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'05 CA OL Kevin Bemoll (California signee)

Ha ha, yeah, but seriously though, I am very disappointed Bemoll had a change of heart and I am sure will have a nice college career, but our OL is still very solid with young players and tons of potential. Rehring, Boone, Cordle, Person and Mitchum. That's what our future looks like. Now, you cannot honestly look at that OL and tell me we have a weak point. Not to mention guys like Datish, Downing, Coleman, Barton and Schafer filling in for quality PT as well. I am not too worried about the OL at all. We also have some nice young prospects for the 2006 class as well. We will be alright. But, good luck Bemoll, have fun wherever you go.
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Bgriff, don't minimize TJ Downing's performance surge in the last two games--many say the aggression this line needed...he is a big reason the offensive line jelled. He'll be a fixture as a starter the next 3 years, I will predict All Big11 honors as well.
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Downing's play the last 3 games of the season was very impressive. Plays hard and with an attitude. Your right, he's going to be a fixture on that line for the next couple of years.

As for Bemoll, how did u get in touch with him Alan? Nobody has been able to get him for the last few days. Im impressed.
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very unlikely that he will be a buckeye....very unlikely...

it is just a decision that a young man has to make and one that we should all just say.....thanks young man....i hope you have a great future and we will root for you....

going 3,000 miles away from home is not for everyone.....we need to understand and accept that.....
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I can understand but...

I think that the timing of his decommitment is horrible. Waiting so late in the recruiting process leaves OSU with no other real option to recruit a player anywhere near his potential. I would assume when he initially made his commitment those types of things were discussed by the coaches. I understand that this is sometimes is a part of recruiting, but just the same his lack of commitment cost us in perception and in talent. He is a young man, and commitment isn't always easy, but he has to share some responsibility of the ramifications that his decommitment (at this late juncture) has caused to this recruiting class.
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I agree with Madvillebuck on this one. I don't begrudge Kevin changing his mind and wanting to stay closer to home, but the timing of that decision couldn't be worse. Two weeks earlier and OSU could have gone back to Taz. It's not just that OSU won't get a third o lineman in this class, it's that another kid who very much wanted to be a Buckeye - and would have been but for Kevin's committment - was shut out.
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madvillebuck said:
I think that the timing of his decommitment is horrible. Waiting so late in the recruiting process leaves OSU with no other real option to recruit a player anywhere near his potential. I would assume when he initially made his commitment those types of things were discussed by the coaches. I understand that this is sometimes is a part of recruiting, but just the same his lack of commitment cost us in perception and in talent. He is a young man, and commitment isn't always easy, but he has to share some responsibility of the ramifications that his decommitment (at this late juncture) has caused to this recruiting class.
While it is rather late in the recruiting process... at least he is not saying this on February 2nd like some have done to us *cough* McGlover *cough*. I respect him for at least making this public and letting Tressel know where he stands. Afterall it is right after the holidays and he could be realizing how much he might miss his family. Plus he has read in local papers about Dwayne Jarrett being homesick.
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Agreed 100%, Piney; the timing was bad, but it could have been worse. Besides, he hasn't committed elsewhere, so the way I look at it, there is still a chance he could end up here, even if it is a small chance.
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It may not be too late to get in on good Oline recruits. Wait until after the AA game. OSU usually gets some visits and offers to 4-5 guys who impress in the game. So it wouldnt be out of the realm of possibility that some of the uncommitted kids show OSU some interest following the game. I remember Abdallah was no where near the radar until that AA was played.
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