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'10 OH OL Matt James (Notre Dame Signee - RIP)

BigJim;1618457; said:
Who's not "chilled out"? I'm pretty sure everyone knows our program would go on without James. The Kelly hiring is a huge development in the Matt James recruitment. Of course it's going to get brought up in this thread.

Yes, it is relevant. I've just got the feel from some on this board and others that people are already penciling him in as a Domer and writing the tombstone for our 2010 class. We're fine. I think we're in as good of shape with James as we were before. ND may have a better look at him now but we have no clue.
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southcampus;1618528; said:
Yes, it is relevant. I've just got the feel from some on this board and others that people are already penciling him in as a Domer and writing the tombstone for our 2010 class. We're fine. I think we're in as good of shape with James as we were before. ND may have a better look at him now but we have no clue.

I don't think anyone has written a tombstone on anything. All a lot of us are saying is that Kelly to NoD is pretty major(at least it seems) recruitment edge for them. He already liked Kelly and was quite interested in ND. Not saying we're out of it at all but it just seems like he may favor ND now. Just my opinion and I'm sure several others. And no it doesn't mean our class is over with if he commits there.
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Where is the proof that he liked Kelly? He liked Cinci because his dad played there, his high school QB is going there and it is close to home. He might have also liked Kelly but I doubt it, Kelly seems like such a pompous jerk. Also, maybe James didn't like how Kelly left Cincinnati.

Now, I don't say Notre Dame is not in a better position than a few days ago; any coach is better than the uncertain future of Weis. However, if Notre Dame had signed a coach like Stoops I'd be more worried.
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how he left UC. lol how is he supposed to leave UC? leave them and make sure everyone is ok at UC? UC is a stepping stone when will you fans learn this? The STATE IS A BUCKEYE STATE(tOSU) not bUCkeye state. funny 2 years means you are a good program.
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MUBuck;1618378; said:
Let's hope he catches wind of how Kelly treated his players as he locked up the ND job.
My thoughts exactly.

After the storybook year his program has gone through, how can you not reap the fruits of your labor and go to war with your men against Florida? You'd rather leave behind all of your guys that got you there at the drop of a hat and start recruiting for another team instead??

That rubs me the wrong way and I wouldn't be surprised if that rubs some recruits the wrong way too.
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BuckTwenty;1619001; said:
My thoughts exactly.

After the storybook year his program has gone through, how can you not reap the fruits of your labor and go to war with your men against Florida? You'd rather leave behind all of your guys that got you there at the drop of a hat and start recruiting for another team instead??

That rubs me the wrong way and I wouldn't be surprised if that rubs some recruits the wrong way too.

Why is all your concern spent on the UC players? What about the Notre Dame players? They need someone to coach them during their bowl game, too.
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sepia5;1619030; said:
Why is all your concern spent on the UC players? What about the Notre Dame players? They need someone to coach them during their bowl game, too.

My post was more about how he told his players he wasn't leaving to their faces as he was negotiating his contract with ND, and then instead of being the first to know he was leaving (like BK said they would be), he basically gave his players a courtesy wave as took off in the U-haul. I know you were only half-serious, but not coaching UC for the bowl game is a non-issue in my eyes.
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Hope springs eternal

I hope Matt James wants to be a Buckeye.

Next year is the last year for five OL - Andy Miller, Justin Boren, Bryant Browning, Connor Smith and Josh Kerr. This year we lose Jim Cordle and Andy Moses. A total of seven OL being gone.

So there is a great opportunity for offensive lineman. So I'll get off his back because Matt must make his own decision in peace after he does all his visits.

But it's obvious that he has great backing/love from Buckeye fans.
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MUBuck;1619060; said:
My post was more about how he told his players he wasn't leaving to their faces as he was negotiating his contract with ND, and then instead of being the first to know he was leaving (like BK said they would be), he basically gave his players a courtesy wave as took off in the U-haul. I know you were only half-serious, but not coaching UC for the bowl game is a non-issue in my eyes.

I actually wasn't serious at all. I'm just really pleased by Notre Dame's suffering and mediocrity.
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WiseBuck;1619069; said:
I hope Matt James wants to be a Buckeye.

Next year is the last year for five OL - Andy Miller, Justin Boren, Bryant Browning, Connor Smith and Josh Kerr. This year we lose Jim Cordle and Andy Moses. A total of seven OL being gone.

So there is a great opportunity for offensive lineman. So I'll get off his back because Matt must make his own decision in peace after he does all his visits.

But it's obvious that he has great backing/love from Buckeye fans.

Matt was quoted as saying that he has seen the the depth chart and likes it.
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buckny;1619859; said:
$ bucknuts

"James was impressed with the Ohio State football facilities as well as the academic facilities. He plans to major in business and definitely liked what he saw of the Fisher College of Business"

As a business major myself, our business facilities are some of the best in the country. I'm glad he was impressed with what he saw.
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