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#1 Ohio State 65, Michigan 61 (Final)

jimotis4heisman;764311; said:
major key to the game: the team who scores more points will win this game...

As always, the only analysis anyone really needs. But beyond that, here's a few other things I want to see in this game:

  1. The Buckeyes containing Dion Harris. He went 6-of-11 (2-of-3 on his 3's) for 14 points against OSU last time. He was 7-of-14 (2-of-7 from behind the arc) against MSU tonight for 24 points. If he's missing from outside like he did against the Spartans and Oden and Hunter can keep him from getting anything inside, that'd be good.
  2. A more typical interior matchup than the last time. Oden only shot two(!) free throws against Michigan last game. Meanwhile, Courtney Sims was going 8-of-14 for 17 points for Michigan. There's no good reason for Sims to have as good a game as Oden. I don't think it'll happen again. Sims hasn't started the past couple games for Michigan for some reason, but he still gets plenty of playing time, and I expect Oden to get the best of him this time.
  3. Lots of shots for Oden. Not just this game, but every game. Plenty of people have been saying he needs more touches, and I agree with them. Big, talented center + ball = points.
  4. A big game from Conley. I think he's ready to come into his own and make it clear to the rest of the country that this team is more than just Greg Oden, and against Michigan is a great time to start.
But, all that aside, a win is all I really want. I've complained about this team winning ugly against teams, but I won't complain about a win over Michigan, no matter how ugly.
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My prediction :p

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I don't know why but this game just scares the hell out of me. Maybe it's just because it is scum and it is up there. I will be really worried if Tommy throws up a zone at the beginning of the game and our 3s do not fall.

However, after saying that, I worry about every game.
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Don't worry, LitlBuck. Something like 100 teams have been to the NCAA since TSUN went last time. There's a lot riding on this game. It's very important to them. And Amaker's role model isn't about to let him forget what Wolvereenies do when it's all on the line...


"Choke now. It's the right thing to do..."

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