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'10 OH OL Matt James (Notre Dame Signee - RIP)


Recruiting roller coaster leaves St. Xavier standout Matt James undecided
By Mike Dyer ? [email protected] ? January 6, 2010

"It's been brutal," St. Xavier coach Steve Specht early last week in an e-mail. "The recruiting game has changed dramatically and we've rolled with the changes, but I've never seen (a) young man affected more than Matt."
"It's crazy but he's handled it well," Specht said. "We try to counsel our kids on the importance of studying the schools from as many vantage points as possible. They talk to their counselors, research the Internet...but the coach has a huge impact on where they finally decide to go."
"I think I am pretty calm with everything," James said. "(You) sit back and watch what happens. I can't change those things; (you) just deal with them. It's kind of funny, ironic and weird at the same time."
"I've advised Matt to wait until he felt comfortable with his final decision," Specht said. "Obviously Ohio State is the only school that has been consistent from Day One so Matt really has to do his due diligence on the other three."

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"Obviously Ohio State is the only school that has been consistent from Day One so Matt really has to do his due diligence on the other three."

Matt is obviously very concerned about making the right choice. I think the above statement by his coach speaks volumes to the stability and excellence that everyone knows Coach Tressel has brought to THE Ohio State University football program.

It's possible for a kid to make a wrong choice going to some other schools. Coaching changes (which is a real possibility with Florida and Meyers health. The guy just doesn't look well to me), struggling programs (who knows how long it is going to take Kelly to turn around ND. Maybe never) etc., etc.

But at Ohio State, it is as about a sure thing as Matt could possibly hope for. We dominate the Big Ten. We play in BCS game nearly every year. And we are in the running for a NC almost every year. You can't have more of a quality coach than Coach T and that's not even getting into the quality of education, etc. and the scholastic front.

It's GREAT to be a BUCKEYE!!

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X Buckeyes07 X;1636395; said:
Alluded to it earlier after BK left UC, but I'm extremely confident he ends up a Buckeye. Not that I'm really saying anything that hasn't been published at this point.

Always good to hear it from you X. To me it sounds like James is a really good guy that has honestly been torn for awhile. I really do think OSU is a good fit though and it's good to hear, because I thought ND would be tough to beat with Kelly. So is the general impression that James wasn't a huge Kelly fan?
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Notre Dame Football: Recruits warming up to new Irish staff
January 06. 2010 9:01PM

Holding a line?

Offensive lineman Matt James of Cincinnati's St. Xavier High was scheduled to visit Notre Dame in early December for the postseason banquet, but that recruiting visit got wiped out after head coach Charlie Weis was fired. His official visit to ND will now likely come late this month.

Still, a leader may be forming for James, who at one point was down to ND and Cincinnati. And it isn't the Irish.

"I think Ohio State's moved ahead," the 6-8, 290-pound James said, citing coaching changes at Notre Dame and Cincinnati, along with the uncertainty at Florida.

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Scout $ - James Leaning
By Jeff Baumhower
Posted Jan 9, 2010

Video interview after the US Army AA game... Getting ready for this OVs to Cincy, Florida, & Notre Dame... Could decide before signing day but not until he's taken all 3 visits... Ohio State has a slight lead...
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Two players OSU recruited choose to go elsewhere
Sunday, January 10, 2010 3:40 AM
By Tim May

Now, thoughts turn to the last three weeks of the recruiting season, which culminates Feb. 3, the first day national letters of intent may be signed.

At the top of Ohio State's list will be two offensive linemen who also played in yesterday's game, Seantrel Henderson of St. Paul, Minn., and Matt James of Cincinnati Xavier. The 6-8, 300-pound Henderson is the No. 1 overall prospect in the country, according to Rivals.com, He has been likened to former Ohio State tackle Orlando Pace, who started as a freshman.

His top six schools, in no particular order, are considered to be Ohio State, Southern California, Notre Dame, Florida, the University of Miami and Oklahoma. He is not expected to announce his decision until Feb. 3.
James is still considering four schools -- Ohio State, Notre Dame, Florida and Cincinnati, in no particular order -- and has not said when he will decide.

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At the risk of coming off like a "sky is falling" moron and with no inside knowledge whatsoever, my gut instinct is that James' brain is telling him that OSU is the best choice, but that in his heart he's just not that into OSU. He seems like he is waiting for another school, probably ND, to convince him that they're not just "sexy", but also stable and committed.
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"James, who is 6 feet 8 and 290 pounds, said he plans to take visits to Florida (Jan. 16), UC (Jan. 21) and Notre Dame (Jan. 29). He took an official visit to Ohio State on Dec. 12.

I wouldn't get excited about him just yet.
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Jagdaddy;1640261; said:
At the risk of coming off like a "sky is falling" moron and with no inside knowledge whatsoever, my gut instinct is that James' brain is telling him that OSU is the best choice, but that in his heart he's just not that into OSU. He seems like he is waiting for another school, probably ND, to convince him that they're not just "sexy", but also stable and committed.
Quite honestly, that's exactly how I feel about it, too. His comments about OSU were great and all that--but has he come out and said that he "loved" us, or loved us more than the other schools he's considering? It seems like his comments are more saying "tOSU makes more sense than other schools"... Which is great and all that, but the heart has got to be there, and I'm not sure it is. Hopefully it is of course.
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Well said. I'll be the next person to agree with you guys. I had the same thought earlier this morning. He continues to say OSU, OSU, OSU. But nothing he says makes you really think that he loves Ohio State. He has us @ the top but it's like he's waiting for someone to convince him that things will be alright @ the other schools he's considering and he isn't making a bad decision if he doesn't attend OSU. Once he finds that reason or a coach to convince him of that, OSU won't be in the lead any longer. I see him @ ND after all the smoke clears. Would have really liked to get both him and Henderson in this class. I'd take either @ this point after the week we just had in recruiting.

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