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'09 KY ATH Justin Green (Illinois Signee)

buckeyboy;1353004; said:
It just seems like he does not want to come to tOSU. You don't verbal to a school and then say "Hey, I'm going to announce my selection on NLOID". I hope we're not going to be in for a fall.

I honestly thought a bunch of kids did just that. Not every kid verbals and chills out and waits to sign. And the staff is fine with him taking other visits, matter of fact that's their way of recruiting to make sure the recruit is 100% a buckeye.
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pnuts34;1353008; said:
I honestly thought a bunch of kids did just that. Not every kid verbals and chills out and waits to sign. And the staff is fine with him taking other visits, matter of fact that's their way of recruiting to make sure the recruit is 100% a buckeye.

I understand that but just the fact he says that he is announcing on NLOID is very odd. If you've already gone public with where you want to go play football, why announce it again.
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December 14, 2008

Green Gets Up Close With The Buckeyes

By Phil Kornblut
DB Justin Green (5-10 180) of Louisville, KY made his official visit to Ohio State over the weekend. He's been committed to the Buckeyes, and after this visit, Green said it's going to be tough for any other school to turn him. "They would really have to do a lot to take me away from my commitment," Green said. That said, he does plan to give four other schools a shot. He said he probably will visit Kentucky this coming weekend, and he is set to see Clemson January 10th, Alabama on the 17th and Illinois on the 24th. Clemson recruiters Jeff Scott and Charlie Harbison visited Green last week and he expects a return visit at some point.
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