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'09 AZ DT Corey Adams (Arizona State Signee)

bobcat84;1371049; said:
credit Buckibill: kid is USC bound according to those at the UA practices (hanging out with USC recruits solely). this was a free board post at Bucknuts.
Not surprised by this, I always felt this was and uphill battle. Don't know if anybody caught it last night when they showed the skills challenge, but before Corey ran the drill he said into the camera "three peat". An obvious reference to USC's Rose Bowl three-peat a day earlier.
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Buckeye Nut;1371087; said:
Not surprised by this, I always felt this was and uphill battle. Don't know if anybody caught it last night when they showed the skills challenge, but before Corey ran the drill he said into the camera "three peat". An obvious reference to USC's Rose Bowl three-peat a day earlier.

Didn't catch that, but USC doesn't suprise me at all for Corey.
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Buckeye Nut;1371087; said:
Not surprised by this, I always felt this was and uphill battle. Don't know if anybody caught it last night when they showed the skills challenge, but before Corey ran the drill he said into the camera "three peat". An obvious reference to USC's Rose Bowl three-peat a day earlier.

Or the fact that his HS team just won the last three state championships.
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I don't think Corey has mentioned USC once except for to say that they are in his top 3. Every time he is interviewed, he basically talks about ASU and tOSU. Pete Carroll hasn't given him an in-home visit like he does a lot of guys. I know ASU and tOSU are recruiting him HARD, and it doesn't sound like USC is.

I don't know where he is going, but to say he is a USC lock is crazy. So what if he's hanging out with a bunch of USC recruits at an all-star game? He probably met them on his USC visit and feels more comfortable with them than a bunch of east coast recruits who he has never met before. If Corey isn't willing to tip off anyone where he is leaning, why would he tell some USC recruits he barely knows?
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ant80;1371332; said:
Maybe, but remember the old adage in recruiting... what the recruit says doesn't matter, but what he does really does.

True, but I would say the same thing about USC recruiting him. If he was a top target of theirs, wouldn't Petey be more involved trying to sway him to USC?
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