Nice write up Ryno. Clarity is the owner/creator, but if he doesn't get back to you soon let me know. I think I need to refute a few of your points

Nothing to say about the offense, since I am not familar with yours at all, BUT I must take acception to this:
WR: D'Juan Woods might be the BEST receiver in the NCAA. Yes, again, might be the BEST in the NCAA. The guy learned from his big brother, Rashaun, and is faster and has as good of hands as his big-bro. D'Juan is about 6'3 220 pounds. He has 'jump ball' hands and is almost unstoppable. His average per catch is amazing: 22.41 yards per catch. That's the 2nd best average in the country this year.
We have two receivers that would love to challenge for that title and I think Braylon Edwards is the best WR this year htough (hurts me to say that). Santonio Holmes and Tedd Ginn Jr. I am sure you will be familiar with them by the time the game rolls around. This site will have an excellent write up on the game as well so keep checking back.
For some reason, we run the 4-2-5 and get burnt in the secondary. We are the KINGS OF 3RD DOWNS! You have a 3rd and 16? NO PROBLEM! Our defensive backs will give you a 20 yard cusion!!! Tech was something like 14 for 19 on 3rd downs (no kidding) in our final game. Horrible. BUT, teams don't score that much on us. Tech really was kept under 20 by our defense, if it wasn't for our poor offensive play calling, we win that game.
DL: Decent DL, not great. We have a couple of big men in the middle... and some decent ends, but we will rarely get to a QB. They are really young, and we lost one of our top players this year due to 'personal' reasons.
Lol, your defense sounds like ours. Plays lights out first two downs and gives up whatever the opposing teams needs on third. We did get better at this later in the season (that can be said about most our team), but it's still frustrating. I think Running a 4-2-5 might be a problem for our QB, Troy Smith, who is a running QB, but make no mistake he has a cannon.
Our Offense this year has been jsut a bit different thatn we are used to here at tOSU. Worst runing season for us in a loong time. Our best rusher is our freshman Pittman who shared time with 2 seniors. We have added alot of passing and QB draws to our playbook this year, for good reason, to fit our personel.
As to our Special Teams, look no further than Mike Nugent (best kicker in the land, no question) and our freshman sensation Tedd Ginn Jr. (took 4 kicks back for touchdowns and didn't become full time until later in the season).
All in all I am excited for this game, much happier to play the
Other OSU (oOSU? I think I coined a phrase for round here) than TT since we recently played them.