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2006 Preseason Polls (official thread)

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I wouldn't mind some VCash on that. I think you're silly if you think the crowd can stop them from handing the ball off to Peterson and him eating a hole in your NGata(sp?)less defense.

I think you have to pass it once in a while too. :wink2: I will go all in if we can start a VBet.

Heck, I may even watch it if they will find a jersey that isn't half as ugly as the new ones...<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

Don't count on it. :biggrin:
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I was in awe of Charlie Weis at the time.

Frankly, I think he should be coaching 6 or 7 teams.

6 or 7 college teams? Or were you also counting his high school, Arena Football teams, Canadian Football teams, and NFL teams? I bet he could easily coach 5 NCAA teams, maybe 2 AFL teams (but let's face it - I could coach an AFL team - "Here's the play: go score a touchdown."), a couple of high school teams, and one each Canadian and NFL teams. I think there are rules against coaching more than one NFL team.

Who wins/loses when one of his teams plays against another?
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<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr valign="top"><td width="10">
</td> <td>
Preseason Top 25: Only thing certain is uncertainty
</td> </tr></tbody> </table> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr valign="top"> <td width="10"> </td> <td> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr valign="top"> <td width="50">
</td> <td nowrap="nowrap"> Aug. 7, 2006
By Dennis Dodd
CBS SportsLine.com Senior Writer
Tell Dennis your opinion!
</td> <td width="10"> </td> <td align="right"> <script language="JavaScript"><!--// var dclkFeaturesponsor='http://ad.doubleclick.net/adj/sponsorships.spln.com/fs/stories/'+vTag+';'+vTarget+';'+uID+';sz=234x42;tile=5;ord='+random+'?'; if (switchDclk != 'off') { if (location.search.substring(1).indexOf('DCLK')>-1) document.write('<input type="text" value="'+dclkFeaturesponsor+'" style="width:">
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<!-- T9589934 --><!-- Sesame Modified: 08/07/2006 18:34:03 --> <!-- sversion: 7 $Updated: cstanke$ -->
[/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] Shift 8. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] That's the asterisk key for the keyboard-impaired. I need one. You need one. Every swinging hick who produces one of these preseason polls needs one. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] You'll see below that Ohio State was, is and will be our No. 1 team heading into 2006. You also should be warned. The Bucks are a very tenuous pick. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] <table align="left" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="200"> <tbody><tr> <td width="200">
</td> <td width="15"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="200"> Troy Smith and Ohio State have their eyes set on a return to the Fiesta Bowl. (Getty Images) </td> <td width="15"> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] So are Notre Dame, LSU, Texas and Auburn, to name a few more popular selections. Nothing against any of those teams; it's just that any preseason poll this year needs that asterisk. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] A warning. An explanation. A footnote. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] Everything is fluid. There is no solid, complete team this year. No consensus No. 1. Go all in at your own risk. Everyone has holes. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] Ohio State has a massive one on defense, where nine starters are gone. Good luck toting that baggage to Austin in the second week. At least the Buckeyes had a defense. If Notre Dame is going to be a national player, it must develop one, quick. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] Texas has to replace its all-world quarterback. Same at Southern California. Five SEC teams are breaking in new QBs. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] Oklahoma has them all beat -- in terms of quarterback desperation. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] We know what you're thinking. This season is headed for a train wreck ala 2003, when USC was No. 1 in the polls but No. 3 in the BCS. Or it will be 2004 all over again. Auburn went undefeated (13-0) and couldn't get a sniff at a championship. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] "I think about it every day ..." Tigers coach Tommy Tuberville said this summer. "I think the fans missed out on it. I think it will always be a question mark. We'll always have that little empty feeling thinking, could we or couldn't we have won that game?" [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] Parity has given us TCU, Utah and Boise State. But it has also given us Michigan's worst season in two decades, and the fall of Florida State from its annual top five slot. Miami is on the verge of three consecutive single-digit win seasons for the only the second time in 24 years. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] And you expected the BCS to sort it out? No way. The game is too good, too competitive this season. Last year at this time, we were talking about a USC dynasty. Silly rabbits, hat tricks are for kids. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] The nation's leading returning rusher is at Northern Illinois (Garrett Wolfe). The best receiver (USC's Dwayne Jarrett) hasn't been fully cleared to play yet. At any given moment, the ACC might be the best conference. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] No. 1. It's a moving target. The World Series of Darts with beer goggles on. We'll start in Columbus and take our chances. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] Shift 8 and party on. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] (SportsLine.com post-spring ranking in parentheses) [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] 1. Ohio State (1): How motivated is Troy Smith? Offensive coordinator Jim Bollman had bypass surgery this offseason. Quarterbacks coach Joe Daniels is working half days after being diagnosed with cancer. Smith has been banging on their doors to watch film in their homes. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] <table align="left" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" width="30%"> <tbody><tr class="bg0"> <td> Ten to Watch </td> </tr> <tr class="bg4"> <td> (Alphabetical order) </td> </tr> <tr class="bg2"> <td> Alabama </td> </tr> <tr class="bg2"> <td> Boise State </td> </tr> <tr class="bg2"> <td> BYU </td> </tr> <tr class="bg2"> <td> Fresno State </td> </tr> <tr class="bg2"> <td> South Carolina </td> </tr> <tr class="bg2"> <td> Texas A&M </td> </tr> <tr class="bg2"> <td> Texas Tech </td> </tr> <tr class="bg2"> <td> UCLA </td> </tr> <tr class="bg2"> <td> Utah </td> </tr> <tr class="bg2"> <td> Wisconsin </td> </tr> </tbody></table> [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] How They Spent Their Summer Vacation: Embracing the ranking. The nine new starters on defense are being sized for chips on their shoulders. They're going to be very good, trust us. Overall, this is the best Ohio State team since 2002. Someone has it figured out. The future looks so bleak that three major media outlets (we were the first) have the Bucks No. 1 going in. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] 2. West Virginia (2): It's a two-game season -- at Louisville and at Pittsburgh. Win those, and Double R is in Glendale, Ariz. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] How They Spent Their Summer Vacation: Trying to find an excuse after a student working in the Mountaineers football office was caught spying on Marshall practices. Wait a minute, Marshall? [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] 3. Auburn (3): The cannibalistic SEC has to have someone emerge. Auburn is it for now. By the way, o-coordinator Al Borges is God. That means new d-coordinator Will Muschamps is his own deity. He directed LSU's 2003 national champions. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] How They Spent Their Summer Vacation: Passing that pesky direct studies sociology class. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] 4. LSU (4): Can't believe folks are doubting Les Miles. "Let's see how he does with his own players." How about, "Not bad for a guy who faced two hurricanes." [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] How They Spent Their Summer Vacation: Clearing their minds. The season might be decided early when the Tigers go to Auburn on Sept. 16. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] 5. Texas (6): Do Colt McCoy and Jevan Snead remember Chris Simms and Major Applewhite? Hopefully not. Mack Brown has to have the quarterback situation squared away in time for Oklahoma on Oct. 7. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] How They Spent Their Summer Vacation: Going to the White House. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] 6. Notre Dame (7): The wacky offseason stuff is over. Jimmy Clausen declared for the Irish at the College Football Hall of Fame. Charlie Weis invited writers to the Brady Quinn Invitational in May. Now it's, "All we're thinking about is Georgia Tech." [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] How They Spent Their Summer Vacation: Developing/hoping for a defense. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] 7. USC (8): Scandal Central and the Trojans should still win the Pac-10. Steroids, agents, surgeries. This program is invincible. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] How They Spent Their Summer Vacation: Calling an exterminator to get rid of all the runners. Uh, the agent type, not the football type. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] 8. Cal (17): The most underrated team in America. Jeff Tedford conceivably has a national championship contender with depth everywhere. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] How They Spent Their Summer Vacation: Counting to 108,000, the number of voices they'll face in the opener at Tennessee. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] 9. Florida (9): Chris Leak looks uncomfortable in the spread option. The running backs are questionable. Not too sure about the offensive line. Have you seen that schedule? It adds up to a 9-3 season that should land the Gators in the top 10. No shame in that. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] How They Spent Their Summer Vacation: Catering to The Next One. Anything else we can get for you, Mr. Tebow? [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] 10. Georgia (10): Just like Texas and Oklahoma, pretty much set at every position except quarterback. What's the over/under on what game Matthew Stafford takes over? [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] How They Spent Their Summer Vacation: Taking donations for Mark Richt's latest raise. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] 11. Miami (20): Complete change of heart here since the spring. The 'Canes are the best team in the ACC. That doesn't mean they are perfect. It does mean Larry Coker will keep his job. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] How They Spent Their Summer Vacation: Suspending Tyrone Moss, Ryan Moore and (supposedly) losing Willie Williams. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] 12. Florida State (22): Jeff Bowden has to get the running game going. Beating a depleted Miami in the opener would help. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] How They Spent Their Summer Vacation: Remembering they are the defending ACC champs. A return to the top five isn't that far away. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] 13. Oregon (12): This is USC Jr. The Ducks have a serviceable defense, which is huge in the Pac-10. But the loss of Haloti Ngata will hurt immensely. Figure the Ducks for third in the Pac-10. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] How They Spent Their Summer Vacation: Waiting for Oklahoma at Autzen on Sept. 16. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] 14. Virginia Tech (13): Quick, what do you know about this team? Us either. The best team in the expanded ACC (to date) will have to sneak up to win their second conference title in three years. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] How They Spent Their Summer Vacation: Re-tooling after the loss of Marcus Vick, Jimmy Williams, etc. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] <table align="left" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="175"> <tbody><tr> <td width="175">
</td> <td width="15"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="175"> Bob Stoops' Sooners have all the top programs beat in QB problems. (Getty Images) </td> <td width="15"> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] 15. Oklahoma (5): So this is where they landed after The Great Expulsion. Figure the Sooners for an 8-4 season and an outside shot at challenging for the Big 12 South. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] How They Spent Their Summer Vacation: Cruising. Well, that's the wrong choice of words. Everything was great until Stoops found out Rhett Bomar and J.D. Quinn were getting paid a whole lot of money for washing used BMWs. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] 16. Iowa (14): Replacements at receiver and linebacker will have to come through. Ohio State will have to falter. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] How They Spent Their Summer Vacation: Giving Kirk Ferentz ungodly amounts of money just because the NFL sneezed. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] 17. Louisville (11): Bobby Petrino's best leverage continues to be that Auburn private jet out on the tarmac. Time to step up in the Big East and nationally. The Miami game on Sept. 16 is the biggest in school history. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] How They Spent Their Summer Vacation: Watching in amazement as Brian Brohm rehabbed from knee surgery. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] 18. Clemson (15): We're not ready to go in the tank totally for the Tigers just yet. Mostly because of games at Florida State and Virginia Tech. Seniors must come through (QB Will Proctor, WR Chansi Stuckey, DL Gaines Adams). Yeah, we're calling you out. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] How They Spent Their Summer Vacation: Figuring out how to get through the third week of September. There are consecutive trips to Boston College (Sept. 9) and FSU (Sept. 16). [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] 19. Penn State (23): Weird dynamic here. The Lions get worse at quarterback (c'mon, Michael Robinson was a better playmaker and leader than Anthony Morelli). But they might be better overall everywhere else on offense. Penn State will never be bad on defense. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] How They Spent Their Summer Vacation: Hoping Paul Posluszny's knee is fully healed. Psst, it is. Just ask him. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] 20. Michigan (21): Just asking, but is it possible that Chad Henne and Michael Hart have already peaked? Lloyd Carr needs the next go-to receiver (is it Mario Manningham? Steve Breaston?) [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] How They Spent Their Summer Vacation: Wallowing in the shame of their worst season in 21 years. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] 21. Boston College (16): If you're spending a weekend of debauchery in Vegas, gambling away the mortgage money with your buds, do something sensible. Put a couple of bucks on the Eagles. They are the model of consistency. In the past five years, the Eagles have won either eight or nine games. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]
[/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] How They Spent Their Summer Vacation: Figuring how to replace the winningest senior class in school history. That list includes nine starters, three taken in the first four rounds by the NFL. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] 22. Nebraska (19): They'll win the Big 12 North because the Huskers are the division's only ranked team and they're coming off an eight-win season and a bowl victory over Michigan. No other Big 12 North team has as much talent. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] How They Spent Their Summer Vacation: Chilling until this week when, as of Monday, backup quarterback Harrison Beck hadn't shown up for camp. Starting corner Zackary Bowman blew out his knee. Time to re-evaluate this ranking already? [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] 23. TCU (18): Gary Patterson will find out by the second week of October whether the Frogs are BCS players. They play Baylor, Texas Tech, BYU and Utah early. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] How They Spent Their Summer Vacation: Feeling the love. TCU has the second-longest winning streak in the country (10). It's favored to win the Mountain West again. Since 2000, TCU has a better winning percentage than Florida, Florida State and Tennessee. Surprised? [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] 24. Arizona State (24): Just might have the best offense in America. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] How They Spent Their Summer Vacation: Pondering that they just might have the worst defense in America. Discuss. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] 25. Georgia Tech (25): Coming off a fourth consecutive seven-win season. The Jackets drive their fans crazy. After what seemed like a breakthrough victory at Miami, they lost the final two against Georgia and Utah by a combined 35 points. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica] How They Spent Their Summer Vacation: Putting in 20-hour days plotting to beat Notre Dame in the opener. [/FONT]
</td></tr></tbody> </table>
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Look like the place to dump a ton of preseason info ...

