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'10 OH OL Matt James (Notre Dame Signee - RIP)


Ohio: College football recruiting takes spotlight as Kelly moves to Notre Dame
Former Cincinnati coach Brian Kelly takes over at Notre Dame today. Monday, December 14, 2009
By: Mike Dyer

St. Xavier senior offensive lineman Matt James (6-7, 290 pounds) plans to take an official visit to Florida on Saturday (Dec. 19). James is also considering Cincinnati, Ohio State and Notre Dame. ?

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Scout $ - James Likes ND Hire
This story originally published on IrishEyes.com

By Jeff Baumhower
Posted Dec 14, 2009

Has talked with Kelly since his hire... Thinks he's a great & "fiery" coach... The Kelly hire helps ND but he's still open to his top schools... If Cincy hires Jeff Quinn (current interim), it will help their chances... Liked his OSU visit & pushed his Florida visit back to Jan...
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Notre Dame football: Cincy coaches mum on Irish recruits
Story Created: Dec 14, 2009 at 10:50 PM EST

Two Cincinnati high school coaches Monday could not deliver good news on two prep recruits Notre Dame is courting for the class of 2010.

But they also did not deliver any bad news on the yet-to-be-determined final decisions of Moeller quarterback Andrew Hendrix and St. Xavier offensive lineman Matt James.

Specht, who watched the former Bearcat coach and his staff recruit James against the likes of Ohio State and Florida, has this to say about Kelly's recruiting:

"He made the University of Cincinnati a name to be considered right up there with Ohio State, and that has never happened since I have been involved in high school football in Cincinnati going back to when I was a player."

James, a 6-foot-7, 285-pound offensive linemen, is the kind of player, Specht said, "who can play on Sundays."

"He's a great kid who works as hard in practice as he does in the games," he added. His earlier visit was to have occurred the weekend after Weis was fired. That visit never took place. Notre Dame, Ohio State, Florida, and Kelly's former school, Cincinnati, are the final four for James. He has only visited Ohio State, Specht said. He is still trying to set up a visit to Florida and spoke to Kelly recently and plans to set up a visit soon at Notre Dame.

"The sky's the limit for that young man," Specht said. But his decision on college could still be quite a ways off. "Right now he is just trying to regain his bearings," Specht said. "I don't think he is going to make his decision until signing day."
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FOOTBALL: St. Xavier senior offensive lineman Matt James will take an official visit to Florida the weekend of Jan. 16. James, who is expected to play in the U.S. Army All-American Bowl next month, had originally scheduled an official visit to Florida for this weekend.

James, who is one of the nation's top uncommitted recruits from the 2010 class, could also soon be taking official visits to UC and Notre Dame.

James, who is 6 feet 7 and 290 pounds, is considering schools that include (no particular order) Florida, UC, Ohio State and Notre Dame.

Moeller sets baseball academy | cincinnati.com | Cincinnati.Com
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Ohio: Football players evaluate recruiting options
Some Cincinnati commits considering college visits in January.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
By: Mike Dyer

3. James wants to visit Gainesville: Cincinnati St. Xavier senior offensive lineman Matt James plans to take an official visit to Florida on Jan. 16, according to the Enquirer. James is also considering upcoming official visits to Cincinnati and Notre Dame. James, who is 6-7 and 290 pounds, is considering schools that include Cincinnati, Notre Dame, Florida and Ohio State on his final list.

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OhioState001;1633928; said:
He said OSU leads at the AA press conference. Says he loves Bollman and Tressel and OSU is the only team without questions.

Yeah, although he said it was a "slight edge" but hey, better than nothing.

The coaching stability is a huge thing with him, and obviously OSU is as secure as it will get.

I don't expect him to head our way, but if he does it sure would be one might tasty crow to eat! James, Henderson and Norwell............. :2004:
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bigdog3300;1633933; said:
Yeah, although he said it was a "slight edge" but hey, better than nothing.

The coaching stability is a huge thing with him, and obviously OSU is as secure as it will get.

I don't expect him to head our way, but if he does it sure would be one might tasty crow to eat! James, Henderson and Norwell............. :2004:

If you wanna talk about quality over quanity, that's a heck of an example. That would be an outstanding haul.
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