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#12 Ohio State 79 , #16 Michigan State 68 (Final)

Illinois was our signature win last year; this win tonight could very well be our signature win this year. We've got to take care of business down the stretch, but there is no question this has been a hell of a season; you can't help but to be proud of the year these seniors are putting together. Great win.
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Havent missed a game. Lacking a few key aspects this year. But dont turn it all negative, wasnt my intention.

Im on to ya.

I think with the right draw in the tourney, we could pull it off.

We have great guard play, as you have to have in March and we have a good post game with Dials, as long as he can stay out of foul touble.

So I see no reason why OSU would be lacking much of anything.
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Oh and I am callin it right now...........as long as everything falls into place like it should, meaning no NCAA interfernce, Matta doesnt leave *bites tongue*, recruit troubles, etc.........this team has a legit shot at a championship next year.

I say this with a certain lattitude of confidence.....why would Matta leave? He's got this program on the verge of greatness........if he would leave he'd have to rebuild, under much greater pressure at IU. OSU's hoops team has been a sleeping giant for some time now, it's about time a great coach finally tapped into the potential here in Columbus.
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Great win, but...

That Michigan State team is rail thin outside of Davis, Brown, and Ager. Each of those guys averages 18 pts/gm and Neitzel puts up 9. With Trannon out, the next closest is somewhere in the neighborhood of about 2. Needless to say, they have no depth. I think that really affected them at the end of the game. The key to beating them at home was not letting them pull away at the beginning of the second half. That's what they usually do at home.

I know, I know. Why do I always have to be so negative? I am being positive I swear. But this win does not put Ohio State in elite status....yet.

The Buckeyes still have rebounding problems, but if they can continue to make the 3s and get consistent minutes from Dials, they're capable of beating just about anybody despite that deficiency.
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Could they win it? Sure why not. Do I personally think they have enough to do it this year? Naa. But hell I sure wont argue with anybody who does.

I say this with a certain lattitude of confidence.....why would Matta leave?

I totally agree. 100% paranoia on my part. He always said that IU was his dream job. I dont think he'll leave. In fact there is no part of me that thinks he will, it's just in the back of your mind. You see what he is doing with this team, then think what he could do with a better team............yikes :biggrin:

Alright I cant just say that I see them lacking a few things without mentioning them, so here goes. And remember, I am not being negative in the slightest, just making discussion.

1. They lack agressiveness underneath, including Dials. He needs to go up with more authority. That means blocking shots also, not just shooting and rebounding.

2. Lack a real great ball handler. Butler is good, and improving every game, but we dont have that guy who can cross someone over and take it to the hoop.

3. Missing way too many easy shots inside the arc. They can rain 3's like no team I have ever seen, and are so mediocre from medium range. I still cant figure that one out at all :biggrin:

They are doing so well because of great coaching, great fundamentals, and ungodly 3 point shooting. I am just sayin that it will carry you only so far. You see what happens when the 3's arent falling. If you dont, see example's 1, 2, and 3. Home against scUM lite, At Iowa, At Wiscy.
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Matta will stay. He's gotten major recruits to come to tOSU, he's turned around a team that's not his guys and made them work with his system. There's only a few more steps that he could take to make this team better, and to be more loved as a head coach- and that would be a Big Ten title (certainly possible this year) and a National Title. tOSU can support a basketball team- look at the home attendance this season. Basketball isn't the insane thing that football is, but still, we've been selling out games (MSU, Wisconsin, Illinois, and I'm sure this Saturday against Michigan)... as well as getting good coverage, both locally and nationally. If you've been to a big game this year, you know that the atmosphere at the Schott has been good at times, but does need improvement. It's mostly the fault of the VCA crew, and Athletics... with putting students all over, and not putting them on the floor all around the court.

OSU will always be well-followed, and while basketball is a second sport, and will never be the top- but it will be followed very closely.

There's no reason for Matta to leave, other then to hold his "dream job". And I don't think that we'd let him leave (he is under contract) anyways, especially to another Big Ten rival.

And what's with all the worries about the NCAA inquisitions? scUM had a far worse offense (actually paying all of the Fab Five, come on...) and they only got a one-year tourney ban. Sure, we might have to give up some championships, forfeit some games. But after a self-imposed one-year ban for a player that had no influence on the games played, we'll be fine.

But I digress... I'm just glad that I'll be able to go to every single tourney game (yay for being old and in the band).
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