2006 Preseason Award Watch Lists

2006 Lombardi Award - Watch List (The Rotary Club of Houston)
Rufus Alexander LB Oklahoma
Mike Alston, LB, Toledo
Sam Baker, OT, USC
Antwan Barnes, LB, Florida International
George Batiste, OG, Southern Miss
Dan Bazuin, DE, Central Michigan
H.B. Blades, LB, Pittsburgh
Justin Blalock, OT, Texas
Tommy Blake, DE, TCU
Keyonvis Bouie, LB, Florida International
Levi Brown, OT, Penn State
Rob Caldwell, LB, Navy
Brandon Cox, OL, UL Lafayette
Tim Crowder DE Texas
Mark Fenton C Colorado
Doug Free, OT, Northern Illinois
Cedric Gagne-Marcoux, C, UCF
John Greco, OT, Toledo
Korey Hall, LB Boise State
Jonny Harline, TE, BYU
Clark Harris, TE, Rutgers
Ameer Ismail, LB, Western Michigan
Lawrence Jackson, DE, USC
Tanner Jenkins, C, Arkansas State
Ryan Kalil, C, USC
Dylan Lineberry, OG, North Texas
Kevin McLee, LB, West Virginia
Larry McSwain, DE, UAB
Brandon Mebane, DT, California
Quentin Moses, DE, Georgia
Dan Mozes , C, West Virginia
Matt Muncy, LB, Ohio
Sam Olajubutu, LB, Arkansas
Chase Ortiz, DE, TCU
Paul Posluszny, LB Penn State
Samson Satele, OG Hawai'i,
Matt Spaeth, TE, Minnesota
Arron Spears, OT, Tennessee
Herbert Taylor, OT, TCU
Joe Thomas, OT, Wisconsin
Robert Turner, OG, New Mexico
Patrick Willis, LB, Mississippi
Kyle Young, C Fresno State

2006 Bronko Nagurski - Watch List (Charlotte Touchdown Club)
Gaines Adams, Clemson DE Sr. Greenwood, S.C.
Rufus Alexander, Oklahoma LB Sr. Baton Rouge, La.
Antwan Applewhite, San Diego State DE Jr. Torrance, Calif.
Brandon Archer, Kansas State LB Sr. St. Paul, Minn.
Baraka Atkins, Miami, Fla. DL Sr. Sarasota, Fla.
Daniel Bazuin, Central Michigan DE Sr. McBain, Mich.
H.B. Blades, Pittsburgh LB Sr. Plantation, Fla.
Tommy Blake, TCU DE Jr. Aransas Pass, Texas
Keyonvis Bouie, Florida International LB Sr. Pahokee, Fla.
Mkristo Bruce, Washington State DE Sr. Renton, Wash.
Nick Bunting, Tulsa LB Sr. Tulsa, Okla.
Rob Caldwell, Navy LB Sr. St. John, Ind.
Adam Carriker, Nebraska DE Sr. Kennewick, Wash.
Brent Curvey, Iowa State DL Sr. Houston, Texas
Keyunta Dawson, Texas Tech DE Sr. Shreveport, La.
Joe Garcia, Nevada DB Sr. Westminster, Calif.
Courtney Greene, Rutgers DB So. New Rochelle, N.Y.
Michael Griffin, Texas S Sr. Austin, Texas
Korey Hall, Boise State LB Sr. Glenns Ferry, Idaho
Leon Hall, Michigan CB Sr. Vista, Calif.
Vince Hall, Virginia Tech LB Jr. Chesapeake, Va.
Marcus Hamilton, Virginia CB Sr. Centreville, Va.
Will Herring, Auburn LB Sr. Opelika, Ala.
David Herron, Michigan State LB Sr. Warren, Ohio
Loren Howard, Arizona State DE Sr. Scottsdale, Ariz.
Daymeion Hughes, California CB Sr. Los Angles, Calif.
Lawrence Jackson, USC DE Jr. Inglewood, Calif.
Cameron Jensen, BYU LB Sr. Bountiful, Utah
Jeremy Jones, UTEP LB Sr. San Jose, Calif.
LaRon Landry, LSU FS Sr. Ama, La.
Marcus McCauley, Fresno State CB Sr. Sacramento, Calif.
Kevin McLee, West Virginia LB Sr. Uniontown, Pa.
Larry McSwain, UAB DE Sr. Vigor, Ala.
Brandon Mebane, California DT Sr. Los Angles, Calif.
Brandon Meriweather, Miami, Fla. DB Sr. Apopka, Fla.
Quentin Moses, Georgia DE Sr. Athens, Ga.
J.D. Nelson, Oregon FS Sr. Mountain View, Calif.
Stephen Nicholas, South Florida LB Sr. Jacksonville, Fla.
Sam Olajubutu, Arkansas LB Sr. LaGrange, Ga.
Chase Ortiz, TCU DE Jr. League City, Texas
Sabby Piscitelli, Oregon State S Sr. Boca Raton, Fla.
Quinn Pitcock, Ohio State DT Sr. Piqua, Ohio
Paul Posluszny, Penn State LB Sr. Aliquippa, Pa.
Darrelle Revis, Pittsburgh DB Jr. Aliquippa, Pa.
Brandon Siler, Florida LB Jr. Orlando, Fla.
Brian Smith, Missouri DE Sr. Denton, Texas
Aqib Talib, Kansas CB So. Richardson, Texas
Kelly Talavou, Utah DL Sr. Santa Ana, Calif.
Thaddaeus Washington, Colorado LB Sr. Marrero, La.
Anthony Waters, Clemson LB Sr. Lake View, S.C.
Eric Weddle, Utah DB Sr. Alta Loma, Calif.
John Wendling, Wyoming S Sr. Rock Springs, Wyo.
Eric Wicks, West Virginia DB Sr. Pittsburgh, Pa.
Patrick Willis, Mississippi LB Sr. Bruceton, Tenn.
LaMarr Woodley, Michigan LB Sr. Saginaw, Mich.
Tom Zbikowski, Notre Dame DB Sr. Arlington Heights, Ill.

