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#1 Ohio State 65, Michigan 61 (Final)

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When I moved back here from GA a little over a year ago, my best friend and I got an apartment. He is a true TSUN fan. Needless to say, there's tension in the house leading up to any tOSU/scUM game. I need the Bucks to win ANY game we play against those sunsabitches!


C'mon Bucks, win by fifty!!!
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OSUsushichic;769481; said:
My brother's roommate is a huge scUM fan as well. He displays a scUM helmet in their living room. My bro often throws it out the door and into the front yard. :lol:

Classic. :lol:

We have a flag hanging over our couch in the living room...


Btw sushi, If I would throw any of his scUM stuff outside, or he threw any of my tOSU items, there would be an all-out brawl.
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BUCKYLE;769478; said:
When I moved back here from GA a little over a year ago, my best friend and I got an apartment. He is a true TSUN fan. Needless to say, there's tension in the house leading up to any tOSU/scUM game. I need the Bucks to win ANY game we play against those sunsabitches!


C'mon Bucks, win by fifty!!!

He should be the one dying for a victory, any victory. We've been on a weasel hunt the past 3 years in football and Bball thats unparalleld.

Who's got the dates for the last time we lost to scUM in either sport? I know it was 11/03 for football and sometime in '04 for Bball. In any case its been a long fucking time, I'm not sure how you can let a scUM fan talk at all.
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We have to step up our play today because scUM will be playing not only for their seniors, but for a bid in the big dance. I still think we will be fine but scUM has a decent defense, but we have an explosive offense, so i think we will be fine.
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Jaxbuck;769508; said:
He should be the one dying for a victory, any victory. We've been on a weasel hunt the past 3 years in football and Bball thats unparalleld.

Who's got the dates for the last time we lost to scUM in either sport? I know it was 11/03 for football and sometime in '04 for Bball. In any case its been a long fucking time, I'm not sure how you can let a scUM fan talk at all.

Eh, his brother and him are my two best friends. They have been for over ten years. They never rubbed it in during the 90's when they had every right to. We really don't talk too much shit to each other. And trust me, even if he wanted to, I'd remind him why he shouldn't. That being said, if this scUM team beat this OSU team, I'm sure I'd catch some shit.
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