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'07 FL S Major Wright (Florida signee)

Folks, we've barely had to split any garbage off today...something I am pretty proud of considering the Chernobyl-like meltdown going on in other circles. So let's get this thread back on the discussion of Major.

For future reference, rarely does something get past the entire BPRT for an extended period of time like a new offer or new commitment. Like my boy Mili said, if the thread title still says "Official Offer" you can trust that the player has not committed anywhere yet.
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MililaniBuckeye;708184; said:
Right. Now who would think that if Wright were going to announce in this game that there would be a post--since Dec 15th--saying so, or if he did announce that there would be multiple posts about it and the thread title would've changed... :roll1:

I for one thought that I just wasn't inside your PM clique... was that too much? I'll stop now.:biggrin:
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I for one liked what little I saw...very aggressive . Obviously will need some time at the next level learning the game but has the tools.

I just split off some garbage from this thread after I specifically asked that we not go down that road with the bickering and infighting. Next time dings are going to be handed out.
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All i heard from Major today was when he broke up the pass in the endzone that would have gone for a TD. But all signs point to him being a great safety, as nothing but glowing remarks about his coverage skills from the practices as well.

I think I may have heard the announcers say somehting along of the lines of him being a Jack Tatum-type safety. Hopefully a little forshadowing going on here :).
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Yeah, the announcer mentioned Jack Tatum after a pass break-up, and it was also mentioned that Cris Carter helps coach him at St. Aquinas. They further said that his coach considers him possibly the best athlete to come out of that program, which includes Michael Irvin and, as we know, Nate Salley.

References to Tatum and Carter in one stream of comments. That can't be bad.
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bucknutz;711718; said:
does the loss to Florida push him towards them now?
I'm not going to try to figure out the thought processes of an 18-year old kid, but why would last night's game matter any more than, say, the 1969 Rose Bowl? The championship game is now history, and Major won't be able to celebrate the win if he selects Florida, or be burdened with the loss if he selects Ohio State. It's all about going forward.
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