2006 Outland Trophy - Watch List (FWAA)
Will Arnold, LSU G
Sam Baker, USC OT
Kirk Barton, Ohio State OT
George Batiste, Southern Miss OL
Josh Beekman, Boston College G
Justin Blalock, Texas OT
Conrad Bolston, Maryland DT
Levi Brown, Penn State OT
Andrew Browning, Boise State DT
Ryan Clady, Boise State OT
Brent Curvey, Iowa State DL
Brian Daniels, Colorado OL
Tim Duckworth, Auburn G
Mark Fenton, Colorado C
Doug Free, Northern Illinois OT
Roman Fry, Clemson OL
Howie Fuimaono, UNLV DL
Rhema Fuller, Connecticut DT
Jared Gaither, Maryland OT
Ryan Harris, Notre Dame OL
Daniel Inman, Georgia OT
Tanner Jenkins, Arkansas State C
Chase Johnson, Wyoming OT
Ryan Kalil, USC C
Jake Kuresa, BYU OL
Jake Long, Michigan OL
Enoka Lucas, Oregon C
Kurt Mann, Nebraska OL
Brandon Mebane, California DT
Remel Meekins, Rutgers DL
Dan Mozes, West Virginia OL
David Ochoa, Kansas OL
Jeff Perrett, Tulsa OT
Jeremy Perry, Oregon State OL
Quinn Pitcock, Ohio State DT
Kurt Quarterman, Louisville OL
Manuel Ramirez, Texas Tech OL
SirVincent Rogers, Houston OL
Samson Satele, Hawaii OL
Arron Sears, Tennessee OT
Jeremy Sheffey, West Virginia G
Brian Stamper, Vanderbilt OT
Herbert Taylor, TCU OT
Shannon Tevaga, UCLA G
Joe Thomas, Wisconsin OL
Marcus Thomas, Florida DT
Robert Turner, New Mexico G
Kelly Talavou, Utah DL
Tavo Tupola, Utah OL
Steve Vallos, Wake Forest OT
Greg Wafford, Kansas State OL
Theodric Watson, South Florida OL
Eric Wood, Louisville OL
Kyle Young, Fresno State C

2006 Rimington Award - Watch List (Boomer Esiason Foundation/Cystic Fibrosis Foundation/Canon)
Pete Bier - Army Senior 6’4" 282 lbs
Mark Bihl - Michigan Senior 6’5" 297 lbs
Will Blaylock - Baylor Senior 6’2" 308 lbs
Antoine Caldwell- Alabama Sophomore 6’3" 296 lbs
Aaron Danehauer - Tulsa Senior 6’5" 302 lbs
Robby D’Angelo - Southern Mississippi Junior 6’1" 277 lbs
Kyle DeVan - Oregon State Junior 6’2" 293 lbs
Sterling Doty - Houston Senior 6’2" 285 lbs
Robby Felix - UTEP Sophomore 6’3" 270 lbs
Mark Fenton - Colorado Junior 6’4 290 lbs.
Dustin Fry - Clemson Senior 6’3" 325 lbs
Cedric Gagne-Marcoux - Central Florida Senior 6’2" 280 lbs
Leroy Harris - North Carolina State Senior 6’3 295 lbs.
Tanner Jenkins - Arkansas State Senior 6’1" 292 lbs
Brandon Jones - Texas Tech Senior 6’3" 305 lbs
Nick Jones - Georgia Senior 6’3" 295 lbs
Ryan Kalil - Southern California Senior 6’4" 290 lbs
Jason Karcher - Wyoming Senior 6’3" 291 lbs
Adam Korby - Idaho Sophomore 6’2" 292 lbs
Robbie Krutilla - Western Michigan Junior 6’3" 308 lbs
Doug Legursky - Marshall Junior 6’3 308 lbs
Kory Lichtensteiger - Bowling Green Junior 6’3" 305 lbs
Enoka Lucas - Oregon Senior 6’4" 299 lbs
Jonathan Luigs - Arkansas Senior 6’4" 305 lbs
Matt Maddox - Illinois Junior 6’3" 310 lbs
Kurt Mann - Nebraska Junior 6’4 280 lbs
John Masters - Michigan State Junior 6’4" 299 lbs
Dan Mozes - West Virginia Senior
Dave Ochoa - Kansas Senior 6’4" 295 lbs
James Rossi - Navy Junior 6’1" 269 lbs
Samson Satele - Hawaii Senior 6’3" 311 lbs
Lyle Sendlein - Texas Junior 6’5" 305 lbs
Stephen Schuh - Memphis Senior 6’1" 288 lbs
Adam Spieker - Missouri Junior 6’3 310 lbs
Darnell Stapleton - Rutgers Senior 6’3" 305 lbs
Scott Stephenson - Iowa State Senior 6’4" 305 lbs
John Sullivan - Notre Dame Senior 6’4" 280 lbs
Cody Wallace - Texas A&M Junior 6’4" 296 lbs
Chris White - South Carolina Senior 6’3" 316 lbs
Anthony Wollschlager - Miami Senior 6’4" 281 lbs
Eric Wood - Louisville Sophomore 6’4" 290 lbs
Kyle Young - Fresno State Junior 6’5 335 lbs.

2006 Ted Hendricks Award - Watch List (Ted Hendricks Foundation)
No Web Site Available
Victor Abiamiri, Notre Dame SR, 6'4" 260
Gaines Adams, Clemson SR, 6'5" 265
CJ Ah You, Oklahoma SR, 6'4" 265
Ikaika Alama-Francis, Hawaii JR, 6'5" 250
Antwan Applewhite, San Diego State JR, 6'3" 235
Baraka Atkins, Miami SR, 6'4" 260
Daniel Bazuin, Central Michigan SR, 6'3" 265
Larry Birdine, Oklahoma SR, 6'4" 260
Tommy Blake, TCU JR, 6'3" 250
Alan Brach, Michigan (DT/DE) JR, 6'6" 311
Mkristo Bruce, Washington State SR, 6'6" 255
Kyle Caldwell, Arizona State SR, 6'3" 270
Adam Carriker, Nebraska SR, 6'6" 280
Tim Crowder, Texas SR, 6'4" 270
Keyunta Dawson, Texas Tech SR, 6'2" 260
Chris Ellis, Virginia Tech JR, 6'5" 250
Wallace Gilberry, Alabama JR, 6'2" 250
Quentin Groves, Auburn JR, 6'3" 250
Loren Howard, Arizona State SR, 6'4" 280
Kenny Iwebema, Iowa JR, 6'4" 255
Jason Jack, Texas A & M JR 6'4" 275
Xzavie Jackson, Missouri SR, 6'4" 275
Lawrence Jackson, USC JR, 6'5" 265
Chris Long, Virginia JR, 6'4" 275
Ray McDonald, Florida SR, 6'3" 280
Larry McSwain, UAB SR, 6'1" 255
Kevin Mims, Northwestern FR, 6'3" 250
Jay Moore, Nebraska SR, 6'4" 270
Quentin Moses, Georgia SR, 6'5" 250
Jarvis Moss, Florida SO, 6'6" 250
Jesse Nading, Colorado State JR, 6'5" 250
Alex Obomese, UTEP SR, 6'3" 245
Chase Ortiz, TCU JR, 6'3" 250
Bryan Pata, Miami SR, 6'4" 270
David Patterson, Ohio State SR, 6'3" 285
Brian Robison, Texas SR, 6'3" 275
Matthew Shaughnessy, Wisconsin SO, 6'6" 255
Brian Smith, Missouri SR, 6'4" 230
Anthony Spencer, Purdue SR, 6'3" 250
Nu'u Tafisi, California SR, 6'2" 260
LaMarr Woodley, Michigan (RLB) SR, 6'2" 265
Abraham Wright, Colorado JR, 6'3" 240

2006 John Mackey Award - Watch List (Nassau County Sports Commission)
Martellus Bennett - Texas A&M
John Carlson - Notre Dame
Scott Chandler - Iowa
Daniel Coats - BYU
Chase Coffman - Missouri
Fred Davis - USC
Tyler Ecker - Michigan
Marcel Frost - Ohio State
Jason Goode - Maryland
Johnny Harline - BYU
Clark Harris - Rutgers
Matt Herian - Nebraska
Jamaal Lewis - Arizona State
Zach Miller - Arizona State
Martrez Milner - Georgia
Dan Murray - Connecticut
Shawn Nelson - Southern Miss.
Joe Newton - Oregon State
Greg Olsen - Miami, Fl
Ben Patrick - Delaware
Dante Rosario - Oregon
Martin Rucker - Missouri
Tom Santi - Virginia
Derek Schouman - Boise State
Samuel Smith - Florida Int'l
Matt Spaeth - Minnesota
Kory Sperry - Colorado State
Matt Traverso - Stanford
Chad Upshaw - Buffalo
Brad Wood - Arizona

2006 Maxwell Award - Watch List (Maxwell Football Club)
Ainge, Erik - University of Tennessee
Bomar, Rhett - University of Oklahoma
Booker, Lorenzo - Florida State University
Booty, John David - University of Southern California
Breaston, Steve - University of Michigan
Brennan, Colt - University of Hawaii
Brohm, Brian - Louisville
Brown, Thomas - University of Georgia
Bush, Michael - Louisville
Charles, Jamaal - University of Texas
Cox, Brandon - Auburn University
Darby, Ken - University of Alabama
Davis, James - Clemson University
Ginn, Ted - Ohio State University
Green-Ellis, BenJarvus - University of Mississippi
Hamilton, Lynell - San Diego State University
Harris, Clark - Rutgers University
Hart, Michael - University of Michigan
Henne, Chad - University of Michigan
Hollenbach, Sam - University of Maryland
Irons, Kenny - Auburn University
Jarrett, Dwayne - University of Southern California
Johnson, Calvin - Georgia Tech
Kolb, Kevin - University of Houston
Leak, Chris - University of Florida
Leonard, Brian - Rutgers University
Little, Rafael - University of Kentucky
Lynch, Marshawn - University of California
McFadden, Darren - University of Arkansas
Meyer, Bret - Iowa State University
Miller, Zach - Arizona State University
Mitchell, Blake - University of South Carolina
Moss, Tyrone - University of Miami
Olsen, Greg - University of Miami
Olson, Ben - UCLA
Palko, Tyler - University of Pittsburgh
Palmer, Jordan - UTEP
Peterson, Adrian - University of Oklahoma
Pittman, Antonio - Ohio State University
Quinn, Brady - Notre Dame
Rice, Sidney - University of South Carolina
Russell, Jamarcus - Louisiana State University
Samardzija, Jeff - Notre Dame
Slaton, Steve - West Virginia University
Smith, Steve - University of Southern California
Smith, Troy - Ohio State University
Stanton, Drew - Michigan State University
Stocco, John - University of Wisconsin
Sutton, Tyrell - Northwestern
Tate, Drew - University of Iowa
Taylor, Zac - University of Nebraska
Thomas, Jamario - North Texas
Walker, Darius - Notre Dame
Weatherford, Drew - Florida State University
White, Pat - West Virginia University
Williams, Derek - Penn State University
Wolfe, Garrett - Northern Illinois
Wright, Kyle - University of Miami
Young, Albert - University of Iowa
Zabransky, Jared - Boise State University

