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'09 AZ DT Corey Adams (Arizona State Signee)

leroyjenkins;1371334; said:
I thought the adage was : It doesnt matter what a recruit does, but really what he wears!

The only thing that really matters is what school's LOI he signs on Wednesday, February 4, 2009 (or shortly there after).

The "major key" to getting a recruit is to get him to sign your LOI. :biggrin:
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leroyjenkins;1371334; said:
I thought the adage was : It doesnt matter what a recruit does, but really what he wears!
I don't think so. It wasn't word for word, but this is what Bobby Bowden used to say.

reagdog;1371336; said:
True, but I would say the same thing about USC recruiting him. If he was a top target of theirs, wouldn't Petey be more involved trying to sway him to USC?
The one thing I've learned about USC recruiting is, Petey doesn't need to be involved. He's such a good recruiter and sells the system so well. He's probably THE BEST recruiter to ever grace college football.
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From Rivals.com, Corey at the UA All-American game:


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<H1 class=members20pxHed>Ohio State willing to wait beyond signing date for Adams
One of the last things Ohio State coach Jim Tressel did before leaving Phoenix was to let Scottsdale Saguaro defensive tackle Corey Adams know that a scholarship is being held for him if he chooses to wait beyond the Feb.4 letter of intent signing day.
That's what Tressel did last year when he signed quarterback Terrelle Pryor.
"He's handling him just like Pryor," Saguaro football coach John Sanders said. "I'm going to kill the kid if he waits that long."
Adams was pressured in every direction last week in Orlando where he was preparing to play in last Sunday's Under Armour All-American Game. Several of his teammates were Ohio State-bound and were pushing Adams to join them with a Buckeyes commitment.
He wasn't ready. He still is interested in Arizona State, which is putting an all-out recruiting blitz on the 6-foot-3, 280-pound athlete, whose work ethic is second to none.
Adams, however, may not be ready to declare until Feb.4, that's how uncertain he is. Tennessee is making a serious last-ditch run at Adams, but Sanders believes it will come down to ASU, Ohio State and Southern California. USC may have suffered with defensive coordinator Nick Holt leaving for Washington.
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BengalsAndBucks;1375364; said:
But...but...but... its a terrible thing that none of our coordinators are bolting for other jobs!

Only the innovative play callers usually get the calls to go to another school.

On Adams situation, I hope Tressel can pull some magic and get this kid. Going up against Carroll and the success he's pulling out west, it makes you wonder why a kid would come this far out. I believe Tressel is a great man, but the odds are stacked against him on this one.
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USC out of running for Adams
January 9th, 2009,
posted by Kyle Odegard

Five-star defensive tackle Corey Adams has pared down his college choices to Arizona State and Ohio State.

Scottsdale Saguaro?s standout had previously been considering Southern California, but Saguaro coach John Sanders said Friday the Trojans are out of the running.

?S.C. is out,? Sanders said. ?I told Corey to call Pete Carroll and wish best of luck to him.?

Sanders believes the departure of defensive coordinator Nick Holt to Washington played a role, although it wasn?t the only determining factor.

Adams will make his decision on National Letter of Intent signing day, which is Feb. 4.

Ohio State said it would wait past that deadline if Adams still couldn?t decide, but Sanders said that won?t be necessary.

?It won?t happen before, and it won?t happen after,? Sanders said.

Adams has been mum on his choice, though Sanders thinks he is leaning towards Arizona State. Sanders said Adams? father didn?t even know the direction he was leaning.

USC out of running for Adams - VarsityXtra - EastValleyTribune.com
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