shameless plug....
DB, if you want to see some film of some other guys osu is recruiting or has signed you can check out the film i shoot in ohio from the past couple of seasons. i do rotate the film often though so there are only 15 minutes of highlights there despite me having hours and hours of clips available.
here is the link:
you do need to sign up for a free sony imagestation account if you want to watch the film. sign up is free, they just ask for an email address and then for you to activate your account by clicking on a link in an email you receive. they have never spammed me yet (and i have bought crap from sony online even). if you have privacy concerns i would recommend setting up a dummy email account on yahoo or hotmail for this activation process and then just forgetting about that free email account so spam and privacy isn't a concern of yours.
i wrote up a FAQ on how to download from imagestation too if it helps here is the link:
i have also helped high school kids and coaches get their film on the net for free. i have only ever had one school respond so far (ohio superpower cleveland st ignatius) but i put up some clips of them on their site for them for no cost at all. that way all the fans can see them in action instead of just the paying subscribers for the corporate sites. i have always had a standing offer to help any high school out in guiding them on how to do it themselves or if they can't for whatever reason doing it for them if they send me the film. one warning here though is garbage in garbage out. if the source tape is low quality so will be the video captures. if you know a coach or whatnot and could get the film i would be more than willing to walk you through the process or cap off a few in my studio if you sent me a tape. i retain no ownership of the film and i don't use it for my site at all. i just post a link to the imagestation archive free for all family and friends to download off of to save the film for themselves.
anyways enough of the shameless plug and back to some football....