2006 Benarik Award - Watch List (Maxwell Football Club)
Abbate, Jonathon - Wake Forrest
Adams, Gaines - Clemson University
Adibi, Xavier - Virginia Tech
Ah You, C.J. - University of Oklahoma
Alexander, Rufus - University of Oklahoma
Battle, Tra - University of Georgia
Bazuin, Daniel - Central Michigan University
Blades, H.B. - University of Pittsburgh
Blake, Tommy - Texas Christian University
Brown, Kareem - University of Miami
Brown, Kevin - UCLA
Bruce, Mkristo - Washington State University
Bryant, Red - Texas A&M University
Bunting, Nick - University of Tulsa
Burgess, Prescott - University of Michigan
Caldwell, Rob - U.S. Naval Academy
Carriker, Adam - University of Nebraska
Cason, Antoine - University of Arizona
Connor, Dan - Penn State University
Crowder, Tim - University of Texas
Cushing, Brian - University of Southern California
Davis, Buster - Florida State University
Everett, Earl - University of Florida
Griffin, Michael - University of Texas
Groves, Quinton - Auburn University
Hall, Korey - Boise State
Hall, Vince - Virginia Tech
Harrell, Justin - University of Tennessee
Herring, Will - Auburn University
Highsmith, Ali - LSU
Howard, Loren - Arizona State University
Hughes, Daymeion -University of California
Jackson, Lawrence - University of Southern California
Landry, La Ron - LSU
Lua, Oscar - University of Southern California
McKeon, Corey - University of Nebraska
McLee, Kevin - West Virginia University
McSwain, Larry - UAB
Mebane, Brandon - University of California
Meriweather, Brandon - University of Miami
Moses, Quentin - University of Georgia
Nelson, Reggie - University of Florida
Okam, Frank - University of Texas
Olajubutu, Sam - University of Arkansas
Phillips, Kenny - University of Miami
Pitcock, Quinn - Ohio State University
Posluszny, Paul - Penn State University
Pressley, DeMario - North Carolina State University
Rivers, Keith - University of Southern California
Shaw, Tim - Penn State University
Siler, Brandon - University of Florida
Taylor, Tony - University of Georgia
Thomas, Marcus - University of Florida
Toal, Brian - Boston College
Walters, Anthony - Clemson University
Warren, Justin - Texas A&M University
Weddle, Eric - University of Utah
Willis, Patrick - University of Mississippi
Woodley, LaMarr - University of Michigan
Zbikowski, Tom - Notre Dame

2006 Lou Groza Award - Watch List (FedEx Orange Bowl and the Palm Beach Co. Sports Commission)
Ainsworth, Jesse - Arizona State, Junior
Vaughn, John - Auburn, Junior
Medlock, Justin - UCLA, Junior
Crosby, Mason - Colorado, Junior
Nuzie, Matt - Connecticut, Junior
Wellock, Andrew - Eastern Michigan, Junior
Bell, Travis - Georgia Tech, Sophomore
Schlicher, Kyle - Iowa, Junior
Comiskey, Sean - Louisiana Lafayette, Senior
Horwedel, Danny - Louisiana Tech, Sophomore
Carmody, Arthur - Louisville, Sophomore
Gostkowski, Stephen - Memphis, Senior
Peattie, Jon - Miami, Junior
Rivas, Garrett - Michigan, Junior
Smith, Colby - Middle Tennessee State, Junior
Barth, Connor - North Carolina, Sophomore
Bazaldua, Nick - North Texas, Senior
Fitzpatrick, D.J. - Notre Dame, Senior
Serna, Alexis - Oregon State, Sophomore
Cummings, Josh - Pittsburgh, Senior
Jones, Ben - Purdue, Senior
Brown, Josh - South Carolina, Senior
McCaleb, Darren - Southern Mississippi, Junior
Wilhoit, James - Tennessee, Junior
Pino, David - Texas, Senior
Pegram, Todd - Texas A&M, Senior
Schneider, Reagan - Texas at El Paso, Junior
Hughes, Connor - Virginia, Senior
Pace, Brandon - Virginia Tech, Junior
Yaussi, Deric - Wyoming, Senior

2006 Lott Trophy - Watch List (Pacific Club IMPACT Foundation)
Rufus Alexander, Sr., LB, Oklahoma, 6-1, 231
Dwayne Andrews, Sr., LB, Fresno State, 6-0, 240
Patrick Bailey, Sr., LB, Duke, 6-4, 230
Daniel Bazuin, Sr., DE, Central Michigan, 6-3, 257
Tommy Blake, Sr., DE, TCU, 6-3, 250
H.B. Blades, Sr., LB, Pitt, 6-0, 240
Mkistro Bruce, Sr., DL, Washington State, 6-6, 255
Rob Caldwell, Sr., LB, Navy, 6-0, 222
Caleb Campbell, Jr., DB, Army, 6-2, 223
Adam Carriker, Sr., DL, Nebraska, 6-6, 280
Tim Crowder, Sr., DE, Texas, 6-4, 270
Joe Garcia, Sr., DB, Nevada, 6-0, 182
Michael Griffin, Sr., S, Texas, 6-0, 205
Korey Hall, Sr., LB, Boise State, 6-1, 228
Leon Hall, CB, Sr., Michigan, 5-11, 194
Vince Hall, Jr., LB, Virginia Tech, 6-0, 236
Marcus Hamilton, Sr., CB, Virginia, 5-11, 187
Justin Harrell, DT, Tennessee, 6-4, 306
Nate Harris, Sr., LB, Louisville, 6-1, 232
Jay Henry, Sr., LB, West Virginia, 6-2, 225
Will Herring, Sr., LB, Auburn, 6-3, 220
Daymeion Hughes, Sr., CB, Cal, 6-2, 185
Kenny Iwebema, Sr., DE, Iowa, 6-4, 255
Lawrence Jackson, DE, USC, 6-5, 265
Kyle Kinsell, DE, Davidson, 6-0, 235
LaRon Landry, Sr. S, LSU, 6-2, 204
Larry McSwain, Sr., DL, UAB, 6-3, 255
Brandon Meriweather, Sr, S, Miami, 6-0, 188
Will Meyers, Sr. DB, Indiana, 5-11, 201
Quentin Moses, Sr., DE, Georgia, 6-5, 255
Matt Muncy, Sr., LB, Ohio, 6-2, 234
Jesse Nading, Jr., DE, Colorado State, 6-5, 252
Eli Nichols, Sr., DL, Duke, 6-4, 260
Sam Olajubutu, Sr., LB, Arkansas, 5-9, 227
Paul Posluszny, Sr., LB, 6-2, 230, Penn State
Roderick Rogers, Sr., DB, Wisconsin, 6-2, 181
Brandon Siler, Jr., LB, Florida, 6-2, 239
Juwan Simpson, Sr., LB, Alabama, 6-3, 222
Justin Warren, Sr., LB, Texas A&M, 6-3, 237
Eric Weddle, Sr., S, Utah, 6-0, 200
Patrick Willis, Sr., LB, Mississippi, 6-2, 240
Tom Zbikowski, Sr, S, Notre Dame, 6-0, 208

2006 Ray Guy Award - Watch List (Greater Augusta Sports Council)
www.augustasports.org/rayguyaward.htm (Problems with site) http://www.rayguy.net
Dave Brytus, Purdue, Junior
Gordon Ely-Kelso, Georgia, Junior
Daniel Sepulveda, Baylor, Senior
Nic Schmitt, VA Tech, Senior
Kyle Tucker, Kansas, Junior
Eric Wilbur, Florida, Senior

2006 Jim Thorpe Award - Watch List (Jim Thorpe Association)
Fred Bennett - S. Carolina
Joe Burnett UCF
Bobby Blackshire - Tulsa
Antoine Cason - Arizona
Zack Cantanese - Arizona State
Marquice Cole - Northwestern
Joe Garcia - Nevada
Josh Gattis - Wake Foresst
Nick Graham - Tulsa
Michael Griffin - Texas
Leon Hall - Michigan
Marcus Hamilton - Virginia
Daymeion Hughes - California
David Irons - Auburn
LaRon Landry - LSU
Marcus McCanley - Fresno State
Brandon Meriweather - Miami (FL)
J.D. Nelson - Oregon
David Overstreet - Missouri
Sabby Piscitelli - Oregon State
Kenny Phillips - Miami (FL)
Darrelle Revis - Pittsburgh
Anthony Reddick - Miami (FL)
Roderick Rogers - Wisconsin
Reggie Smith - Oklahoma
Wesley Smith - Memphis
John Talley - Duke
Eric Weddle - Utah
John Wending - Wyoming
Eric Wicks - West Virginia
C.J. Wilson - Baylor
Tom Zbikowski - Notre Dame

2006 Walter Camp Player of the Year - Watch List (Walter Camp Foundation)
Not Yet Released

2006 Biletnikoff Award - Watch List (Tallahassee Quarterback Club)
Not Yet Released

2006 Davey O'Brien Award - Watch List (Davey O'Brien Foundation)
Not Yet Released

2006 Butkus Award - Watch List (Downtown Athletic Club of Orlando)
Not Yet Released (August 26th 2006)

2006 Johnny Unitas Award - Watch List (Johnny Unitas Golden Arm Educational Foundation)
Not Yet Released

2006 Doak Walker Award - Watch List (SMU Athletic Forum)
Not Yet Released

2006 Sammy Baugh Award - Watch List (Touchdown Club of Columbus)
Not Yet Released

2006 Mosi Tatupu Award - Watch List (Honolulu and Maui Quarterback Clubs)
No Site Available (Possibly Defunct)
Not Yet Released

2006 Heisman Trophy Award - Watch List (Downtown Athletic Club of New York)
No Official List is Published by the Downtown Athletic Club of New York
1. QB Brady Quinn, Notre Dame
2. RB Adrian Peterson, Oklahoma
3. QB Troy Smith, Ohio State
4. QB Chris Leak, Florida
5. QB Brian Brohm, Louisville
6. WR Ted Ginn, Jr., Ohio State
7. RB Michael Bush, Louisville
8. RB Steve Slaton, West Virginia
9. QB Sam Keller, Arizona State
10. QB Pat White, West Virginia
11. QB John David Booty, USC
12. QB Drew Stanton, Michigan State
13. RB Kenny Irons, Auburn
14. RB Marshawn Lynch, Cal
15. RB Michael Hart, Michigan
16. RB Garrett Wolfe, Northern Illinois
17. QB Chad Henne, Michigan
18. RB Jamaal Charles, Texas
19. QB Drew Tate, Iowa
20. LB Paul Posluszny, Penn State

2006 Preseason Top 25 Lists

Phil Steele - Expected Season Finish
1. OU
2. Auburn
3. Louisville
4. USC
5. Texas
6. Miami
7. Notre Dame
8. OSU
9. VT
10. FSU
11. Michigan
12. Tennessee
13. Arkansas
14. Georgia
15. Iowa
16. Cal
17. WVU
18. Clemson
19. Boise St
20. Florida
21. LSU
22. Nebraska
23. Utah
24. Purdue
25. Oregon

Phil Steel - Power Poll
1. OU
2. Texas
3. USC
4. Ohio St.
5. Notre Dame
6. Auburn
7. Michigan
8. Cal
9. FSU
10. Florida
11. Miami, Fl
12. Arkansas
13. LSU
14. Louisville
15. Tennessee
16. Va Tech
17. Iowa
18. Clemson
19. Oregon
20. Georgia
21. Nebraska
22. Penn St.
23. Texas Tech
24. WVU
25. Arizona St.

