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'07 FL S Major Wright (Florida signee)


Smith said that could include Hankerson's highly-touted teammate and Aquinas star safety Major Wright, who is considered one of the nation's best at his position. Shannon also met with Wright on Monday night.
''Shannon has definitely made Major reconsider UM,'' Smith said. ``But it's going to be tough. Florida, Ohio State are also after him. Notre Dame and coach Charlie Weis are coming in today to speak to him today. And he's one of heck a recruiter, too.''
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scarletngrey11;708177; said:
yeah that was a real stupid question right?


Right. Now who would think that if Wright were going to announce in this game that there would be a post--since Dec 15th--saying so, or if he did announce that there would be multiple posts about it and the thread title would've changed... :roll1:
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