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'10 OH OL Matt James (Notre Dame Signee - RIP)

Just to piggyback the last few posts, I agree and I have a theory about why that has been happening this year.

I don't think its the perception of OSU as boring or whatever that a lot of people seem to think.

In my opinion, the real problem is that this OSU recruiting class is lacking leaders and lacking an identity. I cannot remember a single article where a recruit has talked about helping recruit other guys to play with him at OSU. Think back to Brewster, Stoneburner and those guys 2 years ago. Or guys like Simon and Klein last year. That just isn't there this year. I think it was especially apparent at the US Army game where we didn't have a single committed player who could help recruit a guy like James for OSU. That extra little push and knowing a guy who you would be playing with can make all the difference.

Not to get too far off topic, but I really hope we get Braxton Miller committed early for 2011 and that he is willing and able to take on a leadership role in his class and help out the recruiting effort.
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tlinc;1641311; said:
Just to piggyback the last few posts, I agree and I have a theory about why that has been happening this year.

I don't think its the perception of OSU as boring or whatever that a lot of people seem to think.

In my opinion, the real problem is that this OSU recruiting class is lacking leaders and lacking an identity. I cannot remember a single article where a recruit has talked about helping recruit other guys to play with him at OSU. Think back to Brewster, Stoneburner and those guys 2 years ago. Or guys like Simon and Klein last year. That just isn't there this year. I think it was especially apparent at the US Army game where we didn't have a single committed player who could help recruit a guy like James for OSU. That extra little push and knowing a guy who you would be playing with can make all the difference.

Not to get too far off topic, but I really hope we get Braxton Miller committed early for 2011 and that he is willing and able to take on a leadership role in his class and help out the recruiting effort.

I don't think kids recruiting others to their school to these All star games really matters that much. Most of the kids have a sense of where they want to go already, and one of their friends isn't going to determine that too much. More factors than just where someone else is going factor into a kids decision. I think people are making a big deal out of nothing, we're still getting top flight talent to our school, and sure we will lose some battles but we still have won our fair share as well. This recruiting being paid so much attention to is fun, but in the end no one knows what these kids will do once they step on the college field. There have been numbers of players who were "can't miss" guys and didn't last. I'm comfortable so far with our class, and we can still land a couple big fish that are out there. We've filled a number of holes(DL) and created depth a number of positions(WR, RB and QB). CLosing with either or both of James and Henderson would be GREAT, and landing Roby and/or Bryant would be icing on the cake too.
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I could not agree more. You need leaders in the class and this class has none. The kids who reach out to others help build a comfort level. Not all kids are born in a state like OH where there is an easy choice. Heck, Floyd is a perfect example. NE part of the US and knew he wanted to leave. Just not sure where he wanted to go.
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Buckrock;1641563; said:
Let's wait until they get on campus. I'm sure we have some leaders in this group. :oh:

they're talking about leading this class to help the staff recruit other uncommitted players. hinting maybe if we had some players working on floyd to come to tOSU, then we wouldn't have lost him to fla.

back to the subject. lets hope mr. james comes to tOSU and helps lock down the LT spot. :osu:
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Jagdaddy;1640261; said:
At the risk of coming off like a "sky is falling" moron and with no inside knowledge whatsoever, my gut instinct is that James' brain is telling him that OSU is the best choice, but that in his heart he's just not that into OSU. He seems like he is waiting for another school, probably ND, to convince him that they're not just "sexy", but also stable and committed.

I tend to agree with this. He sounds like he's waiting to be convinced that ND will be OK for him then re-commit. He's just not that into us. Never was.
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Taosman;1641637; said:
I tend to agree with this. He sounds like he's waiting to be convinced that ND will be OK for him then re-commit. He's just not that into us. Never was.

I wouldn't go as far as saying James is not into OSU. You have to understand at St Xavier, the coaches really, really push the players to cover all of their bases before choosing a school. St. X has a good relationship with Tressel and the OSU program, so if one of their kids is not interested in OSU, they will not lead them on. If James is still considering OSU at this point of the process, then the interest is legitimate.
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Block-O;1642306; said:
I wouldn't go as far as saying James is not into OSU. You have to understand at St Xavier, the coaches really, really push the players to cover all of their bases before choosing a school. St. X has a good relationship with Tressel and the OSU program, so if one of their kids is not interested in OSU, they will not lead them on. If James is still considering OSU at this point of the process, then the interest is legitimate.

Well, if they're covering all of the bases, he can't possibly lose with OSU in my opinion. Football program aside, the sheer scope of academic options and opportunities at OSU is amazing. Hopefully, he comes to the same conclusion.
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Matt James drops Florida, UC visit next ?
Posted by rernst January 14th, 2010

According to Mike Dyer, who received information from St. Xavier football coach Steve Specht, All-American offensive tackle Matt James has canceled an official visit to Florida and will visit the University of Cincinnati instead. The visit is scheduled for this weekend.

Specht said James has narrowed his list of potential schools to UC, Ohio State and Notre Dame.

He?s scheduled to visit Notre Dame later this month. He already has visited Ohio State.

Cincinnati.Com | Cincinnati Enquirer | High School Sports Blog ? Matt James drops Florida, UC visit next …
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You mean somebody finally didn't go for the "I had a dream and God told me I was going to be your coach" BS? Funny thing is, you would think it would work on the kid coming from the Catholic school who is surrounded by God talk, prayer and church every day. Maybe Urban went to the well one too many times w/ that one and everyone is catching on.....lol

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mendensa;1643378; said:
Funny thing is, you would think it would work on the kid coming from the Catholic school who is surrounded by God talk, prayer and church every day.

Catholic kids typically are much better at detecting religious BS than you're giving them credit for.
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mendensa;1643378; said:
You mean somebody finally didn't go for the "I had a dream and God told me I was going to be your coach" BS? Funny thing is, you would think it would work on the kid coming from the Catholic school who is surrounded by God talk, prayer and church every day. Maybe Urban went to the well one too many times w/ that one and everyone is catching on.....lol


If we stopped at 24, life would still be pretty good this year. Hope you get him and not the Domers.
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