1. OU
2. ND
3. USC
4. Ohio St.
5. Florida
6. West Virgina
7. Texas
8. California
9. Auburn
10. Louisville
11. LSU
12. Clemson
13. Michigan
14. Miami
15. Georgia
16. Iowa
17. Florida St.
18. TCU
19. Oregon
20. Tennessee
21. Va. Tech.
22. Texas Tech
23. Utah
24. Arizona St.
25. Nebraska

Athlon Top 25 Previews:
#4 Ohio State: http://www.athlonsports.com/college-football/8621/no-4-smith-ginn-duo-propels-bucks-into-bcs-hunt
#7 Texas: http://www.athlonsports.com/college-football/8618/no-7-no-vince-but-talent-abounds-for-longhorns
#13 Michigan: http://www.athlonsports.com/college-football/8612/michigan-set-to-rebound-behind-henne-hart
#16 Iowa: http://www.athlonsports.com/college-football/8609/tate-hawks-eye-run-at-big-ten-title

Athlon All Team Previews:
#4 Ohio State: http://www.athlonsports.com/college-football/8857/ohio-state-2006-team-preview
#48 Northern Illinois: http://www.athlonsports.com/college-football/8930/northern-illinois-2006-team-preview
#7 Texas: http://www.athlonsports.com/college-football/8819/texas-2006-team-preview
#90 Cincinnati: http://www.athlonsports.com/college-football/8879/cincinnati-2006-team-preview
#35 Penn State: http://www.athlonsports.com/college-football/8862/penn-state-2006-team-preview
#16 Iowa: http://www.athlonsports.com/college-football/8859/iowa-2006-team-preview
# 103 Bowling Green: http://www.athlonsports.com/college-football/8890/bowling-green-2006-team-preview
#43 Michigan State: http://www.athlonsports.com/college-football/8863/michigan-state-2006-team-preview
#78 Indiana: http://www.athlonsports.com/college-football/8867/indiana-2006-team-preview
#58 Minnesota: http://www.athlonsports.com/college-football/8866/minnesota-2006-team-preview
#89 Illinois: http://www.athlonsports.com/college-football/8868/illinois-2006-team-preview
#56 Northwestern: http://www.athlonsports.com/college-football/8865/northwestern-2006-team-preview
#13 Michigan: http://www.athlonsports.com/college-football/8858/michigan-2006-team-preview

Athlon AAs:
First Team O: http://www.athlonsports.com/college-football/8708/athlons-2006-all-america-offense
First Team D: http://www.athlonsports.com/college-football/8709/athlons-2006-all-america-defense
Second Team: http://www.athlonsports.com/college-football/8715/irons-leads-athlons-second-team-all-america-list
Third Team: http://www.athlonsports.com/college-football/8716/slaton-heads-athlons-third-team-all-americans

Athlon All-Big Ten Team:

ESPN - Ivan Maisel (Post Spring)
1. Ohio State Buckeyes
2. Oklahoma Sooners
3. West Virginia Mountaineers
4. Texas Longhorns
5. Florida State Seminoles
6. USC Trojans
7. California Golden Bears
8. Notre Dame Fighting Irish
9. Auburn Tigers
10. Iowa Hawkeyes
11. Clemson Tigers
12. Florida Gators
13. LSU Tigers
14. Oregon Ducks
15. Nebraska Cornhuskers
16. Michigan Wolverines
17. Louisville Cardinals
18. Miami Hurricanes
19. TCU Horned Frogs
20. Boston College Eagles
21. Penn State Nittany Lions
22. Georgia Bulldogs
23. UTEP Miners
24. Virginia Tech Hokies
25. Texas Tech Red Raiders

CBS Sportsline-Dennis Dodd Post Spring
1. Ohio State
2. West Virginia
3. Auburn
4. LSU
5. Oklahoma
6. Texas
7. Notre Dame
8. USC
9. Florida
10. Georgia
11. Louisville
12. Oregon
13. Virginia Tech
14. Iowa
15. Clemson
16. Boston College
17. Cal
18. TCU
19. Nebraska
20. Miami
21. Michigan
22. Florida State
23. Penn State
24. Arizona State
25. Georgia Tech

CBS Sportsline-Dennis Dodd UPDATED
1. Ohio State (1)
2. West Virginia (2)
3. Auburn (3)
4. LSU (4)
5. Texas (6)
6. Notre Dame (7)
7. USC (8)
8. Cal (17)
9. Florida (9)
10. Georgia (10)
11. Miami (20)
12. Florida State (22)
13. Oregon (12)
14. Virginia Tech (13)
15. Oklahoma (5)
16. Iowa (14)
17. Louisville (11)
18. Clemson (15)
19. Penn State (23)
20. Michigan (21)
21. Boston College (16)
22. Nebraska (19)
23. TCU (18)
24. Arizona State (24)
25. Georgia Tech (25)

CBS SportsLine.com (Preview Magazine)
1. Ohio State
2. West Virginia
3. LSU
4. Notre Dame
5. Auburn
6. Oklahoma
7. Texas
8. USC
9. Florida
10. Oregon
11. Georgia
12. Florida State
13. Virginia Tech
14. Iowa
15. Louisville
16. California
17. Clemson
18. Penn State
19. Michigan
20. Miami (Fla.)
21. Boston College
22. Nebraska
23. TCU
24. Georgia Tech
25. UCLA

1. Ohio State
2. Notre Dame
3. Southern Cal
4. LSU
5. Texas
6. West Virginia
7. Auburn
8. Oklahoma
9. Florida
10. Miami
11. Michigan
12. Penn State
13. Georgia
14. Florida State
15. Louisville
16. Oregon
17. California
18. Virginia Tech
19. Nebraska
20. UCLA
21. Clemson
22. South Carolina
23. Iowa
24. Texas Tech
25. Alabama

College Football News
1. Texas
2. Florida
3. USC
4. LSU
5. Ohio State
6. Auburn
7. Oklahoma
8. Florida State
9. Tennessee
10. West Virginia
11. Notre Dame
12. California
13. Virginia Tech
14. Miami
15. Arizona State
16. Louisville
17. Nebraska
18. Penn State
19. Michigan
20. Alabama
21. Georgia
22. Texas Tech
23. Iowa
24. Georgia Tech
25. Clemson

Lindy's Power Rankings
1. Notre Dame
2. Ohio State
3. West Virginia
4. Texas
5. Florida
6. USC
7. Oklahoma
8. Auburn
9. California
10. LSU
11. Michigan
12. Florida State
13. Louisville
14. Georgia
15. Utah
16. Miami
17. TCU
18. Clemson
19. Arizona State
20. Virginia Tech
21. Penn State
22. Nebraska
23. Oregon
24. Texas Tech
25. Iowa

Blue Ribbon
1. Ohio State
2. Notre Dame
3. Texas
4. W. Virginia
5. Florida
6. Oklahoma
7. California
8. USC
9. Miami (Fla)
10. Auburn
11. FSU
12. LSU
13. Iowa
14. Louisville
15. PSU
16. Clemson
17. Nebraska
18. Michigan
19. Georgia
20. Utah
21. Arizona State
22. Va. Tech.
23. Texas Tech.
24. Tennessee
25. TCU

The Sporting News
1. Notre Dame
2. Ohio State
3. Auburn
4. LSU
5. W. Virginia
6. USC
7. Texas
8. Florida
9. Oklahoma
10. FSU
11. Iowa
12. Georgia
13. California
14. Miami (Fla)
15. PSU
16. Va. Tech.
17. Michigan
18. Tennessee
19. Louisville
20. Texas Tech.
21. TCU
22. Nebraska
23. Oregon
24. Clemson
25. Alabama

Sports Illustrated (Stewart Mandel - Spring)
1. Ohio State
2. Texas
3. Notre Dame
4. West Virginia
5. LSU
6. Oklahoma
7. USC
8. California
9. Michigan
10. Auburn
11. Florida
12. FSU
13. Georgia
14. Clemson
15. Louisville
16. Nebraska
17. Oregon
18. Iowa
19. PSU
20. Miami (Fla.)
21. TCU
22. Alabama
23. Arizona State
24. Va. Tech.
25. Utah

SI Team Previews:
Ohio State: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/football/ncaa/specials/preview/2006/teams/ten/ohiost.html
Northern Illinois: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/football/ncaa/specials/preview/2006/teams/mac/nillinois.html
Texas: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/football/ncaa/specials/preview/2006/teams/b12/texas.html
Cincinnati: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/football/ncaa/specials/preview/2006/teams/east/cincinnati.html
Penn State: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/football/ncaa/specials/preview/2006/teams/ten/pennst.html
Iowa: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/football/ncaa/specials/preview/2006/teams/ten/iowa.html
Bowling Green: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/football/ncaa/specials/preview/2006/teams/mac/bowling.green.html
Michigan State: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/football/ncaa/specials/preview/2006/teams/ten/michiganst.html
Indiana: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/football/ncaa/specials/preview/2006/teams/ten/indiana.html
Minnesota: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/football/ncaa/specials/preview/2006/teams/ten/minnesota.html
Illinois: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/football/ncaa/specials/preview/2006/teams/ten/illinois.html
Northwestern: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/football/ncaa/specials/preview/2006/teams/ten/northwstrn.html
Michigan: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/football/ncaa/specials/preview/2006/teams/ten/michigan.html

