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#1 Ohio State 67, #2 Georgetown 60 (Final)

OregonBuckeye;800286; said:
I don't think we win without Conley.

Could not agree more OBuck. I know we have a championship game to think about before we award a season MVP, but ask yourself this question.

"Could we survive almost an entire half of basketball with Conley on the bench with 2 fouls in the first 2 minutes?"

I just pray that Mike Conley Sr. becoming a sports agent is not a sign that Monday night will be Junior's last night in scarlet and grey.
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PrincetonBuckeye;800294; said:
But Lighty stepped up at the end....which is when most MVP's are selected, but Conleys' consistent play throughout the game, is why I thought he was the MVP....but what the hell do I know..:biggrin:
Lighty had some on-ball / with-ball plays down the stretch, but all game (25 minutes) he harassed and locked down the Big East's MOP off-ball.

Conley is always our most indispensable player (and a worthy choice tonight and every night), but erasing the x-factor (according to many) in tonight's game earns Lighty the nod for me.
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Lighty had some on-ball / with-ball plays down the stretch, but all game (25 minutes) he harassed and locked down the Big East's MOP off-ball.

Conley is always our most indispensable player (and a worthy choice tonight and every night), but erasing the x-factor (according to many) in tonight's game earns Lighty the nod for me.
Great point..I am just amazed of leadership of Conley. As a Freshman he is as mature as a senior....He is truely indespensible......His knowledge of the game is amazing...I guess I'm biased towards him...

They should be co-MVP's.....
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I go back to a thread I started earlier this week... how does the more aggressive team manage to get in less foul trouble than the other team... and how did Noah NOT get a T for that little tantrum he threw at the end of the first half?
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Tresselbeliever;800307; said:
Never have I seen a freshman that inspires as much confidence in his teammates as Mike Conley. His picture should be next to the definition of a floor general.

Absolutely, he is the Troy Smith of this team. I love that we are getting a rematch of the earlier season game, as well as another shot at FL in a NC game.

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Conley is the man.. Does anyone else think the turning point of the game was when Thompson kept Hibbert in the game even though Oden was out, then Hibbert makes a stupid foul on Hunter and all the sudden Oden comes in and dominates. I thought Hibbert getting his 4th foul is when OSU was at such a huge advantage.. GO BUCKS!
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Some great pics:





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