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#1 Ohio State 65, Michigan 61 (Final)

Bob.Barker;765574; said:
My prediction :p


:lol: :slappy: :groove:
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Good God man!!


Honestly, we never want to lose a game, especially to Scum but, if we have to lose another one this season I'd rather it be this one than any other. In that same breath, Buck'em!
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Time to plant seed in committee?s mind
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Bob Baptist

The No. 1 ranking is a target on their backs, coach Thad Matta told his players this week.
It also is a reminder that the Ohio State men?s basketball team has one more thing to do before the NCAA Tournament.
"Number one seed in the NCAA," senior Ron Lewis said. "That?s the main goal, and to get that, we can?t lose." Ranked No. 1 for the first time in 45 years and undisputed Big Ten champions for the second year in a row, the Buckeyes (26-3, 14-1) have at least two and as many as four games remaining before the NCAA Tournament field is announced March 11.

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