USA Today/Coaches Poll
1. Ohio State (28)
2. Texas (11)
3. (tie) Notre Dame (9)
3. (tie) Southern California (1)
5. Oklahoma (13)
6. Auburn (1)
7. West Virginia
8. Florida
9. LSU
10. Florida State
11. Miami (Fla.)
12. California
13. Louisville
14. Georgia
15. Michigan
16. Virginia Tech
17. Iowa
18. Clemson
19. Penn State
20. Oregon
21. TCU
22. Nebraska
23. Tennessee
24. Alabama
25. Texas Tech

USA Today Top 25 Capsules
Top 25 Capsules: http://www.usatoday.com/sports/college/football/2006-08-03-top-25-capsules_x.htm

NOTE: The USA TODAY Board of Coaches is made up of 63 head coaches at Division I-A institutions. All are members of the American Football Coaches Association. This season’s board: Chuck Amato, N.C. State; Frank Beamer, Virginia Tech; Mike Bellotti, Oregon; Jack Bicknell, Louisiana Tech; Larry Blakeney, Troy; Bobby Bowden, Florida State; Tommy Bowden, Clemson; Jeff Bower, Southern Miss; Gregg Brandon, Bowling Green; Art Briles, Houston; Mack Brown, Texas; Watson Brown, UAB; John Bunting, North Carolina; Bill Callahan, Nebraska; Lloyd Carr, Michigan; Larry Coker, Miami (Fla.); Sylvester Croom, Mississippi State; Darrell Dickey, North Texas; Bill Doba, Washington State; Randy Edsall, Connecticut; Dennis Franchione, Texas A&M; Phillip Fulmer, Tennessee; Joe Glenn, Wyoming; Walt Harris, Stanford; Dan Hawkins, Colorado; Pat Hill, Fresno State; Terry Hoeppner, Indiana; Brady Hoke, Ball State; Brian Kelly, Central Michigan; Steve Kragthorpe, Tulsa; Mike Leach, Texas Tech; Rocky Long, New Mexico; Sonny Lubick, Colorado State; Dan McCarney, Iowa State; Les Miles, LSU; Shane Montgomery, Miami (Ohio); Joe Novak, Northern Illinois; Houston Nutt, Arkansas; Tom O’Brien, Boston College; George O’Leary, Central Florida; Gary Patterson, TCU; Chris Petersen, Boise State; Bobby Petrino, Louisville; Mark Richt, Georgia; Mike Riley, Oregon State; Rich Rodriguez, West Virginia; Bobby Ross, Army; Greg Schiano, Rutgers; Howard Schnellenberger, Florida Atlantic; John L. Smith, Michigan State; Mark Snyder, Marshall; Frank Solich, Ohio; Steve Spurrier, South Carolina; Rick Stockstill, Middle Tennessee; Bob Stoops, Oklahoma; Jeff Tedford, California; Joe Tiller, Purdue; Dick Tomey, San Jose State; Jim Tressel, Ohio State; Tommy Tuberville, Auburn; Charlie Weis, Notre Dame; Tyrone Willingham, Washington; Ron Zook, Illinois. The AFCA prohibits coaches from voting for schools on major NCAA probation.

Street & Smith's
1. Ohio State
2. W. Virginia
3. Texas
4. Notre Dame
5. Florida
6. California
7. USC
8. Auburn
9. LSU
10. Oklahoma
11. FSU
12. Michigan
13. Louisville
14. Miami (Fla)
15. Va. Tech.
16. Arizona State
17. Nebraska
18. Alabama
19. Georgia
20. PSU
21. Iowa
22. Texas Tech.
23. Clemson
24. Oregon
25. TCU

2006 Walter Camp/Street & Smith's All-American Team
QB Brady Quinn - Notre Dame
RB Adrian Peterson - Oklahoma
RB Marshawn Lynch - California
WR Dwayne Jarrett - USC
WR Jeff Samardzija - Notre Dame
OL Justin Blalock - Texas
OL Sam Baker - USC
OL Arron Sears - Tennessee
OL Ryan Kalil - USC
OL Mark Fenton - Colorado
TE Greg Olsen - Miami
PK Mason Crosby - Colorado

DL Quentin Moses - Georgia
DL Chris Long - Virginia
DL LaMarr Woodley - Michigan
DL Lawerence Jackson - USC
LB Patrick Willis - Mississippi
LB Desmond Bishop - California
LB Paul Posluszny - Penn State
DB Brandon Meriweather - Miami
DB Leon Hall - Michigian
DB Darrelle Revis - Pittsburgh
DB LaRon Landry - LSU
P Daniel Sepulveda - Baylor
KR Brandon Tate - North Carolina

1. Notre Dame
2. Texas
3. Ohio State
4. LSU
5. USC
6. West Virginia
7. Florida
8. Oklahoma
9. Auburn
10. Michigan
11. Miami (Fla.)
12. Louisville
13. Georgia
14. Alabama
15. Florida State
16. Virginia Tech
17. Penn State
18. California
19. Clemson
20. Oregon
21. Nebraska
22. Arizona State
23. Iowa
24. Texas Tech
25. TCU

The Gold Sheet
1. Oklahoma
2. Auburn
3. West Virginia
4. Ohio State
5. Florida
6. Texas
7. USC
8. Florida State
9. Notre Dame
10. California
11. LSU
12. Texas Tech
13. Iowa
14. Georgia
15. Louisville
16. Miami (Fla.)
17. Michigan
18. Alabama
19. Virginia Tech
20. Navy
21. Utah
22. Arizona State
23. Tennessee
24. Boston College
25. Georgia Tech

Real Football 365
1. Oklahoma
2. Ohio State
3. W. Virginia
4. Notre Dame
5. Texas
6. LSU
7. FSU
8. California
9. Michigan
10. USC
11. Auburn
12. Clemson
13. Florida
14. Louisvile
15. Georgia
16. Arizona State
17. PSU
18. Va. Tech.
19. Utah
20. Miami (Fla.)

Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Tony Barnhart)
1. Ohio State
2. Texas
3. USC
4. West Virginia
5. Notre Dame
6. Oklahoma
7. Auburn
8. Miami (Fla.)
9. Florida
10. Florida State
11. LSU
12. Clemson
13. Georgia
14. California
15. Iowa
16. Oregon
17. Louisville
18. Virginia Tech
19. Michigan
20. Nebraska
21. Boston College
22. Tennessee
23. TCU
24. Georgia Tech
25. Penn State

1. Notre Dame
2. Oklahoma
3. Ohio State
4. Auburn
5. Texas
6. LSU
7. USC
8. Louisville
9. Michigan
10. Florida
11. West Virginia
12. Miami (Fla.)
13. Iowa
14. Florida State
15. Virginia Tech
16. Nebraska
17. Georgia
18. Boise State
19. California
20. Arizona State
21. Tennessee
22. Texas Tech
23. Wisconsin
24. Boston College
25. South Carolina

1. Ohio State
2. Oklahoma
3. West Virginia
4. Notre Dame
5. LSU
6. Florida
7. Texas
8. Auburn
9. USC
10. Florida State
11. Louisville
12. Michigan
13. California
14. Virginia Tech
15. Miami (Fla.)
16. Penn State
17. Clemson
18. Georgia
19. Nebraska
20. Iowa
21. Oregon
22. Tennessee
23. Alabama
24. Arizona State
25. Texas Tech

1. Texas
2. Ohio State
3. USC
4. LSU
5. West Virginia
6. Oklahoma
7. Notre Dame
8. Auburn
9. Florida
10. Louisville
11. Florida State
12. Georgia
13. California
14. Michigan
15. Miami (Fla.)
16. Virginia Tech
17. Tennessee
18. Clemson
19. Nebraska
20. Penn State
21. Iowa
22. Arizona State
23. TCU
24. Boston College
25. Texas Tech

1. West Virginia
2. Ohio State
3. Notre Dame
4. Auburn
5. LSU
6. Michigan
7. USC
8. Iowa
9. Florida
10. Georgia
11. Virginia Tech
12. Miami (Fla.)
13. Texas
14. Louisville
15. Boston College
16. Florida State
17. Oregon
18. Oklahoma
19. California
20. Fresno State
21. Nebraska
22. Arizona State
23. South Carolina
24. Penn State
25. Georgia Tech

1. TBA
2. TBA
3. TBA
4. TBA
5. TBA
6. TBA
7. TBA
8. TBA
9. TBA
10. TBA
11. TBA
12. TBA
13. TBA
14. TBA
15. Georgia
16. Nebraska
17. Oregon
18. Clemson
19. Arizona State
20. Iowa
21. TCU
22. Texas Tech.
23. Alabama
24. Va. Tech.
25. PSU

Football.com Big Ten Preview

Football.com Team Previews
Ohio State: TBA
Northern Illinois: http://www.football.com/cgi-bin/posters/printPost.cgi?pa=yes&category=collegepreviews&PID=3317&at=college1.shtml
Texas: TBA
Cincinnati: http://www.football.com/cgi-bin/posters/printPost.cgi?pa=yes&category=collegepreviews&PID=3241&at=college1.shtml
Penn State: http://www.football.com/cgi-bin/posters/printPost.cgi?pa=yes&category=college3&PID=3254&at=college1.shtml
Iowa: http://www.football.com/cgi-bin/posters/printPost.cgi?pa=yes&category=collegepreviews&PID=3293&at=college1.shtml
Bowling Green: http://www.football.com/cgi-bin/posters/printPost.cgi?category=ncaacommentary2&at=college3.shtml
Michigan State: http://www.football.com/cgi-bin/posters/printPost.cgi?pa=yes&category=college3&PID=3154&at=college1.shtml
Indiana: http://www.football.com/cgi-bin/posters/printPost.cgi?pa=yes&category=collegepreviews&PID=3116&at=college1.shtml
Minnesota: TBA
Illinois: http://www.football.com/cgi-bin/posters/printPost.cgi?pa=yes&category=collegepreviews&PID=3216&at=college1.shtml
Northwestern: TBA

1. OSU
2. West Virginia
3. ND
4. Texas
5. USC
6. Oklahoma
7. Miami
8. Georgia
9. Wisconsin
10. Florida
11. Cal
12. FSU
13. Iowa
14. LSU
15. Auburn
16. Louisville
17. Texas Tech
18. Nebraska
19. Michigan
20. Penn St.
21. Arizona St.
22. Tennessee
23. Boston College
24. Clemson
25. Alabama

