big

Michigan State


Now I don't want to offend anyone here for my opinion, people can disagree. However, when I get to SEC, it goes like this.

Really Big

South Carolina

Mississippi St.

It seems like they have a LOT of strong teams, a several weak teams and a couple of mid-level teams. If you look at the conference record, Vandy has never won the championship, Kentucky has won two, latest one shared with Georgia in '76 and the Mississippi states have won a combined total of 6 championships, latest in '63. Comparitively, Northwestern, Indiana and Illinois have won outright championships, NW and Illinois after 1990.
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AthlonSports' Preseason Top 25

25. Nebraska
24. ASU
23. Utah
22. Texas Tech
21. Virginia Tech
20. Tennessee
19. Oregon
18. TCU
17. Florida State
16. Iowa
15. Georgia
14. Miami (FL)
13. Michigan
12. Clemson
11. LSU
10. Louisville
9. Auburn
8. Cal
7. Texas
6. West Virginia
5. Florida
4. Ohio State
3. USC
2. ???
1. ???

They don't release their top two until tomorrow, but it basically has to be Notre Dame and either Oklahoma or Penn State, but not both. Which means that either Oklahoma or Penn State aren't on their list.

Anybody else feeling sick to their stomach?
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It's gotta be Oklahoma and ND in the top 2. If anyone has this year's PSU team in the top 2, they're on crack. I actually think you can make an argument for leaving them out of the top 25 entirely. If I were to make a preseason top 25, they'd be in the 20-25 range, but I guarantee they're out of the top 25 by the end of the season.
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BN27 is either too modest or too cryptic.

Athlon is releasing it's top 25 day by day. So far they have this:

25. Nebraska
24. Arizona State
23. Utah
22. Texas Tech
21. Virginia Tech
20. Tennessee
19. Oregon
18. TCU
17. Florida State
16. Iowa
15. Georgia
14. Miami
13. Michigan
12. Clemson
11. LSU
10. Louisville
9. Auburn
8. Cal
7. Texas

But since the internet public is an impatient group, somebody figured out that if you change the date on your computer to the 24th, the entire top 25 will be revealed...

25. Nebraska
24. Arizona State
23. Utah
22. Texas Tech
21. Virginia Tech
20. Tennessee
19. Oregon
18. TCU
17. Florida State
16. Iowa
15. Georgia
14. Miami
13. Michigan
12. Clemson
11. LSU
10. Louisville
9. Auburn
8. Cal
7. Texas
6. West Virginia
5. Florida
4. Ohio State
3. USC
2. Notre Dame
1. Oklahoma
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Let's see - what was the Buckeyes record in 2004, yep 8-4, and where were they ranked coming into 2005 after that year of rebuilding #2, no, not so. Hence I'm making Oklahoma the Show Me state for next year.

And how did tOSU do the next year?

From Maisel:
".... and junior tailback Adrian Peterson is healthy. "

Man, I should be a talking head....

To be fair, you guys would be using the same catchphrase should (Pete Carroll forbid) Chris Wells were ever coming off an injury-plagued season.

"...and runningback Chris Wells is healthy."

A lot of their out of conference games aren't tough, either (with the exception of USC-ND).

This year vs. BCS competition:

Arizona @ LSU
ASU @ Colorado
Cal @ Tennessee, Cal vs. Minnesota
Oregon vs. Oklahoma
Oregon State: None
Stanford @ Notre Dame
ucla @ Notre Dame
USC @ Arkansas, USC vs. Nebraska, USC vs. Notre Dame
Washington @ Oklahoma
Wazzu @ Auburn, Wazzu vs. Baylor

Illinois @ Rutgers, Illinois vs. Syracuse
Indiana vs. Connecticut
Iowa @ Syracuse, Iowa vs. Iowa St.
Michigan vs. Vanderbilt, Michigan @ Notre Dame
Michigan State @ Pittsburgh, Michigan State vs. Notre Dame
Minnesota @ Cal
Northwestern: None
Ohio State @ Texas
Penn State @ Notre Dame
Purdue @ Notre Dame
Wisconsin: None

Pac10's slate looks stronger to me.
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