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2006 Preseason Polls (official thread)

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Sure Fire SC'tg looks like a piece of shit.
Considering this is their assessment of the Big Ten 2006 outcome, I would say you are understating the matter.
Big Ten
Phil Steele is bad enough, since when did this SureFire Handicapping become a gold standard for anything other than congenital blindness?
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RB07OSU said:
Yeah my big difference in opinion with the services is how high Oklahoma is rated. I saw that spring game and nothing led me to believe they are a lock for a top 5 ranking. I could easily see them losing 3 games this year.
I disagree. And I *hate* OU. The only game they might lose this year is UT. And its because the Big 12 is cupcakes USA. The only other "tough" team they play got worse after OU beat them in the Holiday bowl.
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That site should change their name to ShitFire.com. Notre Dame #1 and Ohio State #10? Michigan #1 and Penn State #2 in the Big Ten? Get the fuck outta here...

Probably the worst poll i've seen in a while. For all you lazy people...

1. Notre Dame
2. Florida
3. USC
4. Oklahoma
5. West Virginia
6. Michigan
7. Texas
8. Penn State
9. LSU
10. Ohio State

I could POSSIBLY agree with 4-5 predictions and those would be USC, Oklahoma, WVU, Texas, and LSU. WVU and OU based only on schedule. I think neither are actually top 10 teams.
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I disagree. And I *hate* OU. The only game they might lose this year is UT. And its because the Big 12 is cupcakes USA. The only other "tough" team they play got worse after OU beat them in the Holiday bowl.

They do play some cupcakes and that's why I didn't say 4-5 games. I see them losing to Texas and at least one other upset, if not 2. Maybe Oklahoma State, Texas Tech, or KSU. I know those aren't real quality teams but still I think OU is way overrated. Even if they do make it through with only one loss to UT, that doesn't say much.
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1. Notre Dame: We don't care about defense at Surefire, and neither does ND. Give em the crystal!
2. Florida: Well, it's been far too long since Florida was rated #2 going in to the season, and if Urban Myer can take Utah to a BCS bowl, destroying the SEC should be a relatively small order. Gimmick offense? Hardly.
3. USC: Really, if it wasn't for us drinking the ND Kool-aid and loving Mr. 4 Superbowl Rings, as well as feeling as we do about Florida, we'd surely put USC at 1.
4. Oklahoma: All pre-season pubs say that OU's success depends on a healthy Adrian Peterson. We're different. We say OU will be successful because it's a God given right.
5. West Virginia: We can't see how WVU will ever lose a game in the Big East.
6. Michigan: The Big 10 will be down this year. Don't let recent performance fool you, Michigan is back.
7. Texas: No Vince Young? Mack Brown and Bob Stoops resume their postions.
8. Penn State: We told you so! Everyone.. and we do mean EVERYONE said Jo Pa was done.. kaput... fine.. Not us. And you think Michigan is Back? ROOOOAAAAARRRR!
9. LSU: Simple the best stable of WR's who never get the ball. JaMarcus Russell would be the best QB in the world if he could make a decent decision from time to time. This year is the year.
10. Ohio State: We were going to rank OSU lower, but we didn't want our e-mail flooded anymore than a 10 ranking would lead to. I know we said we don't like Defense when we mentioned ND, but lets face it, Ohio State replaces 9 guys and that's huge. While the offense could be lights out, we're not sold on it. I mean.. come on.. 2 games of huge production? Has everyone forgotten 2002? (We know Miami of Florida hasn't.. But we're sure Terry Porter is enjoying his cushy Andy Geiger funded retirement.)
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1. Notre Dame: We don't care about defense at Surefire, and neither does ND. Give em the crystal!
2. Florida: Well, it's been far too long since Florida was rated #2 going in to the season, and if Urban Myer can take Utah to a BCS bowl, destroying the SEC should be a relatively small order. Gimmick offense? Hardly.
3. USC: Really, if it wasn't for us drinking the ND Kool-aid and loving Mr. 4 Superbowl Rings, as well as feeling as we do about Florida, we'd surely put USC at 1.
4. Oklahoma: All pre-season pubs say that OU's success depends on a healthy Adrian Peterson. We're different. We say OU will be successful because it's a God given right.
5. West Virginia: We can't see how WVU will ever lose a game in the Big East.
6. Michigan: The Big 10 will be down this year. Don't let recent performance fool you, Michigan is back.
7. Texas: No Vince Young? Mack Brown and Bob Stoops resume their postions.
8. Penn State: We told you so! Everyone.. and we do mean EVERYONE said Jo Pa was done.. kaput... fine.. Not us. And you think Michigan is Back? ROOOOAAAAARRRR!
9. LSU: Simple the best stable of WR's who never get the ball. JaMarcus Russell would be the best QB in the world if he could make a decent decision from time to time. This year is the year.
10. Ohio State: We were going to rank OSU lower, but we didn't want our e-mail flooded anymore than a 10 ranking would lead to. I know we said we don't like Defense when we mentioned ND, but lets face it, Ohio State replaces 9 guys and that's huge. While the offense could be lights out, we're not sold on it. I mean.. come on.. 2 games of huge production? Has everyone forgotten 2002? (We know Miami of Florida hasn't.. But we're sure Terry Porter is enjoying his cushy Andy Geiger funded retirement.)
That just about sums it up perfectly I think...
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I gaurantee Oregon beats Oklahoma. Oklahoma never faces an atmosphere like Autzen Stadium and will probably go in underestimating it like scUM did in 2003. I might be at that game too. :)

I would be willing to put some Vcash on that game. I think you're silly if you think the crowd can deter OU from handing the ball off to Peterson and he eats a hole in your NGata-less defense.

So the question I have - Oregon meats tOSU in a bowl game who do you cheer for?
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Considering this is their assessment of the Big Ten 2006 outcome, I would say you are understating the matter.
Phil Steele is bad enough, since when did this SureFire Handicapping become a gold standard for anything other than congenital blindness?

Let me see here, as I look at it I'd have to say he came within a minute and a half of calling the Big 10 absolutely right from top to bottom. Michigan, OSU and PSU were all 1-1 against their two toughest conference opponents. Let's give credit where credit is due, I mean this guy called it in June or July of last year. Sounds pretty damn savvy to me.

Opps, sorry, I thought you were quoting his call for last year. I still think he ain't far off. I don't see anyone in the Big Ten threatening the top three BUT this year the Big Game(s) is/are in the 'shoe. Go Bucks!
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Autzen can get crazy and Oregon is a team who can pull off some upsets against some good teams. OU's defense is usually a very good run defense and aren't as good at defending the pass. Oregon can spread the ball around some. I just may take Oregon in that game. Heck, I may even watch it if they will find a jersey that isn't half as ugly as the new ones...
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I don't know, Cinci... if we're talking PS he thought Purdue was the big 10 winner.. I think Steele is usually pretty good, I mean, he at least has a reason for the things he says... the only thing I don't like about his mag is 85% of it is him boasting about things he "predicted" in years before... of course, leaving out the things that he didn't get accurate.

Steele's 2005 B10 projection:

Tie: Michigan Ohio State
Michigan St
Penn St
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