Playboy All-American Team
Arron Sears, lineman, Tennessee
Joe Thomas, lineman, Wisconsin
Justin Blalock, lineman, Texas
Sam Baker, lineman, USC
Dan Mozes, center, West Virginia
Zach Miller, tight end, Arizona State
Adrian Peterson, running back, Oklahoma
Garrett Wolfe, running back, Northern Illinois
Troy Smith, quarterback, Ohio State
Dwayne Jarrett, wide receiver, USC
Joel Filani, wide receiver, Texas Tech.
Ted Ginn Jr., kick returner/receiver, Ohio State
Mason Crosby, placekicker, Colorado

Gaines Adams, lineman, Clemson
Adam Carriker, lineman, Nebraska
Frank Okam Jr., lineman, Texas
Quentin Moses, lineman, Georgia
Jay Henry, linebacker, West Virginia
H.B. Blades, linebacker, Pittsburgh
Patrick Willis, linebacker, Mississippi
Paul Posluszny, linebacker, Penn State
Leon Hall, cornerback, Michigan
Daymeion Hughes, cornerback, California
Brandon Meriweather, safety, Miami
LaRon Landry, safety, LSU
Nic Schmitt, punter, Virginia Tech
Anson Mount Scholar/Athlete, West Virginia

Coaching Changes (The Sports Network)

SCHOOL - - FORMER COACH (exit date) - NEW COACH (hire date)
Boise State - - Dan Hawkins (December 16) - Chris Petersen (December 16)
Buffalo - - Jim Hofher (November 8) - Turner Gill (December 16)
Butler - - Kit Cartwright (November 12) - Jeff Voris (January 4)
Central Conn St - - Tom Masella (December 8) - Jeff McInerney (January 13)
Colorado - - Gary Barnett (December 8) - Dan Hawkins (January 1)
Columbia - - Bob Shoop (November 20) - Norries Wilson (December 12)
Elon - - Paul Hamilton (November 27) - Pete Lembo (December 19)
Fordham - - Ed Foley (November 21) - Tom Masella (December 8)
Georgetown - - Bob Benson (December 20) - Kevin Kelly (January 9)
Georgia Southern - - Mike Sewak (November 29) - Brian VanGorder (December 9)
Hofstra - - Joe Gardi (November 19) - Dave Cohen (December 13)
Idaho - - Nick Holt (February 9) - Dennis Erickson (February 8)
Jackson State - - James Bell (October 29) - Rick Comegy (December 8)
Kansas State - - Bill Snyder (November 19) - Ron Prince (December 5)
LaSalle - - Phil Longo (February 28) - Tim Miller (March 21)
Lehigh - - Pete Lembo (December 19) - Andy Coen (January 3)
Liberty - - Ken Karcher (November 18) - Danny Rocco (December 2)
Middle Tennessee - - Andy McCollum (November 26) - Rick Stockstill (December 12)
Missouri State - - Randy Ball (November 14) - Terry Allen (December 20)
Murray State - - Joe Pannunzio (November 18) - Matt Griffin (December 12)
NC A&T - - George Small (November 22) - Lee Fobbs (December 2)
Northern Colorado - - O. Kay Dalton (December 2) - Scott Downing (December 27)
Northwestern - - Randy Walker (June 29) - Pat Fitzgerald (July 7)
Rice - - Ken Hatfield (November 30) - Todd Graham (January 1)
San Diego State - - Tom Craft (December 5) - Chuck Long (December 17)
Savannah State - - Richard Basil (March 14) - Theo Lemon (April 10)
SE Missouri - - Tim Billings (November 18) - Tony Samuel (December 21)
Temple - - Bobby Wallace (November 19) - Al Golden (December 6)
V-M-I - - Cal McCombs (November 28) - Jim Reid (December 22)
Wisconsin - - Barry Alvarez (January 2) - Bret Bielema (January 3)

The Sports Network Big Ten Preview

Preseason Conference Accolades

2006 BigTen Football Media Day

2006 BigTen Preseason Media Poll - only the top 3 were listed
1. Ohio State
2. Michigan
3. Iowa

2006 BigTen Preseason Offensive Player of the Year
Troy Smith - Ohio State

2006 BigTen Preseason Defensive Player of the Year
Paul Posluszny - Penn State

2006 ACC Football Media Day

2006 ACC Preseason Media Poll

Atlantic Division (First Place in Parentheses)
1. Florida State (49) 373 points
2. Clemson (13) 322 points
3. Boston College (3) 269 points
4. Maryland 163 points
5. NC State 124 points
6. Wake Forest 116 points

Coastal Division
1. Miami (52) 374 points
2. Virginia Tech (10) 316 points
3. Georgia Tech (3) 279 points
4. Virginia 166 points
5. North Carolina 165 points
6. Duke 65 points

ACC Championship Game Winner
Miami (31)
Florida State (23)
Clemson (5)
Virginia Tech (5)
Georgia Tech (1)

2006 ACC Preseason Player of the Year
Calvin Johnson, WR - Georgia Tech

2006 CUSA Football Media Day

2006 CUSA Preseason Coaches Poll

1. UCF 65
2. Southern Miss 52
3. Memphis 43
4. Marshall 35
5. UAB 28
6. East Carolina 25

1. Tulsa 61
2. UTEP 60
3. Houston 55
4. SMU 39
5. Tulane 20
6. Rice 17

Offensive Player of the Year
Kevin Kolb, QB, Houston

Defensive Player of the Year
Larry McSwain, DE, UAB

Special Teams Player of the Year
Darren McCaleb, K, Southern Miss

2006 All-CUSA Preseason Football Team (Coaches Vote)

First Team Offense
QB Kevin Kolb, Sr., Houston
RB Ahmad Bradshaw, Jr., Marshall
RB Kevin Smith, So., UCF
OL George Batiste, Sr., Southern Miss
OL Travis Cooley, Sr., Southern Miss
OL Cedric Gagne-Marcoux, Sr., UCF
OL Eric Graham, Sr., East Carolina
OL Jeff Perrett, Sr., Tulsa
OL Julius Wilson, Sr., UAB
WR Aundrae Allison, Sr., East Carolina
WR Johnnie Lee Higgins, Sr., UTEP
WR Vincent Marshall, Sr., Houston
TE Shawn Nelson, So., Southern Miss

First Team Defense
DL Antonio Harris, Jr., Tulane
DL Larry McSwain, Sr., UAB
DL Alex Obomese, Sr., UTEP
DL Zach West, Sr., UTEP
LB Nick Bunting, Sr., Tulsa
LB Nelson Coleman, Sr., Tulsa
LB Orlandus King, Sr., UAB
DB Bobby Blackshire, Sr., Tulsa
DB Joe Burnett, So., UCF
DB Caleb Hendrix, Sr., Southern Miss
DB Wesley Smith, Sr., Memphis

First Team Special Teams
K Darren McCaleb, Sr., Southern Miss
P Michael Gibson, Sr., Memphis
KR Jessie Henderson, So., SMU
PR Joe Burnett, So., UCF

2006 Big 12 Football Media Day

2006 Big 12 Preseason Media Poll

1. Nebraska (21) 160
2. Iowa State (5) 128
3. Colorado (2) 93
4. Kansas 85
5. Missouri 82
6. Kansas State 40

1. Oklahoma (23) 163
2. Texas (5) 144
3. Texas Tech 106
4. Texas A&M 81
5. Oklahoma State 49
6. Baylor 46

First place votes in parentheses

2006 Big 12 Preseason Offensive Player of the Year
Adrian Peterson, Oklahoma (RB, 6-2, 210, Jr/2L, Palestine, Texas)

2006 Big 12 Preseason Defensive Player of the Year
Rufus Alexander, Oklahoma (LB, 6-1, 231, Sr/3L, Baton Rouge, La.)

2006 Big 12 Preseason Newcomer of the Year
Sergio Kindle, Texas (LB, 6-4, 225, Fr, Dallas, Texas)

2006 All-Big 12 Preseason Football Team (Media Vote)

WR Todd Blythe - Iowa State
TE Martin Rucker - Missouri
OL Justin Blalock - Texas
OL Manuel Ramirez - Texas Tech
C Mark Fenton - Colorado
OL Kasey Studdard - Texas
OL Corey Hilliard - Oklahoma State
WR Jarrett Hicks - Texas Tech
QB Bret Meyer - Iowa State
RB Adrian Peterson - Oklahoma
RB Jamaal Charles - Texas
PK Mason Crosby - Colorado
KR DeAndre Jackson - Iowa State

DL Adam Carriker - Nebraska
DL Tim Crowder - Texas
DL Frank Okam - Texas
DL Brent Curvey - Iowa State
LB Rufus Alexander - Oklahoma
LB Thaddaeus Washington - Colorado
LB Corey McKeon - Nebraska
DB Michael Griffin - Texas
DB DeAndre Jackson - Iowa State
DB David Overstreet - Missouri
DB Aqib Talib - Kansas
P Daniel Sepulveda - Baylor
PR Terrence Nunn - Nebraska

2006 Big East Football Media Day

2006 Big East Preseason Media Poll

1.West Virginia (18) 186
2.Louisville (6) 172
3.Pittsburgh 127
4.Rutgers 125
5.USF 97
6.Connecticut 80
7.Cincinnati 41
8.Syracuse 36

2006 MAC Football Media Day

2006 MAC Preseason Media Poll

West Division
1. Northern Illinois 286 (39)
2. Toledo 244 (10)
3. Western Michigan 172 (1)
4. Central Michigan 155
5. Ball State 120
6. Eastern Michigan 73

East Division
1. Akron 282 (35)
2. Miami 235 (11)
3. Bowling Green 196 (2)
4. Ohio 176 (2)
5. Kent State 97
6. Buffalo 64

Championship game winner: Northern Illinois (37); Toledo (8); Akron (3); Miami (1); Western Michigan (1).

2006 PAC10 Football Media Day

2006 PAC10 Preseason Media Poll

1.USC (18) 276
2.California (7) 247
3.Oregon (3) 229
4.Arizona State (1) 204
5.UCLA 145
6.Arizona 133
7.Oregon State 125
8.Washington State 96
9.Stanford 90
10.Washington 50

2006 SEC Football Media Day

2006 SEC Preseason Media Poll

Eastern Division
1. Florida (49) 179
2. Georgia (42) 200
3. Tennessee (9) 303
4. South Carolina (4) 362
5. Kentucky 545
6. Vanderbilt 595

Western Division
1. Auburn (87) 129
2. LSU (12) 217
3. Alabama (5) 348
4. Arkansas 364
5. Ole Miss 550
6. Mississippi State 576

SEC Champion - Auburn 73, Florida 11, Georgia 7, LSU 6, Alabama 5, Tennessee 2.

2006 All-SEC First Team - Media

TE- Martrez Milner, UGA
OL- Aaron Sears, Tennessee
OL- Will Arnold, LSU
OL- Daniel Inman, UGA
OL- Tim Duckworth, Auburn
C- Nick Jones, UGA
WR - Sidney Rice, S. Carolina
WR - Earl Bennett, Vanderbilt
QB - Chris Leak, Florida
RB - Kenny Irons, Auburn
RB - Darren McFadden, Arkansas

DL - Quentin Moses, UGA
DL - Justin Harrell, Tennessee
DL - Marcus Thomes, Florida
LB - Patrick Willis, Ole Miss
LB - Sam Olajabutu, Arkansas
LB - Will Herring, Auburn
LB - Brandon Siler, Florida
DB - LaRon Landry, LSU
DB - Fred Bennett, S. Carolina
DB - David Irons, Auburn
DB - Ramzee Robinson, Alabama

PK - Brandon Coutu, UGA
P - Kody Bliss, Auburn
RS - Rafael Little, Kentucky

2006 All-SEC Teams - Coaches
(*-Ties / #-Unanimous Selection - Coaches could not vote for themselves or their own players)

TE Cole Bennett - Auburn
OL Arron Sears Tennessee
OL Tim Duckworth Auburn
OL Daniel Inman Georgia
OL Will Arnold LSU
C Nick Jones Georgia
WR Sidney Rice South Carolina
WR Earl Bennett Vanderbilt
QB Chris Leak Florida
RB Darren McFadden Arkansas
RB Kenny Irons Auburn

DL Quentin Moses Georgia
DL Justin Harrell Tennessee
DL Quentin Groves Auburn
LB *Patrick Willis Ole Miss
LB Sam Olajubutu Arkansas
LB Brandon Siler Florida
LB Will Herring Auburn
DB LaRon Landry LSU
DB Tra Battle Georgia
DB David Irons Auburn
DB #Ramzee Robinson Alabama
DB #Reggie Nelson Florida

PK Brandon Coutu Georgia
P Kody Bliss Auburn
RS Felix Jones Arkansas

TE Jacob Tamme Kentucky
OL Ben Grubbs Auburn
OL Brian Anderson Miss. State
OL Brian Stamper Vanderbilt
OL #Brian Johnson LSU
OL #Jonathan Palmer Auburn
OL #Stephen Parker Arkansas
C Joe Cope Auburn
WR Dallas Baker Florida
WR Dwayne Bowe LSU
QB JaMarcus Russell LSU
RB Kenneth Darby Alabama
RB #Arian Foster Tennessee
RB #Rafael Little Kentucky
RB #Alley Broussard LSU

DL Chase Pittman LSU
DL Keith Jackson Arkansas
DL #Ray McDonald Florida
DL #Marcus Thomas Florida
LB Quinton Culberson Miss. State
LB #Ali Highsmith LSU
LB #Tony Taylor Georgia
LB #Juwan Simpson Alabama
LB #Earl Everett Florida
DB Jonathan Hefney Tennessee
DB Fred Bennett South Carolina
DB Jeramie Johnson Miss. State
DB Jessie Daniels LSU

PK Chris Hetland Florida
P #Gordon Ely-Kelso Georgia
P #Chris Jackson LSU
RS Rafael Little Kentucky

TE Martrez Milner Georgia
OL Robert Felton Arkansas
OL Zac Tubbs Arkansas
OL Michael Oher Ole Miss
OL #Michael Aitcheson Kentucky
OL #Aaron Miller Kentucky
C Antoine Caldwell Alabama
WR Tyrone Prothro Alabama
WR Andre Caldwell Florida
QB Brandon Cox Auburn
RB Thomas Brown Georgia
RB Peyton Hillis Arkansas

DL Marquies Gunn Auburn
DL Glenn Dorsey LSU
DL #Turk McBride Tennessee
DL #Jamaal Anderson Arkansas
LB Wesley Woodyard Kentucky
LB Jarvis Jackson Georgia
LB Jonathan Goff Vanderbilt
LB #Karibi Dede Auburn
LB #Freddie Fairchild Arkansas
DB Roger Williams Kentucky
DB #Michael Grant Arkansas
DB #Chevis Jackson LSU
DB #Randy Kelly Arkansas
DB # Paul Oliver Georgia

PK John Vaughn Auburn
P Eric Wilbur Florida
RS #Thomas Flowers Georgia
RS #Tyrone Prothro Alabama

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Buckeyes sit atop preseason Power 16

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ESPN The Magazine

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<!-- begin text11 div --><!-- begin leftcol --><!-- begin free preview text --> Editor's note: The following story can be found in ESPN The Magazine's college football preview issue, which is on sale now. It's anybody's BCS. A year after USC was everyone's preseason pick, five teams top at least one of our voters' lists. And there's reason not to love each of them. No. 1 Ohio State has nine new defensive starters, including the entire back seven. No. 2 Texas replaces a legend with two unproven youngsters. Notre Dame? Not enough D. Auburn? That schedule's a bitch. West Virginia? The comp is too soft. So who will be kings of college football? That's what the BCS championship game is for. Unless, of course, everyone ends up with a loss.
1. Ohio State Buckeyes
Last season: 10-2, 7-1 in Big Ten
He devours sports sections the way he gobbles up true-freshman guards. But DT Quinn Pitcock isn't looking for published pats on the back. "I look at my own quotes to see if I said something stupid," Pitcock says. "And I read them to find out if any of the new guys will take my position." Sorry, Quinn. You're already sounding a little silly. There aren't many linemen better than Pitcock, who was named second-team All-Big Ten last season despite a bum shoulder. Nine starters are gone from the Buckeyes' fifth-ranked defense (281.3 ypg), so OSU is counting on Pitcock and DT David Patterson (four sacks, 7.5 TFLs) to lead the nasty. "Combination-wise, they're as good as any two inside guys we've ever had," says defensive coordinator Jim Heacock. Ohio State loves how Pitcock, a 6-foot-3, 300-pounder with a 36-inch vert, plugs holes and runs down screens with his 4.95 speed. "Quinn's very explosive and holds our point of attack," Heacock says. "He's just not out there telling everyone about it." Hey, better to look smart than sound stupid. -- Liam McHugh

Deep Impact

Yes, the statement raises eyebrows, but RBs coach Dick Tressel still likens monster recruit Chris Wells to a legend. "He really reminds me of Jim Brown," Tressel says. "Not just the size, but also the running style." Example: On his first carry this spring, the 6-1, 225-pound Wells bowled over a tackler on a seven-yard run. Better still, with Antonio Pittman (1,331 yards in 2005) back, Ohio State won't need Wells to be Jim Brown right away.
Enemy Lines

"The Troy Smith-Vince Young comparisons are legit. He's a nightmare to plan for … Pittman's overshadowed, but he's great … They always have a good D-line, and Pitcock might be the best lineman in the Big Ten … They'll just plug in stars on the rest of the defense … OLB James Laurinaitis was a true freshman in 2005, but he got our attention. He flew around the field like a blur last year and made plenty of big plays … MLB John Kerr could also be special."
Let's Ask Bristol

Will Ohio State make better use of Ted Ginn Jr. this year?
Yes. He's improved quite a bit as a receiver. Ginn's much better at running routes and in coverage recognition. And Ohio State has a package called the Shot Ginn, where he lines up beside Smith and takes direct snaps or handoffs, or just acts as a decoy. Expect to see Shot Ginn again this year. He'll also return kicks again, and don't be surprised if Ohio State sneaks him in at DB. -- Chris Spielman
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Top 25 Countdown: No. 2 Ohio State
Print this article | Comments on this article: 33

Posted: August 16, 2006

By Matt Hayes
Sporting News

A quick-hit look at the 2006 Ohio State Buckeyes:


Jim Tressel's conservative philosophy of running the ball, playing tough defense and being sound in special teams is going to take a hit. There will be more spread formations and more of quarterback Troy Smith creating and free-lancing. Running back Antonio Pittman is a speedy, powerful slasher. The offensive line could be Ohio State's best in Tressel's tenure.


The Buckeyes play fast and active, and Jim Heacock's defense is based on the front four supplying pressure and funneling plays to quick, aggressive linebackers. The front seven lacked speed off the edge last season and needs an upgrade at end. There won't be a significant drop-off at linebacker, even with A.J. Hawk, Bobby Carpenter and Anthony Schlegel gone. No group grew as much in the spring as the secondary.


With each season, the button-down Tressel is becoming more multiple with his offensive game plan, and the results are impressive. And he continues to keep a cohesive staff despite losing numerous assistants to head coaching jobs and/or NFL gigs.


I don't think QB Troy Smith is a very good thrower, but he could play for me. I'd take him tomorrow. … All those linebackers are gone, but they typically reload at Ohio State. … RB Antonio Pittman is a really good back. I think he has really grown in the program. … I'm not so sure about Jim Tressel getting criticized for not using WR Ted Ginn enough. You can't be predictably good at getting the ball to a receiver. If you have that guy lined up at running back, it's a little different.


With the potential talent of the offense, another strong effort by the rehabbed defense will have the Buckeyes playing for the national title. The September game at Texas is huge. Penn State and Michigan come to the Horseshoe.


Sept. 2 Northern Illinois
Sept. 9 at Texas
Sept. 16 Cincinnati
Sept. 23 Penn State
Sept. 30 at Iowa
Oct. 7 Bowling Green
Oct. 14 at Michigan State
Oct. 21 Indiana
Oct. 28 Minnesota
Nov. 4 at Illinois
Nov. 11 at Northwestern
Nov. 18 Michigan


Stadium: Ohio (grass, 101,568)
Site: Columbus, Ohio
Coach: Jim Tressel (50-13, 5 years; 9th at school)
Offensive coordinator: Jim Bollman (6th season)
Defensive coordinator: Jim Heacock (2nd year, 11th at school)
Offensive scheme: Multiple
Defensive scheme: 4-3
Last league title won: 2005 (tie)
Last year not in a bowl: 1999
2005 record: 10-2, 7-1/T1st Big Ten

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that info overload reminded me of the stick the sleepers hand into warm water trick. i feel the need to insert the entire new york phone directory in here.

i guess ill settle for a recap haha.

:oh: :io:
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